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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. I think that's a great idea, Linda! The only suggestion I have is that posters consider copyrighting their material before posting to avoid potential problems. Mia recently discovered that another website lifted work directly from this website and posted it on theirs as though it was their own work....
  2. Amen, I agree with Cholette! I also want to encourage you to not let the dreams upset you too much. Sometimes the Lord will give us dreams where the emotions in the dream are much stronger than what we are experiencing in real life, to draw our attention to it. It sounds like He's telling you that it is now time to deal with these unresolved emotions and receive His healing so that He can position you for the work that He wants to complete in you (Phil 1:6). Sometimes we're 99.999999% complete in our healing process from these wounds but still have that .000001% left to deal with and close so that we can completely move on in what God has for us. I'm with Cholette, seek him for direction on what/how to do next. Praying for you!
  3. Girleen, you were placed there for a reason...am excited about your new assignment!
  4. I'm standing in agreement as well! Just a thought...I would also like to suggest that if it's possible, have your homedwelling checked for mold. The buildup of mold in the home can effect our respiratory systems and it may be that it's becoming apparent in your little one because of her size...
  5. Praise God, that's fabulous! You're right, He is always working on our behalf! Congratulations!
  6. Actually, I meant to buy some almond milk today to try it but forgot to get it so may try again tomorrow! I've heard almond milk is great with oatmeal. How is oatmeal milk?
  7. ok. I asked because there is a vegan wwebsite that i know of that has great recipes: google fat free vegan. she has a google blog, a website and is on facebook. you can substitute a lot of dairy with soy based products but if you're not a fan of soy, then it becomes more a decision to avoid dairy type foods..This morning I tried coffee with coconut milk instead of cow's milk....YUM!! good luck!
  8. hk, are you also vegetarian or have other foods that you don't eat or are you only limiting dairy?
  9. Father, I thank You for Sirianta and pray that You would anoint her and give her a spirit of wisdom and discernment to have this discussion with her husband. May his heart be softened so that he can receive that Sirianta shares with him. Thank You for the hedge of protection that Your angels have formed around Sirianta. Because I know Your love for Sirianta and her husband abounds and I know that you have great plans for both of them, I pray that Your perfect will be done in their marriage and that it be transformed in a way that they know could only have come through You so that You are glorified and greatly praised. In Jesus' name, amen!
  10. Thank You Lord for your provision!
  11. I had an account we got a virus and they find my account now Not sure what you meant to say here, could you clarify? I have a FB account and I LOVE it! I don't think FB in itself is bad - there are ways that you can secure your account so that strangers don't contact you and if anything unGodly comes your way, you can block/delete it. This does happen to me on occasion because not all of my family/friends are saved. On the other hand, it has been great to reconnect with people who like myself have become saved over the years. I've been able to reconnect with people in my life and it's been a blessing to be able to stay connected with family and friends globally. I've also connected with other ministries in the US and abroad that I wouldn't have known about if I didn't have FB acct because I've discovered most of them through my connections. I think the only time FB (like anything else) can become a problem is when we treat it as an idol, i.e. if it takes up time that should have been spent with God or not on things that He has directed you to do/complete/address/etc. My two cents, others may have a different opinion...
  12. keep your praise music on (or some other anointed preaching) while he's at your home, very low so that it's not audible to the human ear but audible to the spritual ear....
  13. Amen, Connie - that's the same scripture I stood on during my passage out of my situation!
  14. It's soooooo important to spend time with the Lord because when you run into people like this, who KNOW God is calling them to do something for you, and then they LIE...it keeps you from putting your foot down their throat...Just sayin... On a serious note, I'm sorry to hear about your reluctant donor...but you know that when one door is closed, another is opened...indeed, be still and know that God is God!
  15. You beta say dat gurl!!!!!!!! Seriously! Cholette, I'm so happy that you were blessed to be able to attend Leadership school, I can't wait to see how God uses you as a result , you're already such a gift to the body of Christ!
  16. Yes, please do what you must do to keep you and especially the children safe!
  17. Hi Siranta, beautiful daughter of the Most High God! As I was reading your post, I thought it was a passage out of my life diary because I was once where you are now. And I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way, this is not what God had in mind when He designed the marriage covenant. Like you, I don't have time to go into the real details right now but can I make some suggestions? These helped me in my situation and I pray they bless you as you move through yours. - The first thing I needed to do was to be reminded of who I am in Christ and Whose I am so I began to read the Bible. (While he didn't prevent me from going to church, he ridiculed me for going.) This provided me with healing from the hurt that was being inflicted on me by my then husband. Over time his abuse had no impact on me because I came to realize that these words were more a reflection of him than they were a reflection of me - I simply stopped receiving his words and recognized them for what they were. And over time, I was built up and strengthened enough to realize that I had more value than I was giving myself credit for and was worthy of better treatment than what my husband was offering me. Meaning that I could now stand up for myself and let him know that his behavior had become unacceptable and would have to change and mean it when I say it. Encouraging Scriptures - Psalm 139, Isaiah 40:31-33, Isaiah 54 - 55, Isaiah 58:11, Isaiah 61, Luke 12:6-7, and there are more…I’m also including a website that I love and go back to when I need a refresh, here it is - http://www.father.weebly.com/ - While you can’t go to church, you can bring church to you. You may already be aware of this but many ministries provide free live streams or recordings of their services from their websites so that people can listen to them online. One website that I’m aware of that houses recordings of several ministries is www.oneplace.com, I’m sure there are others. Again, while you can’t get to church, you can still connect with God and fellowship with Him and grow in Him. - Pray, pray, pray. I’m sure you’re doing this already….don’t stop. Pray for yourself, pray for your husband, pray for your marriage. - Now is the tough one…your husband will not change until he realizes that there will be consequences to his behavior. It is not for me to tell you what to do regarding your marriage but what I can tell you is that as has been stated before, this is not what God intended for marriage and you’re right, your kids deserve so much better – for me, it’s this issue that finally drove me into action, I couldn’t bear the thought of my son having to experience and witness what I was experiencing. I was intent on preventing this dysfunction from passing onto another generation. From what I’ve seen in these cases (and it was the case for me as well), you may need to live separately from him while these issues are dealt with. In some cases, it was a much needed wake up call for the husband and the marriage survived and transformed, in other cases (like mine), the appropriate choice under the circumstances was divorce. You are the one who must decide but I would strongly urge you to seek Christian counseling - if he’s willing to join you that would be ideal but please go on your own even if he’s unwilling. Not sure how these services work from an insurance standpoint or whether you’d have to pay out of pocket expenses for these services. If there are any local social services that deal with domestic abuse, you may want to seek them out. There is a Christian counseling ministry website called www.newlife.com which I would advise you to check out. They have a counseling referral service (not sure it’s global) on the site as well as archives of past radio shows which cover a plethora of topics – the show is a call in show where people call in with questions regarding issues in their lives and Steve Arterburn as well as other Christian therapists provide answers, suggestions, and prayer. Look through and listen to the archives, you may see questions that are similar to things you would love to ask and receive indirect advice. My prayer is that you are healed and equipped to receive God’s wisdom and that He opens doors that allow you to connect with others locally who can help you both spiritually and in the physical in Jesus’ name. Please feel free to PM me at any time, ok?
  18. Hi Jenni - I just prayed that the Lord would give you wisdom and understanding according to Matthew 7:7 and James 1:5-8 in Jesus' name. Keep praying and fasting over this matter, He will be faithful to answer. Blessings to you!
  19. Wow, D, praise the Lord!!! He will not forsake us!! Thank You, Jehovah Jireh!!
  20. it seems the same on this screen, but I'll check on my laptop later...thanks for trying, I really appreciate it!
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