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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. i think its plain do you really need this in your life rite now? you need to set a boundry, hes very hurt, put some distance between you, i wud invest your time in more fruitful relationships,
  2. yep gud points, i wud talk bluntly wiv ur frend, and say if you want to continuee the church stuff is off limits, if thats too hard for him then a breif time out is best, life is hard enuff wivout extra drama focus on wat you both agree on,
  3. your brakes probly had air in the lines that wasnt properly bled out i would get them indipentdantly checked and have a report, you made need this if the guy decides to sue, it was an accedent, youve been traumatised you need some real support around you, but get your car checked asap, then get some help fpr yourself, the dude is a real jerk, metal can be fixed, but ppl cant always be,, rejoice no one was hurt,
  4. yes i agree in prayer with you today, for a devine intervention for you, i declare and decree amos 4;6 over you today,
  5. yep kinda sounds like tv show modern family,in funny way,
  6. yep im wiv cholette on this , and your gut feeling is rite, any celebration gud, its wunderful thing ur doing, i think it will be more meaningful in a small group without all the circus of a grand event
  7. hi ther, yep its very thin on the ground here, ,,you have to have 50 posts in order to pm sumone, this is to protect the site from bogus auto pmers, im not sure wats happening wiv the dream test thing as the boss not here, you kud post ur take on a dream but dont be directive/corrective/judgemental, D
  8. im wondering if she may be just shy, try not to be offended, ,,i agree wiv chol
  9. dreamster

    Dream post

    no, can u repost it,
  10. hmmm well your a superviser for a reason, ,i think she is testing ur bounderies to see wat she can get away with, its unfortanate that you have a mean boss, i think u gonna have to be blunt, remember ur at work, not preskool. ,,her actions is demanding a boundry from you, jobs are hard to come by, perhaps you kuyd remind her of that, ,,,
  11. ok, yes wer all fallen ppl, sounds like she needs decipleing ,,sometimes its jus plain old imaturity and insecurity,, but if she cant stop doin wateva, a good session of ole time delivrance wud suffice
  12. ugh, she shudnt be ordained but stood down for a season, she may have a gift in the prophetic , but dont have the character to move in that gift right now, the true nature of a jezzybell spirit is to ursurp, pull down, take control. she has already lied to ur face, been condecending, ,,and spread dicention amoung ur peers, her real ''fruit'' is now coming on show, im sure pride will surface soon, truely a difficult time, i just hope ur pasta is fully aware of evrythang goin down,
  13. yes thats true,, i guess thers alotta ppl not walkin in love , but jus pleaseing themslves, ,,which is perhaps a more serious issue wen all said an dun,
  14. i think as you say is fine,paul said to timothy take some wine 4 ur tummy sakes,also romans 14;14,, ,,,,,,,,,, um room service,,
  15. its the bosses berfday, even tho shes been awol , ,,i will for her, ,,,,,,,,,,
  16. yes i agree,,grace i i herd the pslm 91 resonate, i wud declare that chapter over urself,
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