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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Don't spend too much time stroking your sporran
  2. not much to add mate, your health is more important than the bike but still a shitter.
  3. Isn't it great when you win a comp that you never even entered
  4. brill mate, if you like medievil stuff and bikes go there
  5. I just got back from 5days in France, bike looked like new when I started and could have cried with the stae it was in when I got home, i have washed it and it only looks like it needs a wash now, I reckon i will be on cleaning duty for some time
  6. Mate the place is complete madness, bikes just go anywhere and every where, We went through the middle of Paris, OMG!!
  7. Here are a couple of shots of the trip to northern France I just did with my mate, round trip about 1000 miles mon to fri.
  8. Just get in there Sweban, you will be fine!
  9. I must admit i use it a lot less in the summer but try to get on as much as I can, we have had some good nights especially when the beers flowing. I f it's your typing thats putting you off dont worry Rose is the only one that can type/spell.
  10. here you go Brilliant, I gotta get one of those, just shown it to the wife who just tutted and rolled her eyes at me
  11. I'm a habitual nodder, rude not to, even joined the bikers nod on facebook
  12. Look I found this in the shed its a full on beast! me thinking new tire and get the beast back on the road its wicked! Look what you FOUND? that must be some shed you have, I just find crap in mine Nice bike matey And Bombay mix orange!
  13. If you look bottom left of his faring you can see his heart beat monitor, been there done that and it aint nice. just watched it again, I think he did the sensible thing, pull over and calm down as I think he was about to chase and do summut daft, not that I would blame him.
  14. Girl says to mother," Johny has been making fun out of me for not having a willy" Mother says, "don't worry love with what you have, you'll be able to get all the willys you want when you are older."
  15. My mates ABS pump just packed in on his 1300 BMW, £1400 + fitting
  16. Missed this one, pulled tendons OUCH! Hope it heals soon Dude
  17. Dont need to Pm you mate, I'll call you a clever t**t here Brill job m8 looks bang tidy
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