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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. I'm touching in agreement too, in Jesus' name let it be done!
  2. Hi Crista! I will touch and agree with you! We look forward to your good report!
  3. Praying for you, Mia! (How wonderfully exciting!)
  4. Praise the Lord that you submitted to His leadings! He is our Provider and Protector; your testimony is another reminder to trust Him!
  5. Hi HF! Try searching by the title of the dream. I have dreams that I posted here in 2008 and can only access them if I search by title.... I would suggest that everyone record their dreams in a 2nd site or journal or whatever works for you - I use Google's Blogger as my personal dream blog so that I can go back and review them (and set the security to 'private' so that no one can access them)....
  6. Amen! Psalm 118:8 - 8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
  7. Praise the Lord for He is great and greatly to be praised! Thank you Father God for your grace and mercy! Thanks for sharing your testimony, we need to hear of these blessings!
  8. Father God - You say in Your Word that whatever we ask for in prayer that if we believe, it will be ours in the name of Jesus. Father God, we raise kellsy2004 up to you and ask that you would provide her with a job that enables her to take care of her financial needs. If this position is Your will for kellsy2004 to have Father God then we pray that You would give her favor and exalt her before her interviewers in Jesus' name. Let them be drawn to her Father knowing that she's the person that they need for this position and have them extend a job offer to her. We give You the glory now and forever. In Jesus' name, amen!
  9. You are welcome! And trust Him knowing that in the coming weeks He will bring the right people to say the right thing at the right time! You are going to be fine, just place your focus on Him as He guides you out of this season and into the new one! Cholette - I know, right?! It's amazing how God works!
  10. Hi lovelywomanofvirtue - Because regardless of the condition of the relationship, it was still a familiar relationship...even with its dysfunction... ...a counselor once told a friend of mine as an example that we get used to seeing old tires strewn across our yards but that doesn't mean they should be in our yards... ...and now you're in unchartered territory...lonely but not alone though it feels like it...God is seeing you through this...Psalms 147:3...you're going through a moment right now and it's ok...cry out to the Lord and cast your cares upon His throne of grace...he is healing you even as you read this post...it will get better over time...it's okay for you to grieve the end of your relationship right now...that way you can heal and move into all that the Lord has for you...but do not be like Lot's wife...your blessing is in front of you, not behind you...this door had to close in order for the doors to your place of destiny to open up... so go ahead and cry like you've never cried before over this, and share all your hurt/frustration/feelings of rejection/sadness/grief/anger/and everything else you are feeling with the Lord (again and again and however many times it takes)...and then take His hand so that he can help you get up on your feet again as He places you on solid ground...and in the direction in which you are meant to go...remember that He loves you more than you can fathom...He wants the best for you and plans for you...He knows that you would like to be in a relationship where you are loved in the same way that He loves you...He wants that too...but in order to get there, you had to brought from here...so while it's painful now, trust in the Lord, He knows best. Numbers 6:26 - May the Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually). Proverbs 3:5-6 Psalm 37
  11. Gosh, Cholette, I read your post and started wondering how I posted that in my sleep because you've said EVERYTHING that I was about to say... AW, I totally agree with you too...my sons are COMPLETELY different personalities. My older son could easily be redirected and only had to be told once (ok, 2x at most) to do/not do something. My younger son is much more active, social, high energy - and has a MUCH shorter attention span. He's not ADD, just an active child who interacts with his environment through physical interaction primarily - in other words, he needs to be moving and physically engaged with something, he learns by doing. And he needs structure. So I have to approach him quite differently than I do my older son. The only thing that I would add is the following: You have to put some authority in your voice...not anger. I've found that when I don't shout/scream but speak slowly, calmly yet very firmly (ok, there is a bit of tension in my voice so that he understands that if he pushes that final button, he'll regret it.... ), he responds to that (probably because he can't gauge what my next move may be and doesn't want to risk the next step). I also can't emphasize enough the follow through. If you don't follow through on the punishment that you promised, she will think that she can play you like a fiddle. And the other thing I've found is to make sure the punishment is related to their most favorite toy, activity, tv show, video, etc. The mere thought that he might not get to watch a favorite tv show or play a video game usually is enough to get him to obey. But this came over time, it didn't happen overnight. Consistency is key. The other thing is related to spankings. I'm totally on board with spankings but I only spank in two circumstances: 1) If I told him he would get a spanking, he will get it but I'll talk to him first to make sure he understands what he did, why it was wrong, and help him problem solve to figure out how he can handle a situation next time to make sure he doesn't get punished. Then I spank him, but it's controlled spanking - this is more for my benefit than for his, if I spank him while I'm angry, it's not a good thing for either of us because I'm likely to go too far - not CPS/abusive too far, just regretful. 2) To help him get back into his right mind. That sounds funny but sometimes he gets so riled up and caught up in the moment that he hears me but it doesn't register that he needs to take action. In those moments, he gets one solid swat on the rump and a "I said stop" (or whatever it is that I've told him to do). This type of spank doesn't occur frequently so that when he receives it, he knows I mean business. I have a book about Christian discipline but can't remember the name. If I find it over the weekend, I'll post it.
  12. Praise the Lord! That's great news, congratulations!
  13. Hi Connie - I'm praying for you too and I'm sure you'll pass with no problem! Hey, we have an insurance crew in the house, I just renewed my license earlier this year...
  14. Praise the Lord, Friends! Just a quick note - I'm going to Jamaica for about two weeks tomorrow night so won't be on the site - no wifi at my mother's house and I'm using the time to go on an internet fast - no dream site, no FB, no online music or preaching, no internet cafes, etc. I feel like an addict going into a treatment center.... ...I can't imagine being that long without internet access and it does cause some anxiety but I'm looking forward to being able to dive into the Word and be renewed... Anyway, I would appreciate prayers for travel mercies while on the trip. Everyone be blessed and I'll be back at the end of the month! There are a few PMs I still need to respond to and will within the next day or so...thanks and God bless!
  15. Sorry, did a double take cuz I wasn't sure I really read correctly... Praise the Lord that the appointed time has arrived! I pray that you'll continue to let the Holy Spirit flow through you to bless and heal others!
  16. I pray that you receive the peace of the Lord that transcends all understanding!
  17. Hi princessdelia - I'm praying for you, hang in there, ok?
  18. What a tragedy... Will keep the family lifted in prayer and pray that they find the ones who committed the crime..and will pray for onlyinAug that his/her heart be softened....
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