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Everything posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Very well spoken Steadygaze. I agree with you. Glad you stopped by to say hi. Love in Jesus, Connie
  2. I am open to doing that. I am on Central standard time.
  3. Preach it, preach it, preach it! Awesome! Totally awesome!
  4. Thanks again to my Lord for your answered prayer! All praise and glory to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Love in Jesus, Connie
  5. Well hey there Hinds Feet! I'm in Oklahoma City. We should meet up for lunch some time. That would be awesome. It is such a small world yes. Love in Jesus, Connie
  6. Congrats my friend, I am so happy for you! You will be an awesome Grandma. Your grandchild will be blessed of the Lord and will walk in his ways! The Lord has his hand on this child. Love in Jesus, Connie
  7. Great news to hear! Praise the Lord! Love in Jesus, Connie
  8. Praise the Lord! That is totally awesome!
  9. Dreamster, You know that your heavenly Father can do all things. He already healed you....stand on the word. Father, we thank you for the healing in Dreamster's hand and thank you Lord the enemy is rebuked in Jesus name and all pain must leave. We give you glory and honor, In Jesus Name! your servant, Connie
  10. I will take a look and I totally agree with your synopsus of the whole situation. I was there before I found my church I am at now. \ God bless, Connie
  11. The hair raiser for me is that if I am being taught wrong about tithe and offering what else are they teaching that is not sound doctrine. What about the other part of the subject such as bulling people into tithing and telling them they can not serve if they don't. That is totally teaching wrong. Jesus did not set those conditions for teaching the word of God. There are churches so legalistic that it causes many to fall away from the faith or not attend church. It is a sad state of affairs if you ask me. The word says we are to be prepared in season and out of season. It also says that people will believe what they want and not adhere to sound doctrine but will hire those who will give their itching ears what they want to hear. It also says that we should stand firm in our faith and endure affliction and teach with all long suffering. We need to stand on the word of truth and not let someone add more to the word or take away from the word of God. Just my thoughts, Connie
  12. Seekingface09, Let me first start by saying this. What I say, I say in love so please understand that it is because I want you to be free that I tell you this. You said you have a lot of good teaching from this person (church) but I think the Lord is showing you that you don't. First and foremost about tithe. This is a much debated issue in the church. The church is not suppose to put demands on your tithe and offering. We are to teach you the truth about tithe and offering and then what you give for tithe or offering is between you and your Father in heaven. The word teaches us to give. Tithe is under the old law and Jesus fulfilled that law. We are to give of our time, talent and our treasure. Do you not think our heavenly Father knows our situation? We live under grace not under the law! Don't let others put you under the law. If we live by the law we die by the law. If we live in grace we die in grace. The word says that if we break one law we have broken them all. That is why Jesus died for us. That grace covers us because we cannot live by the law. And he fulfilled the law for us and took the curse of law upon himself so that we could be free. Am I making any sense? What I am trying to say is that if someone teaches incorrectly about that.....what else are they teaching me? The Lord says to study for yourself the word. Ask the Father what he wants you to do regarding tithe and offering. I think you will be surprised by what you find. You may eventually leave the church because the truth will be revealed to you and there will be a peace about leaving. He is showing you that things may not be as they appear and to take notice and act accordingly. I pray I have been of help to sort this out. I do not interpret but give my thoughts as lead of the Holy Spirit. We give and understand only in part. Please pray on what I have said. Love in Jesus, Connie
  13. Congrats and I am so happy for you. God is so good all the time. Even when we can't understand it he is working for us. He blessed me this morning so much. My car battery went dead and I was like I don't have enough money to a get a new one. Well my Father in heaven has enough and he had someone bless me with the exact amount I needed. God is soooooooooooo goood. Love in Jesus, Connie
  14. Good morning to you as well. God bless and keep you and may the blood of Jesus wash over you and bring you peace.
  15. Seekingface09, I totally understand the question. I believe that we have very little authority over the church. Now by that I mean that I believe that God has all of the authority in the Church. We, those of us who are in leadership are but the vessel to share God's word with the people. We are there to set the example. All power and authority belong to him. I believe we can call on his power and his authority to do the work that He has called for us to do. We are held to a higher accountability for their salvation and spiritual condition but I just never thought of having authority over them. These are just my thoughts. I hope they help. Love in Jesus, Connie PS Awesome question to ponder on by the by.
  16. Father, We thank you for our sister in Christ and thank you Lord for divine protection over her. We plead the blood of Jesus over her right now. Father we also thank you that you are muting the mouth of the enemy and forbidding him to speak. We also render them unable to take any action whether verbal, written, physical against here in Jesus name. We thank you for your peace which is washing over her right now. Father we give you praise, honor, and glory in Jesus name, Amen your servant, Connie
  17. Hopefully yes. A simple throat culture or blood test can get the answer. Seems to me they did a throat culture to rule out strep throat. I was very tired for about 2 weeks. No matter what I did I just could not stay awake. I will be praying for you. Love in Jesus, Connie
  18. Father, I come into agreement with my sister Christa and Lola and also plead the blood of Jesus over Christa and her daughter. I also come against the enemy right now and tell him to get his spirit of fear and intimidation off of Christa right now and I render you mute and useless. You must leave now in Jesus name. We place you into a lockbox and command the angels now to take you to the feet of Jesus for judgement. In Jesus name we loose the power of Jesus peace and wisdom over these people and thank you that the police will help them in any way possible. They are there to serve and protect Father....that is why you placed them there in those jobs and we believe that you already have this planned out for your perfect will to be done in this situation. Father thank you for your protection and your guidance. We give you praise, honor and glory for all you are doing and about to do in this situation. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. your servant, Connie
  19. !!!! I'm very proud of you for stepping out in faith and I will be happy to touch and agree with you. Father God, We lift up our sister in Christ, Linda and say thank you Lord for stretching her. Thank you Lord for opening every open opportunity in the sale to deliver the message of Jesus, even if it is praising him and bragging on him. People will be drawn to the need and feel compelled to give and to you we owe the thanks and praise. Father I also lift up the two that are sick and thank you Lord that everything happens for a reason and a purpose. We don't always see that but we trust you have a perfect plan for them both. We entrust them into your care. Father thank you for being so awesome and so sweet. We pray these things in Jesus name, Amen. Your servant, Connie
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