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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wow, great update.. i wish i got time to do customs.. btw really look forward to see the finish version!! must be awesome!!
  2. wow, real deal of customiser!!! maybe u can be my master~ really great job done here bro!! eh, DAMD evo still doesnt finished yet bro? u must be very busy i think..
  3. great one!! sinclair must be smiling ear to ear!!!
  4. la, xde pic ker? baru nk beli,
  5. @Fadli : yup it is spam bot i think, but the topic is quite nice.. btw for me, NFS Series, and also CnC Series..
  6. wow, great one!!! its been a while since i'd hold any $upers.. btw congrats bro!!
  7. wallauuwehhh!!! great findings!! i'm yet to find any TH gangter grin,
  8. jhc7598

    tu7uh sebe11as haul

    wah.. chantek nyer error..
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