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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. Go on David, encourage yourself and get your praise on! God is so faithful to warn you...rest in that confidence of knowing that He is your refuge and Protector!
  2. The enemy is up to his mischief but thank God that no weapons formed against you can prosper. Praying for a full and complete healing from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, that every cell in your body functions in the way that it was designed by God to function, in Jesus' name!
  3. Well, it turned out that I didn't get cupcakes for my birthday (at least not yesterday): /t14710-warm-ice-cream-manifestation Thanks again everyone for the warm wishes. Be blessed!
  4. Thanks everyone and God bless you all! Thanks Dreamster! How did you know I wanted cupcakes this year! I've decided that I don't want a full cake because I always am the only one who finishes the cake... used to be but now is (we don't have a busting at the seams emoticon so that will have to do)..... I will let you know how they are later.... Everyone have a blessed day!
  5. So sorry to hear this news! My prayers go out to you and your family.
  6. When the Holy Spirit is calling me to pray I usually feel that a burden in my spirit which lifts after I've prayed. When it's time for me to share a word, I feel a heaviness and hear His voice telling me to talk to the recipient and it gets worse until I do - I'm still getting used to giving a word, it's not always received by the individual but at least I followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit which I believe is the key piece as it relates to my involvement in His process. Lately, I have random incidents that cause me to start memory streaming and I'll end up think of someone then ask myself how I got to start thinking about that person and start praying for them. An example would be driving, seeing a certain type of car, remembering when I was in college and someone had a car like that then remembering a trip that we took in the car and how we then ran into a second person then wondering how their sister is doing, then wondering how it is I'm now thinking about that person and realizing it's a call to pray for them...
  7. Hi Bro. Peter - Sad to hear all that has taken place but know that God is using this for good. Praying for you and Kenya, will PM you later. Blessings, Lurdys
  8. Hi Deborah - Very sorry to hear about Sam, I'll be praying for his safe and speedy return!
  9. Happy Birthday Mighty Woman of God! Hope your day is especially blessed!
  10. Let's still remain vigiliantly in prayer throughout the weekend - who knows what was able to go undetected during those hours....not trying to create a panic but just sayin'.....
  11. and don't forget to pray for her as well (although you don't know her)....that her faith and love for Christ abounds....that she seeks God's face in all that she does...that she grows in the Lord and becomes the woman and wife that He desires her to be...
  12. Hey Girlie! Welcome back!Great to have you here again!Cann't wait to hear more about your discipleship program, sounds exciting!!
  13. Hi Christa! Glad to see you! Yes, I'll pray that God's divine will be done in your life and that He will strengthen you and gird you up as you move through this season. That His angels form a hedge of protection around you and your daughter so that no evil can befall you. That He would contend with those who contend with you. That He gives you the peace that transcends all understanding. And that He be glorified in all that you do. Amen.
  14. Re: Cholette's - , well said! Freeprincess, I can tell by your posts that you're operating with a spirit of power, love, and with a sound mind so I know everything is going to be alright with you. I pray that the Lord leads you to a healthy, spirit-filled church where people walk the talk - they love the Lord and love/encourage each other so that they can grow in the Lord and serve Him both in and out of the church. Good point Daisy, that's what's going on here...freeprincess, you've outgrown this church and it's time to move on...
  15. I agree with Delightful Soul on this one...I certainly agree with avoiding any rash decisions but I really don't think this situation falls under that category. With all of this in-house drama and pettyness, how can they be about their Father's business? If you're still unsure about what to do, enter a period of fasting and prayer and ask God to clearly show you what your next steps should be. We will keep you covered in prayer. Please keep us updated, ok?
  16. Hi Aemilk - Praying for you as well! I would like to add a couple of comments - - Whoever God has raised up for you is being prepared as well. As such, if it is indeed your ex then God will use the current gap for your good and will redirect him to you, he will have a change of heart. However, it may require additional confirmations to know that this is His will. It may also be possible that this isn't really God's will for your life - unfortunately, we sometimes see some signs but don't see other signs. Over time, God will show you more. Don't take any actions now, just focus on becoming the woman (and wife) that God has destined you to be. - Despite what your aunts are doing, it's really ok to be single, there are freedoms and individual growth opportunities that you're able to experience that you can't experience in the same way if you're married or in a relationship. Seek Him and serve Him and all these others things will be worked out by Him. Resist any urge to "help" God in this area - not saying that you are doing that, just saying if you start to feel this, catch yourself! - Whatever is God's will for your life will leave you with a sense of peace. When you don't have this sense of peace about something, don't act on it nor receive it.
  17. Dream: Bamboo Stage Burns Up In one dream, it appeared to be located in Jamaica. My former boss and her boss were pressuring me that the performance review had better be as good as last year's. I was the project manager for the performance review process (which is typical in my role) but this was a play on words...the performance review was actually a performance, a review, i.e, like a talent show. I was the show producer - coordinating the acts for the show, making sure the props are in place and ready, coordinating with the sound people, etc. The stage was made of bamboo and straw with two scontches (sp?) on either side of the stage - two fire lamps. The acts were performing and everything was going well...there was a African dance act - men and women dressed in green, red, white, and black outfits. While they were dancing, one of the fire lamps touched the straw and there was a fire that destroyed the whole performance site. The smoke was everywhere and overwhelming. Very frightening. I woke up and couldn't breath...literally. It took a couple of minutes to calm down but to this very moment my left lung hurts. Weird. MANIFESTATION - This dream was both a word of knowledge and a dream of comfort although it doesn't appear that way on the surface. When I'd had this dream that night, my ex boyfriend had gotten married earlier that day out of the blue to an African woman that he barely knew. While he mentioned the weekend before that he was CONSIDERING marrying her, he didn't tell me that he got married for another 4-5 days after the marriage. I mentioned that there was a play on words in the dream in that I was coordinating a performance review - still not sure how my coordinating it played a role, but the marriage was a "perfornance", it was fake (long story). There was another play on words in the dream - the stage was made of bamboo and the location of the dream was in an area named Bamboo. My ex was born and raised in a small town in Jamaica called Bamboo. The dream was a word of knowledge - showing me that the marriage did take place, but it wasn't of God so it would "burn up in flames". It also showed that it would almost destroy my ex which also came to pass... Someone who interpreted the dream confirmed this and also had a scripture to share with me which I received as I thought it was indeed from God in relation to the dream: Corinthians 3:10-15, "According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. 11: For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." I feel like God was showing you ahead of time what the end would be -- that because it was NOT of God, it would "burn up".
  18. Indeed! The key thing here is that you recognize your need, that's half the battle. Along with physical/mental rest, spending some time in the Word and/or listening to your favorite praise/worship music and your favorite sermons can help. Will keep you in prayer that you will be refreshed and strengthened as the Lord promises in Isaiah 40:31.
  19. This is a dream that I had in 2008, all comments, etc. are from then.... Dream: Blue Candles I remember selecting a candle from a display (similar to the greeting card displays) - 5-10 rows of blue candles in every shape imaginable, cylinder, square, some with ornate designs on them in gold and others with designs in other colors, but they were all blue, a calming med-dark blue like periwinkle in the Crayola crayon box. The candles weren't lit, I was buying one to light a hall. The hall appeared to be a hallway at a new restaurant that a friend of mine just opened with her family (my friend and her family really has opened a restaurant IRL but this hall that I dreamed about doesn't exist IRL). The first candle that I bought was lit but its flame wasn't large enough to light the hall so I went back, returned it and bought a second candle that was much larger. This one was able to light the hall. Somehow, this gave my-ex the cue that he could now announce that he's married to our mutual friends. And I was okay with that. In real life he's been married for a little over a month now and outside of members of his church, his family and literally no more than a handful of other people, he's not told anyone. This is very odd as there are MANY friends that he's not told and these include people that he's known for 10-20 years... I also remember that there was a change of pants. I can't remember if it was just me that changed pants and/or my ex as well. There was a change of pants color either from black to blue. IRL, I remember being baffled by the candle display in the dream...the sheer #, variety, and beauty of them still resonates when I think of the dream.... MANIFESTATION - This dream manifested in several ways - The following was a comment that I’d made while others were interpreting my dream in Sept, 2008: I do believe the candles represent truth. The fact that there were so many of them and that they were unlit made me feel that there's more to this situation that hasn't been revealed (brought to light) yet, both in the natural and in the spiritual. My ex has said as much...that there were other factors that led to such a rushed wedding (after knowing her for 2 months) that he wanted to explain at some point. And as I think back to what was told to me, there are some inconsistencies so your insight that his presentation of the truth might not be the same as my perception is on target. It's almost like each candle represents a piece of the truth but the truth in its entirety will remain in the dark until each one is lit. The following was an update that I made to the post a few months later: 1) The number of candles in this case seems to represent truth. I have learned over the last couple of months that things were not at all what they appeared to be regarding this marriage, there were in fact several aspects ("truths") that I wasn't aware of. Many things that have only since been revealed (and I still don't know all the details, not sure that I want to...lol!). Unfortunately, I don't feel it appropriate to post the details on a public forum but suffice it to say that my ex has filed for an annulment and will likely receive it. 2) "The candles weren't lit, I was buying one to light a hall. The hall appeared to be a hallway at a new restaurant that a friend of mine just opened with her family (the hallway is from the dream, the new restaurant is from real life). The first candle that I bought and lit had a flame that wasn't large enough to enough to light the hall so I went back, returned it and bought a second candle that was much larger. This one was able to light the hall. Somehow, this gave my-ex the cue that he could now announce that he's married to our mutual friends. And I was okay with that." This portion of the dream was God preparing me...I had this dream on September 8, 2008. On October 26, 2008 there was a booksigning/reception at my friend's new restaurant which was co-sponsored by a cultural association that we both belong to. My ex appeared at the booksigning/reception with his wife. It was their first public appearance within this community of friends, many of whom didn't know that he got married.
  20. Hi greyfort - I think you should be able to use the "Contact Us" link to send us a message. Try that and let me know me know if that works. Thanks!
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