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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75


    OMG! The kids will be so jealous when I tell them lol It snowed here over night, but not a lot, probably 2 inches max...the kids are most dissapointed, especially Ieuan as he was hoping that his school would be closed
  2. Every day here in PSFC we will be opeing one door on our PSFC advent calendar! If it is your facebook picture behind the door then you win a prize! All you have to do is to post in this thread within 24 hours of your picture being revealed to win! Let the countdown to Christmas begin...in a true PSFC giveaway!!
  3. lea75

    I'm so Excited

    that sounds fab hun, and I agree you can never have too many books...though my book case might not agree with me lol x
  4. do they? I've only heard Jingle bells lol x
  5. Hope you get it sorted soon....I've heard of this happening to others before when using Paymo, but from what I've heard Playfish have sorted it out pretty quickly after they've been contacted. Good luck hun, hope you get it sorted real soon x
  6. You have to have the full set to get the music....it doesnt work if they are not all in the same room They are totally amazing though...deffinately one of my all time favourite items
  7. mine is still freezing....really taking the enjoyment out of decorating Hope they get it sorted soon
  8. I couldnt believe when I heard he was 84!! He always seemed to me to never age! A great comedian... R.I.P.
  9. 1. Go to Google Maps and click on Get Directions. 2. Write Japan as your start point. 3. Write China as your destination. 4. Go to 43rd point on your route
  10. I cant wait for the new items...been a long time since I've looked forward to decorating Rosies house lol
  11. lea75


    Ieuan is jealous lol It looks so pretty though
  12. lea75


    Tromo that sounds like something one of my kids would do lmao! Hope you are able to get the paint out of your shirt OMG I cannot believe how cold it is here today...I dont think its got above freezing all day...there is still frost on some of the roofs....roll on summer lol
  13. thanks everyone for your pics, as usual I will try and add as many as possible, but cant guarantee being able to use everyones pet p.s. its not too late if you havent already added your pictures
  14. Happy Birthday hun, hope you have a fantastic day xxxxxxx
  15. thanks everyone....poor Jadine was not happy when she came home last night from school. There was a competition for the best turkey hat, and the person who won it didnt even make theirs, they just went out and bought a fancy dress hat ... I have to admit it really wasnt fair to all the kids who took the time to make their own hat (especially as the letter stated that they should be homemade hats!)
  16. I love the new WWF items...PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww well thats put me off eating banannas lol
  18. I remember when my neighbour had a mouse in her attic, it used to keep her awake at night with all the scratching lol When they finally did catch it, she wouldnt let her other half kill it as it was too cute lmao...they had to take it to some woods and let it go lol. Hope you manage to get it out soon
  19. lea75


    I'm thinking of removing the Christmas countdown...its depressing me I still have lots to do, and time seems to be going so quickly Finishing cleaning the house today, it is such a mess after all the decorating....plus the ironing needs doing. Really want to finish my Christmas shopping, but will be a good girl and stay in today lol xx
  20. Happy Thanksgiving to all xxxx We dont celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK, but my daughters school are hosting a Turkeys for Africa day today. They each have to make a trukey hat, and then take in a pound. A pound can pay for 2 turkeys to be given to a family in Africa, as well as showing them how to take care of them as use them to provide food/ money for their families These are my girls turkey hats
  21. Oh No!!! I've heard of people doing this before....I think you have to make sure your chest is open before you click on it hope your pet does another poo soon for you hun xx
  22. lea75

    Its amazing!

    not suprised she was moving with all that sugar lol I used to love watching my belly move when pregnant, until I got to about 8 months pregnant, then it just hurt (but thats only because I had big babies lol) xx
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