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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. That's a good Word, Hind'sfeet! Dreamster, I know it feels like but I also know that you walk by faith and not by sight...God hasn't failed you before, and he isn't going to fail you now. Hang on, your blessing is on its way!
  2. Great news, glad to hear this trial is over!
  3. Congratulations, ja1721! A close friend of mine graduated from Mount St. Ursula....um, a long time ago (1981).. ...but it feels like yesterday.... .....excellent school, what a blessing!
  4. I'm sorry to hear this! Will keep you and her loved ones in prayer!
  5. You know, I didn't really have an opinion on this topic so went to doing some quick research on the web. I found that there are primarily two schools of thought on the issue (there may be more, again, my reserach was brief) which are represented by Delightful Soul and Owen. Based on what I've found so far, it appears to be a question of how one interprets those very words that Owen identified. I personally think we have to go back to the original transcripts and translations to understand what was intended in the scriptures. I appreciate the fact that this issue was raised because through our dialogue we have a chance to grow in the Lord. For me, this type of discussion whets my appetite to study the Word more formally so that I am able to learn more deeply than I could otherwise. Good discussion, let's keep both the comments and other topics coming!
  6. Give God the praise!!! Our God is a mighty God! That's great news!!
  7. Father God, I lift SisterinChrist up to You. Thank You Father for this gift to the Kingdom. Father, we thank You for this job interview that SisterinChrist will have on Tuesday. Father, as You know, this will be a challenging job but we know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We thank You for the fresh anointing and favor that you are giving SisterinChrist in this job interview process. We thank You that You will exalt her before her interviewers and anyone else who will have input in this job selection process. That they see in her what You see in her so that they know that she is the person for the job. We pray that people at that workplace see Your light through SisterinChrist and we pray that You are glorified. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen! Sis, this may be your only interview but you only need one to get a job!
  8. Happy Birthday, Cholette! I pray God's best for you and that He Lord gives you the desires of your heart this year and always!
  9. Please pray for Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords who was among several people shot this afternoon during a community 'meet and greet' event held at a grocery store parking lot in Tucson. She was shot in the head (bullet went through her head) and underwent surgery, doctors are optimistic about her condition. Unfortunately, five other people were killed including a 9 yr old girl and a Federal court judge and several others were wounded. Please, let's raise up prayers for those who were killed and wounded and their families as well as the young man who is responsible for this act of violence.
  10. One correction to what I said....the judge SHOULD require him to pay your legal fees, not 'will'...what I said in this part is only my personal and very biased opinion...sorry! (Though I have heard cases where judges have ruled in this way so let's pray for that to be the outcome in your case! )
  11. It is ultimately between the tither/giver and the Lord. Do what he places on your heart to do. Do it cheerfully and know that God is pleased. Thanks kellsy2004!
  12. I'm sure it's ok with God, just not sure it's ok with her pastor! This is my personal opinion, not based on a study of the Word nor a study of biblical scholars' perspective on the topic, nor what's considered 'appropriate' practice, and I'm sure there will be a lot of other opinions. In the Bible Jesus met the needs of the people regardless of the Church practice, e.g., he healed a man's hand on the Sabbath and the Disciples picked wheat on the Sabbath. So to me there's a precedent. Having said that, I do believe that the tithe is meant for the church - as a means of taking care of the church's needs, everything from pastoral care to church bills (someone has to pay for rent/mortgage, gas/electric, property maintenance, etc.) to church staff payroll to church programs (i.e., community programs, partnerships with other churches/agencies/community groups, missions, etc.) to benevolent care. So while tithing to an individual family is ok to me if one really feels a leading of the Lord to do so, I personally don't think it's the best approach over the long term. I don't know the particulars of your friend's situation so can't really comment (i.e, are they other members of the church, are they personal friends/family, did they just meet them off the street, etc.). Nor do I know what support her church could offer the family. My church is blessed to have a strong benevolent care program and relationships with community care agencies so if in the same shoes, I would be more apt to invite the family into the church care programs so that they can benefit from the resources available (e.g., immediate cash needs like rent/food, job search assistance, child care, health care, counseling, etc.) and allow the church body to love on them and then i'd give them money or something else if/when the Lord leads me to do so. If the family suffers from a dysfunction (that she might be ill equipped to handle independently), then the church might be in a better position to address it. But this is just my opinion - and I don't want to minimize the fact that your friend is doing something extraordinary by helping these people out.
  13. I stand in agreement with the foregoing prayers and thank the Lord for her immeduate return in the name of Jesus.
  14. Mia - I'll stand in the gap for you. Our God is a god of loves righteousness and justice and His will will prevail. No weapons formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgement, you will condemn. I recall from business law courses that verbal agreements aren't legally enforceable (and that's in cases where it's agreed by both parties that a verbal agreement was made) so I don't think you have anything to worry about. Even if his attorney has a high position, he's still wrong. Your signed agreement will be the legally recognized and enforceable document. The judge will require him to pay your legal fees as punishment for filing this frivilous lawsuit...
  15. You know, ultimately I think every Christian has to seek the Lord on this matter individually and do what they feel the Holy Spirit is leading them to do....I was involved in a budget counseling ministry at one point and that's the final answer that we gave counselees. Seek the Lord and obey what He tells you.
  16. Thank the Lord for answering her prayers! I pray that His will be done in this situation and that He guides latoya in this season...
  17. I saw some footage on the news last evening, it's terrible!
  18. @ John7 - Where I think the group tends to have differing views is on this issue but also what happens if we don't tithe via 10% of our income but also instead tithe our time, talent, and resources - are we cursed or do we not experience God's best or nothing happens? This thread as well as another one that I think Connie (aka Dove Solutions) posted in an earlier post in this thread produced some lively/passionate discussions around this piece....
  19. That's great and encouraging news!
  20. To me whatever works is cool....and when we think about it, the shower/bath shouldn't feel unnatural...Garden of Eden-esque... Anyway, am just coming back to this thread after seeing a movie with my son. My first thought was to have a set chat time that could be used for prayer but the various time zones make that challenging. I can't really think of anything outside of a forum (which I think is a GREAT idea), so I'm definitely on board with that. Thanks, I was just thinking about the remaining champagne as well and a (bubble) bath and champagne sound great - so does the Lindt...that's my favorite store bought chocolate brand...
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