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Everything posted by danielh

  1. whoa !!!! nismo Z..nice custom!!!!!!!!
  2. whoa!!!!!!!!!!! you got Viper SRT10 ACR, merc CLK dtm, tooligan, california, C6R and ice crean truck!!!!!!!! all of them hard to get!! Congrats bro!! now i know why you can sleep well, hehe........
  3. nice custom convertibles!!!!!! yes, the chrome lining at the side needs some improvement.
  4. nice prize!!!! as i've say before, no matter which 25 hw's you won, it's free..
  5. nkice score!!!!!!!!!! and nice civic!!!!!!
  6. nice prize~!!!!!!!!! and i like the last pics too!!!!!!!!
  7. congrats adrian!!!!!!!!!! another winner!!!!!!!
  8. work progress now into body spraying stage. From the pictures i've seen, the overall custom GTR wide body looks more clearly now as all the moulded putty works now covered under spray paint. Keep up the good work elgee!!
  9. thanks guyy!!!!!!!!!! really??? 1:1 car by Petronas?? hmm.. must try my luck!!
  10. ehhh...where's the cat pics? i thought some cute cat in the spoiler..........
  11. Bro...i dont know wat the feeling leh!! How it feels ah???? wait till you receive the letter from Mattel, heheh..... the feeling is like this......
  12. congratulation to you too, titaniumboss!!!!!!!!! ] we have three winners here!!!!!!!!!
  13. congrats bro!!!!!!!! now you know what's the feeling before and after collecting those prize!!!!!!!!!! another winner here!!
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