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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY!!! God is goooooooood!!!!!!
  2. You took the words right out of my mouth!! Start at the church...it's known to open doors. There is a young lady at my church who writes plays. My pastor asked her to put together a short drama that was in relation to one of his messages and it was awesome!! Just recently she was asked, by her school, to do a play and she had the opportunity to write one about her life and it touched hundreds of people. Let God open the door for you...the Bible says that your gift will make room for you (Proverbs 18:16). God knows the amount of money (if any) that is needed to get you where you need to be. Let him do it.
  3. This is what I know Sirianta and this is the Word of God... When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7) An enemy is anyone that comes up against you and what God is telling you to do. Submit to the Lord and let Him change your husbands heart. Spiritually you cannot submit to your hubby because he's not following the Word of God...however, you are to submit to him when it comes to other things. I know things are hard in your situation and it's going to be until your husband gives his life completely to God, but in the mean time, let your light shine. You don't have to preach to him...you don't have to share any of your dreams or the things God says to you...just live your life and let your life minister to him. He's not receptive to the things God is saying to you so don't share it. What the lady spoke to you is wrong. It's not the way it's supposed to be. She' s missing out on God's greatness in her life. God sees your hunger and thirst for Him and He's promised to fill it. Get your game plan from Him. The times of your life is in HIS hands (Psalm 34). You entitled this post "My ministry dream shattered"...but I don't think it is AT ALL! You were operating under the wrong information. Stay in prayer and let God lead you. You may have to go a different route because God wants the heart of your husband as well, but you will get there and you WILL NOT have to wait until your 61 years old, or later, to see it. Trust God...who is THE ONE who put the desires in your heart in the first place. Blessings
  4. Hi Sirianta...its good to see you back posting on the boards! Firstly, I want to ask if you have a church home. I ask this becauses I personally believe that God trains us in ministry within our church home. It's sort of like our children. They are in our home for a season, before they go out and live in the world on their own...and we train them for life. It's the same for us in our local church home. You said you have a passion for children and for people to know that God loves them. I suggest that you get involved within your church (if you have one) and let God cultivate you. One of the number one things God will do is enhance within you is "discernment". We all want to take our prophetic words and RUN with them and do what we can to further the gospel, but what God told me to do one day is to "minister within your own world (home, work, church etc), before you go out and minister to the masses". It's "at home" where we learn about life in the ministry. I belonged to a church for over 20 years. I worked in the ministry the entire time however, as I began to develop and draw closer and more intimate with God, the things I was doing and learning in this church no longer did anything for me. It was almost like I was outgrowing the church. God was taking me higher and higher in him, but this church was slowing down my pace. One day, God released me to go. When I did, I found a wonderful small church where God allowed the Pastor to see my gifts, the moment I stepped into the door. I received a prophetic word that God brought me to that church to promote me...spiritually and naturally. From that point on, I received a job...after not having one for over a year and a half...and I began the school of ministry within this church and now I'm operating in most of my gifts...things I never knew I had within me. When I got home that first Sunday attending this church, the Lord spoke and said, "your gifts will make room for you and bring you before great men" (Proverbs 18:16). YES...my gifts made room for me and brought me before a GREAT man of God, who God is using to mold and teach me ministry. There is wisdom in Full Time Ministry and there is a lot of sacrifice. I'm not one to run to it with open arms because I know there are things about it that are hard. I'm enjoying the fact that God is teaching and molding my gift in my local church before he puts me out there to the world. I'm sharing this with you because I really feel that you need to do the same. Don't launch out without knowledge because zeal without knowledge is foolishness. Let God open the RIGHT doors for you at the RIGHT time. When He does, you will be ready with a discernment that can see through any and all evil motivations. Blessings
  5. I was going to wish you a happy 14th bday earlier, but I was at work and got sidetracked. Hope your day was FANTASTIC!!!!
  6. Going into prayer now Hope...the Lord is faithful. The Bible says that the heart of the king is in the Lord's hand. The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD,Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. (Proverbs 21:1) God is in control of EVERY decision that any judge or superior can make
  7. I'm going to continue saying the same thing over and over until you get it. When you sit before God and talk to him and get HIS will for your own life, then you will feel more at ease. The Bible says... "When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7)
  8. You are still trying to find your answers from man. My point is...sit before the Lord and let HIM give you the answers that you need. You've asked the same questions, plenty of times and you have had some awesome responses, however it seems that you still have the same questions. How I make decisions, when I'm at certain crossroads in my life is...I follow peace. I get quiet and weigh out the best possible decision and if I feel peace, then I step out. God doesn't ALWAYS speak in a voice to say "yes, go this way or that way"...He leads us with our "inner compass", which is the Holy Spirit. Going to anyone else besides him, is building an idol.
  9. Being bored is a choice Cloud. The Word of GOd says that your life is hidden in Christ. If you want a life, you MUST go to Christ and get it. It's not going to appear, but your passion, your drive and everything else, must be centered around Christ. ALL of your questions on this site is HOW TO or WHAT IS...the answer is JESUS CHRIST. No one can give you an answer outside of HIM. If you want God's PERSONAL solution, you HAVE TO go to God and get it. Your answers don't come from a message board, especially since you have asked the questions and have not found what you are looking for. God is your SOURCE...not man! We love you here on this site and we want God's very best for your life, however I just want to say to you...seek first THE KINGDOM OF GOD and HIS righteousness and all the things you need will be added to you. Blessings
  10. This reminds me of the story in Luke 10, where Martha was busy serving, but Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus. Martha was disturbed that Mary wasn't helping her so she asked Jesus did anyone care that she was doing all of the work. Jesus responded that Mary chose what was good...sitting at his feet and learning Him. I belong to a "Busy" church. It's a young church. The work that they are doing is GOOD, however what God wants to do in this church, he can't do, because the spiritual stability of the church isn't there. They are out doing GOOD WORKS in the community, but they are not doing too well with sitting at Jesus' feet and learning Him. They see the fruit of what they are doing in the streets, but the fruit isn't remaining because it HAS TO BE balanced with having intimacy with the Lord. In other words, they know how to get the community in the church, but because they lack the fruits of the spirit...which comes from intimacy with the Lord, the people don't stay. Busy-ness, isn't the answer, but balance between busy and intimacy with Christ IS THE ANSWER.
  11. I personally think that the reason why it was Abram that God visited is because he was the carrier of the seed. His seed had to be cultivated with God's power, in order for God's promise to come to pass. Even though we don't want to discount a womans role in bringing FORTH the seed, it all begins in the loins of a man. Not trying to a Biology course here, but if Abram's seed is quickened and empowered, it will turn around and quicken and empower Sarai's womb. She was "only" the carrier of the promise, but it all began IN Abram. That's why we are called "The Seed of Abraham".
  12. This is DEFINATELY good stuff! There is something that D said that made me go . He said: u notice that the werd had quikened his body cos he fathered ishmail. I NEVER saw this before...EVER!!! Abrams body was DEAD!!! So even if he laid with Hagar, he should NOT have been able to father a child with her, but THE WORD caused his body to react in the way it was supposed to and BAM Ishmael was born. Even though he wasn't the promised child, the Word still quickened his body to the point he was able to have a child, when he NEVER was able to have one before. Oh wow...I need to sit with this part right here because I believe God wants to say something about how powerful His word is EVEN WHEN we do things prematurely...and how He can still bless it...as He did Ishmael.
  13. I love this story because it's what I hide in my heart since I've been waiting for a LONG TIME for the birth of some promises. What I love about these two chapters is, Abram was human. I don't know about you, but over the years, whenever I heard preachers say anything about Abraham, it was that He was a man of solid faith. No one talks about when he was Abram...the season where God was developing his faith...which is where most of us are. What I've noticed is that Abram was fine with the promise God gave him until Sarai influenced him to go with Hagar. Isn't that how it works? God promises us something and we tell someone and because they don't believe, it influences US to not believe? Even though they were married, the weren't in the same place in their belief. Your question is valid..."how many of us have waited on the Lord for something BELIEVING and then after a while your faith started to weaken?" I can honestly say that I visit this place many times. There are some promises God has given me as far back as 15-20 years that haven't come to pass yet. There are times where things seem like they are lining up, but then it dissipates. During those times, I have to meditate on scriptures about hope and faith. Yes, it's easier to do what Abram and Sarai did, but going on and making it happen. The thing is, when we "help" God, it never turns out quite the way we expect.
  14. Let's do it girl...great idea. How would you like to do it, chapter by chapter?
  15. Dang girl!!! I'm amazed at your maturity...just sayin!! I couldn't have said this better myself. ggyal...I'm in agreement with both Jasmine and Connie. I love what Connie said... "You are forgiven, justified, sanctified and Holy before the Lord through the shed blood of Jesus" This is so key for you right now. These are the weapons that you will need for the rest of your life...after each mistake that you make. God loves you and all of the judgement was put on Jesus at the cross. Be free and separate from your BF. You need to draw in closer to the Lord so HE can fill you. He wants to be the FATHER that you lost. He wants to be the MOTHER that you lost. That episode that you had with your BF is just that longing for intimacy that you are missing from your parents. Go to your loving heavenly father and let Him handle thse areas sweety. He sooooooooo loves you! As far as the church...you may need to step away for a season until things settle down. You need a place that can uplift you, not tear you down. I can identify with EVERYTHING that you've said here.
  16. Praying for you Ms. Mason!! I was where you are this time last year and God came through. Shift your focus on the Lord...He is your supply!! He's able to give you the $3K, plus more, because he supplies your need.
  17. Hallelujah!! So it's Sunday AND Monday...praise God. We are about to rock this nation. Come on!!! This excites me!
  18. TOmorrow is the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. AMEN to what Connie said!!! I want to let you know that I used to be shy and afraid of people (it may be hard for some people here to believe that). It was the rejection and abandonment i experienced in my life as a child. As I grew in the Lord, that shyness and fear left me...and I can't even tell you when it happened. One day I looked up and I was as bold as a lion. I didn't care what anyone thought, nor did I hold back on how I felt. There is something about the Word of God getting down inside of us that causes change. As Connie stated, take those 30 minutes that you read and make the best of it. The one thing I've done with my life is I took the pressure off of myself to read the Word. What i mean by that is...I ask the Holy Spirit to "Draw Me". I no longer "force feed" myself the Word, because just the way we are uncomfortable being force fed REAL food, it's the same feeling with the Word of God...if we are really honest. Yes, we are suppose to read the Word of God, but it does us NO GOOD when it's forced. God doesn't love us any less if we don't read. As you are "wooed" and drawn into God's Word, you will develop a desire and an appetite for it where you WON'T fall asleep because you will look forward to reading the loving words of your Heavenly Father. This advice comes from someone who used to fall asleep as well. When I didn't fall asleep, my mind would wonder. When I started asking the Holy Spirit to draw me, he did it at the most perfect times and was able to illuminate the Word to me, which grabbed my attention immediately. I will be praying for you...
  20. Sister...you are on a different level and from what I've been experiencing is that each new level appears to have stronger tests. I think what we misunderstand about blessings and promotion is that it attracts more attacks. When I FINALLY received my job, I let my guard down a little because I fought and fought and when the job came, I kicked back and exhaled. Little did I know, I had the attack of my life awaiting me through my co-workers, who weren't happy to see me there. I used to hear preachers say, all of the time, "newer levels, bigger devils". I'm not sure how scriptural that is, but I guess you can see it in the story of David. While God had him hidden in the pastures with the sheep, he fought the bear...then the lion...then Goliath. It's apparent that each battle prepared him for the next battle. God showed me, a year before I got my job, a dream. I didn't know what it meant until after I received my job. God was using my co-workers to take me to the place he prepared for me. That was a LONG and HARD season, but God has prevailed. This is a time to stand in your authority and fight with the Word as your Sword. It doesn't feel good, but ask God to help you find that place of peace...so that even when the rains and the winds rage around you, your heart will be peaceful KNOWING that God LOVES YOU. I will be praying for you. The devil has to take his hands off of YOUR INCREASE!!!
  21. OH WOW!! That's going to be A LOT of power released that day. Praise God! I AM IN!!!
  22. Yes you are, but girl, you write and your train of thinking is more mature than some adults I know.
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