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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. I'm accepting this as confirmation! I totally missed your response but was at an event recently and asked one of Paul's classmates what books she was reading and she said "The Chronicles of Narnia". Amazon.com here I come... Thanks Daisy!
  2. On a serious note, I have the same thing to note. You're a valued member of this community and I can't recall any of your posts being out of line. As has been stated already, you definitely would've been notified... ( ). We're not perfect either but we try our best to maintain a site that is in submission to the Lord so that He can move through us to bless/encourage/correct/etc. others. So if someone is behaving in a way that goes against the site guidelines and/or is simply inappropriate/offensive/etc. we try to address those situations quickly. Again, can't think of anytime that you've fallen into that category. Hopefully this encourages you. Our prayers are with you as you move through this season with the Lord knowing that once you have completed it, you will be abundantly blessed! As Cholette stated,
  3. And why not? One's station in life is not related to their intelligence nor their worth. You are a marvelous work and this is just another confirmation of that...
  4. Cholette - I know your faith is the Lord is strong and your faith in yourself must be as strong. What I mean is that you know that the Lord is going to work through you - in order to calm your nerves, (in addition to prayer) you have to keep practicing. Keep doing/preparing everything that is within your control and then leave the rest to God. You do your part, and let Him do his part. Praying for you!
  5. Christa, how are you??!!! Wow, girl - stop and read your post...and then if you have a chance, go back through some of your old posts and see the goodness of the Lord! You've been through a lot but the Lord has seen you through it and has been with you every step of the way. Don't let the enemy plant seeds of doubt and fear in you - the Lord has taken you this far, He's not going to drop the ball now! He has not given you a spirit of fear but a spirit of love, and of power, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I know that you know this but I'm providing this as an encouragement. While it sounds like the hearing on Monday is more about the judge making a ruling than it is about you and your husband pleading your respective cases. Nonetheless, this is a battle - an emotional battle and a spiritual battle so you have to be prepared. As a daughter of the Most High God, your preparation is to be prayed up. Praise God for His goodness, praise Him for what He's done in your life thus far, and praise Him in advance for the work He is going to do on Monday. Pray for the judge and pray for your husband. And meditate on the following scriptures: - This is one of my favorite books in the Bible and I think it's appropriate for where you are right now - the book of Joshua. Read as much of the book as possible as it is about battles and victory but if nothing else, focus on Chapter 1 and know that just as the Lord spoke to Joshua, He's saying the same thing to you - be strong and of good courage! Keep Joshua 1:9 in your heart now and always. - Psalm 27 - the Lord is your light and your salvation, there is no reason to fear anyone not even your husband. And realize that the stage that you are at right now is the second half of v11. - Romans 8:31 - If God be for you, who can be against you? And lastly, Psalm 46 - especially v10. Be still and know that He is God. He's got this situation already worked out and it's for your good. Receive His peace and let it comfort you. Stand firm in your faith and know that you are precious in the eyes of the Lord. He's got you covered in this and always! Will be praying for you now through Monday. Please let us know how things turn out, ok?
  6. It's funny, my daily devotional dealt with this topic today. I agree with everything that's been said by Astra and Cholette ( ) and would like to leave you with the following scripture that relates to what astra was saying about the way that we often try to come back to the Lord. We often try to come back to the Lord in our own power, but what we ought to so is to stand on His promise to bring you back as stated in Jeremiah 3:22: 22Return, O faithless sons, [says the Lord, and] I will heal your faithlessness. [And they answer] Behold, we come to You, for You are the Lord our God. He knows there are times when we are weak whether that be weak to temptation or weak in our faith but He loves us and not even that can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39).
  7. Praise God! Great news!
  8. OWEN!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord, you're back!!! How are you??? Great to see you (as if you couldn't tell)!!
  9. Hi princessdelia - I'm standing in agreement with you and pray that the Lord exalts you before your interviewers so that if this is the job that He has for you that they see that you are the one that should be hired for this role. And that through your presence in that setting that others would come to know Christ or their faith increased through your encouragement!
  10. Hi Daisy - It depends on the phone. Some phones are virtually like the site so you can do everything on the phone that you can do on the site. Others have limited functionality. PM me, maybe I can help...
  11. Hi dreams3 - I'm praying that the Lord gives you a special anointing of wisdom and discernment in this situation. Please move with caution. Many times spouses (especially those who abuse their spouse) will plead for forgiveness and ask for another chance to work on the marriage. Nothing wrong with that but given the small amount of time that's passed, pleas like that are often a manipulative attempt to get back together and have things go back to the way that they were (where the spouse was in control) instead of working on the relationship and creating a new marriage that makes both partners (as well as the children) happy. It would be better to see him working on the issues that you raised and demonstrating over an extended period of time (months if not years) that he has truly changed and that his heart has changed. That way when you reconcile the chances of things returning to the way that they were are much lower.....
  12. That's right, you got a house! Hope your move was smooth and may you be blessed with many wonderful memories in your new place!
  13. Hi dreams3 - Praise God for His faithfulness, He is showing you that He's your everpresent help in times of trouble. You are doing so well handling everything, remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Know that God's hand is in this situation and He is working this whole thing out for your good. Stay in lockstep with Him and don't take your eyes off of Him. He is guiding you through this storm and it's critical that you walk by faith and not by sight so that you can successfully navigate through. Be encouraged, no matter what it looks like now, you are going to be fine. If God be for you who can be against you?
  14. Hey MJ, good to see you! Yep, me too - I've heard both doorbells and knocks at the door...usually in the early morning but sometimes in the middle of the evening too...but I didn't realize that they might be calls to pray, that's good to know....
  15. Hi musicladyalways - Praying James 1:1-8 for you right now and I pray that the peace of God will guard your heart during this time.
  16. I have an 8 year old son whose class is reading Harry Potter books. I'm not a fan of the Harry Potter series and was happy that my older son didn't gravitate to them. Not so with my younger son. In his class, they have a 30 minute 'quiet time' each day where they are to read. A couple of the kids started reading Harry Potter books (class provided) and then a frenzy or sorts began. Now all of the kids are reading the books, to the point where the teacher went to a used book sale to find the HP books for cheap so that she can stock the classroom. While I'm happy that the kids have found an enthusiasm for reading, I'm not thrilled that it's through this series. I'd like to find alternative book series that are as engaging and riveting but don't involve witchcraft, the after life, etc. We've tried the Hardy Boys and The 39 Clues but he hasn't really taken to either. What are 3rd graders reading these days? Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  17. Hi Angelwings! Miss you too! I just came out of several months of being crazy busy so I can empathize. I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you and guide you through this season and that it ends soon!
  18. Hi Deborah - I'm so sorry to hear the news but I'm standing in agreement that God is going to work a miracle here for your stepmom!
  19. That's great news, hope the meeting was effective and fruitful!
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