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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. What I like about this is your decision to express your forgiveness to this person. Do you realize that people are like that because there are things going on in their life that they don't know how to express? They feel bad so they reach out and try to make others feel bad. Your maturity Jasmine, is mind boggling. Your ability to express yourself in words feels my heart with such joy and happiness for you. God is going to use you mightily and your voice will be heard by those in your generation. Blessings to you!!!
  2. Hi Ja1721... I just wanted to applaude you for being so transparent. Transparency will take you a LONG way in your life. Let me say this to you...what you focus on, will become more apparent in your life. The more you focus on Jesus, the less you will focus on the other stuff or even the things that are tempting you. God loves you...His love doesn't fail nor does it stop just because you are having this issue. Continue taking it to Him and even if you fall, YOU WILL get back up again. I'm not going to tell you NOT to do it because telling someone NOT to do something doesn't help...it just brings on a never ending cycle of the same stuff over and over again. What I am going to tell you TO DO is spend lots of time in prayer. When those temptations hit you, run to the arms of your Heavenly Father. He's not this "big man" sitting in heaven with a gavel ready to hit you over the head because you messed up...He's a loving and merciful Father who is LONGING for you to go to Him so He can help. When you go to Him, picture yourself falling into His arms and watch how the temptation begins to subside. Jesus, our High Priest, KNOWS what we go through. He was tempted too, while here on earth so he Knows EXACTLY how you are feeling. Let him know when its too much to handle and He will help you. I'm a 43 year old single woman and I KNOW those feelings. I've had to push past some temptations myself and it's hard, especially in a world where sex and all that comes with it, is right in front of our faces. What I'm telling you are things I DO when I need his help in this area. If I didn't have Him to go to, I would me a hot mess right now. I will be praying for you. Just remember, the remedy to all of this is JESUS. Running to Him when the temptations are at hand. Read your Bible and remember that your body is the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. I'm here for you if you need me. You can Private message me or email me if you need more encouragment...K?
  3. It's interesting that you share the story of Abraham Virtuous because this is the story God gave me WAY back when he first told me about my mate. He told me my husband would be an "Isaac". Little did I know that God was also preparing me for the length of time that I would have to wait for "Isaac" to arrive. Trust me...MANY "Ishmael's" have been so tempting and appealing, but my mind was stuck on "Isaac"...he's GOD'S BEST for ME!!
  4. Yes...LOL!! That always gets me to too. That's why I keep a journal with me at all times. Just ask the Lord to bring things back to your rememberance that He may have said so you can start from there. God is NEVER quiet...NEVER!! So, I'm praying with you that you will hear His voice because you belong to Him...
  5. Thank you Jesus for the supply!!! You are faithful Lord!!
  6. Do you remember what your last set of instructions were? Have you followed through with that? I will be praying for you. God never fails...go to His word because it is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.
  7. OH WOW!!!!!! I am going into prayer right now. May the peace of God that transcends ALL understanding mount guard in all of your hearts through Christ Jesus!!!
  8. Ha ha ha...I can tell you about being patient DS...but I won't bore you. All I can say is that if we want it "right", we MUST do it the way God wants it done. In Hebrews 11 it says that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Time will pass as we seek Him and learn the things He wants us to learn as we are in the "waiting room". It's been NINETEEN years (with a couple of dates here and there), but it didn't feel like 19 until recent. I told someone how long its been and the way they reacted, it dawned on me how long it's been. I spent the bulk of that time learning God's Word,involved in my church and enjoying my life. Now that the time is drawing nigh, I can say it was ALLLLL worth it.
  9. I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK!!! If that's how your life looks, then girl, you are there...LOL!!
  10. Amen!!! I know I'm in my season because God told me. Things that didn't make sense before (dreams) now make sense. The closer you are to God, there is just a knowing and just like Gissy said...it's different for everyone...not a "cookie cutter" answer.
  11. God isn't judging the world right now...that doesn't happen until HE returns. What's happening now is "the wages of sin"...which is DEATH. You were right to say that the judgment was put on CHrist...for GOD'S PEOPLE, but the world is dying because of their sins...not because God is doing it. Your response is not offensive at all. Like I said before, I do NOT want God to continue to get the bad rap that he's getting. We can't say that GOD IS LOVE and then say that he's causing all of the disasters and killing people...it's the WAGES OF SIN...not God. The body of Christ can believe what they want about God by saying he's doing this and doing that, but how do you offer God to the world by saying that He's in charge of killing people? And do you think or imagine, O man, when you judge and condemn those who practice such things and yet do them yourself, that you will escape God's judgment and elude His sentence and adverse verdict? Or are you [so blind as to] trifle with and presume upon and despise and underestimate the wealth of His kindness and forbearance and long-suffering patience? Are you unmindful or actually ignorant [of the fact] that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repent (to change your mind and inner man to accept God's will)? But by your callous stubbornness and impenitence of heart you are storing up wrath and indignation for yourself on the day of wrath and indignation, when God's righteous judgment (just doom) will be revealed. (Romans 2:3-5 AMP) As the last part of verse 5 says...there is A DAY OF WRATH when God's righteous judgment WILL BE revealed. It's not now...God is trying to get those who are NOT saved...saved. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Time 2:3-4) I serve a God that is passionate about those who are saved and NOT saved. He created us all in His image. He's calling ALL who are not under the umbrella of his salvation to come and be protected. He's given all me the ability to choose and as it says in Deuteronomy 30...he prays that all would CHOOSE life...so that they won't suffer the wages of sin anymore.
  12. Okay... I just want to make sure that anyone that reads this post doesn't get the idea that God goes around killing people for praying to other gods. Serving the Lord is like being protected under an umbrella from the rain and the elements. If you are NOT under the umbrella...anything is possible...and it's not any doing of his...especially if He's already provided the umbrella.
  13. I have a whole library of his CD's and both of his books and some of his little small books! God brought him into my life right in the Knick of time. The Gospel of Grace has shut down all of that legalistic stuff that I was prone too in my Christian walk and now I'm FREEEE as a dove!!
  14. LOVE LOVE LOVE Joseph Prince!!!!!
  15. Mr. Treadmill will do wonders girl!! That's on the natural side. I would love to see you exhale a little bit. I get concerned for you at times because you seem to be searching for some peace. It's within you girl. When you wake up in the morning, just know that God already has your day planned out for you and has equipped you to handle EVERYTHING that comes your way. Just breathe and say "God, I can do this with Your help". As soon as you release that moment to Him, there is something that comes over you. I know you have the kids and life isn't always the best, but you are in the will of God with your education...it's the enemy that wants you stressed out so you can't experience the fullness of joy in this quest. I just needed to say that to you. YOU ARE ON TRACK...just breathe and enjoy the ride...
  16. The phrase "be careful what you pray for..." is a "saying"...not the Word of God. The reason why I asked the question is because God gets a bad rap for a lot of things that happen in this world...like natural disasters. We have adopted them as "acts of God" and I soooo don't believe that a God of Love would do that. I understand the people were praying, but they were praying to the "god of death"...why aren't we saying that the enemy did this? Why do we say GOD Almighty did this? It's the devil that kills, steals and destroys. Jesus came to bring life and peace. I'm not trying to debate this...I'm just sticking up for God right now. Peace and blessings to you Randomhit10...no love loss!!
  17. I'm praising Him right along with ya!!
  18. WHy won't you let your daughter move so she can have peace? That's protection. I'll be praying!
  19. "What if you are the only light your mother has?" This is the question that I was asked by the Lord when I wanted to move out from under my mother's roof. If it was about age and being too old to live with people, girl, I have you beat...I'm 43...on my way to 44 in a couple of months. God places us in places...uncomfortable places, at times...for PURPOSE. We can't be soooo quick to leave people who obviously need Christ in their lives. We could be the only light they have to come to God. Remember that God's Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. I'm praying for you...make sure you are NOT moving in haste just because it's umcomfortable. It's "hot" over here with my mom too, but she needs me here. She says all manner of evil against me, but what else is she going to do until she receives the REAL light of Christ? She's saved, but doesn't have the knowledge, if you get me. Praying for you!!
  20. Be careful in doing this HK. You have to know the fruit of all who speak into your life. Anything that is spoken into your life, should confirm something that the Lord has already spoken to you. If it doesn't, I wouldn't receive it. It could be "Joe Blow" giving you that prophecy...be sooo careful. The Bible says to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. The Word of God is the biggest prophetic book there is. When you need a word from the Lord, go there and hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to YOU! There is nothing better than a scripture "popping" off the page and it's just for you...LOVE IT! Blessings
  21. Do we really think GOD did that??
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