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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. wow!! That's excellent haul dude!! Must thanks to ur wife for this massive haul!
  2. he he!! one $uper will do..right???
  3. wow!! Awesome haul!! Drooling..man!! Congrats!
  4. fuyoh!! 3 rats on the peg!! All $uper?? Congrats!!
  5. "BAKERO" ......!!! So lethal poison t handle!!!
  6. iron man.... ! Sorry ...joking only. my answer...."anakin Skywalker"!!
  7. jus look at ur avatar!!! The Dark Side....."e-vil Bay"!!!
  8. Creative bro!!! Love wat u have done to ur fridge!!
  9. so far only found the black & white!! Nice collections of R8...!!
  10. wow!! Wat a great haul..bro! Those Bamant Series look awesome!!
  11. Congrats on the haul..bro!! I likey the K&N too!!
  12. Demm nice!!! I love those 575!!! Nice collections!!
  13. why??Hmm...no question ask..my young padawan!!!
  14. nice & creative display dude!!! Really like it!!!
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