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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wah, no la, just regular item.. most of u guys may not interested.. and now, altho early 5 minute, just up la.. its started..
  2. aiyak.. got one only la mr sinclair.. sorry.. next time i jumpa, i let u know k? @ckh : mana tau ada TH$ skyline nih, .. no la, thats not for sale.... yet...
  3. seems like unavoidable things that had to happen tmrw night i'll start my sales today at night.. and will end next wednesday nite.. and thanks mushr00m for ur support!! T
  4. yup.. two custom master are up n go again.. argh.. so poisoning la u guys.. makes me cant stop custom too,
  5. wah.. nice, but i'll pass coz didnt really like those other two.. btw all them are nice.. great collections bro!!
  6. saw this 3 pack in TRU Mesra Mall.. never seen one before.. Spoiler: and loose it, love all 3 of them..
  7. date? ya lo, long time didnt see u ady.. but i'll not be in JB for a while, but will be back to JB in near christmas.. will SMS u when i had to go to JB.. btw i'm sure ur collections become ganaz2 now..
  8. ^ that's why he choose "Hot"wheels..
  9. nice idea .. great custom!!!
  10. jhc7598

    my recent haul

    i wish i was there too.. nice cars bro!!
  11. wow, great collections.. see i told u, u already surpassed me, huhu.. wah, all already loose?? u slaughter them all??
  12. wah,got new subclub.. nice..
  13. "HWC Eve: What’s the best Hot Wheels car in your collection? EW: I love all of them, but my favorites are Nissans and Datsuns. First, I own a Nissan 350Z. Also, I bought a ‘71 Datsun for $500, but that car is still in storage. When I’m done with the PT Cruiser I’m working on, I'll be starting on that car. I think the Nissan 350Z is the poor man’s Ferrari. It has a very slick design, especially when you add all the after-market stuff. And it’s not bad horsepower for the price. What's funny is that my good friend’s little boy thinks it's a Lamborghini." poor man's ferrari..
  14. Section 2 : Please Offer Me more item will be add later
  15. Hi all.. long time i didnt have sales here.. nowadays my collection are berlambak2 so need to reduce them .. and this time, and all item will be divided into 2 section -Section 1 is for the items that had fixed price, and PM me for the price ( the price of some of them will not be higher than current mainline.. -Section 2 is offer me price.. Seriously dont ask how much i'll let go them, just PM me ur price please.. All deal will be done on postage ( no COD unless u want to go all the way to Tganu or wanna wait until i come to KL,but i only go to KL like once in a month).. Will send them by PosLaju, and will cost about RM6-RM10 based on weight. If beyond RM10, u just pay RM10 and i'll bear the rest.. Damages happen when at hands of Poslaju will not be bear by the seller, but i will try to package them very well.. and 1 more thing.. i can post them all to SS14 and if u want, u can collect them all from our friend who will be on Friday Gath. this will reduce the shipping cost for those who lives nearby.. If u wanna wait, i'll be at KL on early December.. these items are my personal collection, and i had to let them go coz got an important thing to do n need a money Thanks for looking.. Hope everyone satisfy..
  16. wah, king of KO cars shown his collections.. even tho they are KO, but some of them looks very very nice..
  17. massive and superb collections.. he is collecting cars as we collectiong HWs, huhu.
  18. soon when i get one ehem ehem.. super enzo kan ada,
  19. huhu.. come come, join the club.. lets make bro elgee cant wait for this Christmas, huhu~~
  20. something very nice is coming.. both got special works done on them.. now i'm shy to show my custom ady,
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