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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!! No weapon formed against Him will prosper and EVERY evil tongue that has risen up against him in judgement shall be refuted in the might name of Jesus Christ. We come against every witchcraft spirit that has been assigned against him and tell it to GO IN JESUS NAME!!!!! Lord we thank you for precious Justin and that you will surround him with your peace.
  2. All I can say is that God is doing something for His people. There is a TREMENDOUS warfare going on and we all need to stand our ground and do like David did and "inquire of the Lord". When he did, the Lord told him to "pursue, overtake and recover all WITHOUT FAIL". The enemy KNOWS what God has in store for you so if he can attack your mind and make you think that nothing will ever happen or your prayers are never heard then he can paralyze you. The things you can count on are: 1. God is ever-present in the time of trouble 2. He will never leave you nor forsake you 3. He knows what you need BEFORE you ask 4. When you call upon Him, he will hear you and show you Great and Mighty things. 5. Last, but not least...God LOVES you and no tribulation or trial can separate you from HIS love. Perfect love cast out ALL fear!!! I have one more thing to add. I was reading in my devotional over the weekend and I read something that was encouraging to me. The writer said that before it begins to rain, the clouds get darker. That's an indication that the clouds are FULL of water. He said that when your days began to get darker, rejoice in the darkness because soon the clouds will begin to release the showers of blessings. Despair is as dark as it gets my friend. Do what you can and open up your mouth and praise God for the showers of blessings that are getting ready to fall in your life. Blessings to you!!!
  3. Thank you Connie...I believe he has already picked out my new place too!
  4. BEAUTIFUL PRAYER CONNIE!!! Oh my...I felt that one while I was reading. Thank you so much. I woke up this morning encouraged even though everything around me is still falling apart. The owner to my apartment lost the property so all of the tenants have to be out in a week. I'm okay this morning because God is on my side. All of the backup I have received here is reassuring me that God is for me, so who in the world can be against me? NOBODY!!!!!!!!! May God bless each and every one of you!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Whew Princessdelia...I forgot all about that scripture...SO TIMELY!!!! Thank you!
  6. Thank you HB, Jimmy and Nubava...I appreciate your support.
  7. Behind me or in front of me...
  8. Thank you V and MB...I appreciate that prayers!!!!!
  9. Hello family! I just wanted request prayer. Lately the Lord has been leading me to war on behalf of my church and some leaders and because of this, I've seen some fruit from my prayers. Now, I'm experiencing some "retalliation" from the enemy and although I know I'm not alone in my fight because all heaven is my back up, I am still experiencing some natural things. I posted something in the "fellowship" forum about sleeping hard last night when I'm normally a light sleeper, but I deleted it because my friend told me that's happening because I'm in warfare. All of a sudden my bank has put freezes on my accounts where I can't retrieve any money...a possible identity theft. Since this has happened, I have NO MONEY to take care of the natural things I need to take care of. I've gone to family and friends, but everyone is feeling the effects of the economy so they don't have extra. I've just noticed I have a rash that has broken out on my arm...it wasn't there when I woke up this morning. Don't get me wrong, I am not afraid of the enemy...he can throw all of his attacks at me, but I STILL KNOW I have the victory. I just wanted to seek prayer from those who would be willing to pray. I know that my prayers have penetrated the kingdom of darkness and they are UPSET right now...and that's a good thing. I'm working with my bank today who seems to be getting ready to release some money...but during all of this, I am at a friends house who lost his mother yesterday so I'm ministering, consoling YET trying to handle my business and fighting off demons. I need some WARRIORS who will stand watch for me while I take care of my matters at hand. Thank you!
  10. Very well said JJP and I will definately be praying.
  11. Not on your case at all...I think you are expecting everyone that responds to you to be on your case, but that's not what I am doing so if you receive it that way...ummm...it's all good. You want help...and I gave you another option because apparently out of all that the people have said to you, you aren't getting it so I gave you another road to take. I think you are just stuck on one question and not able to receive. I am participating in this thread that's why I responded. You can take this in love or not...it's all up to you. Only God knows the spirit in which I posted it. Step down off of your defensive mode and receive because I said what I said without holding back...it was straight to the point but DEFINATELY in love. I pray that God reveals that to you. Take off you gloves and let people love on you for a change.
  12. After listing all that you did...you have bought the lie...the very thing the word told you NOT to do. You have a checklist with God and you are keeping tabs on Him and God doesn't move like that. He's not in this thing to prove anything to you Change. He is a HOLY God that loves you despite yourself. You have mentioned all of the things that God HASN"T done for you, but what about the things he HAS done for you. You are alive...you still have a roof over your head even though you may not be happy (ask the people who have been evicted and are living on the streets)...You have the ability to think (ask the person who couldn't take the pressures of life and have literally lost their minds). Spend some time THANKING GOD FOR THE THINGS HE HAS DONE FOR YOU!! You remind me of the children of Israel who were out in the wilderness complaining and all the while God was blessing them. It may not be what you want, but maybe if you change your attitude to more gratitude that you will feel better. Don't get me wrong, God is not moved by works...you dont' have to coerce him with praise, worship and thankfulness because you are blessed regardless and he doesn't need you to perform. YOU need an adjustment in the way you think and what you say so you can be more in peace. You don't trust God,...you don't believe that He is a rewarder of them that DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM. I was beginning to get really frustrated with you because you don't get it, but I really feel sorry for you because you could have so much more in your life, but you are stagnated. You are going up the escalator when it's going down. God loves you SO MUCH, but you don't get it. He has so much in store, but YOU DON'T GET IT. He has so much waiting for you to enjoy, BUT YOU DON'T GET IT. I feel sorry for you because you are on this merry go round saying the same thing, asking the same questions and doing nothing different. I belive the people on this board have given you EXCELLENT ADVICE. When you ask for a word, you don't understand it...when you post "dreams" you want it to mean something that it doesn't. You ask the same quesitons over and over and over again. I dare you to praise God for who He is...I dare you to worship him until tears run down your face in gratitude...I dare you to say thank you to him for the little things that the big things have covered...I dare you!!!! Try it my brother in Christ...it won't change God, but it will DEFINATELY CHANGE YOU...Do you really want to change, Change? I dare you!!!
  13. Praise the Lord Lightbeam!!!! Virtuous...I agree with you. The silence of God could mean so much because nothing is absolute when it comes to a sovereign God. It blessed me to know that there is another reason for his silence. I'm going through a rough season where I need direction NOW, but he's silent. It's one of those seasons that have "deadlines". Even with that, there is no deadlines in God because with Him before us, who can be against us? I needed to read that there is another possibility besides the fact that he was being "mean" or CONTINUOUSLY testing my faith. God is good...I will BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD!!!!! Blossom...God is good...I'm glad that He guided the hands of the doctors like we prayed...he's a GOOD GOD! All the other stuff will work out the same way. I'm on a job that I wish I could run from, but I now know that whatever I try to run from is the very thing God is going to use to usher in those things I've been praying for. I hate admitting that, but I won't complain...it could be worse...thank ya Jesus.
  14. I'm waiting...my email is in my profile...I'M ALL EARS AND EYES!!!
  15. I SOOOOO know what you are going through Blossom. I would like to comment on what you said about God being quiet. I'm in a season where he's talking to me about EVERYTHING else besides the area where I need the most direction in. Last weekend I went away on a weekend excursion just so I could get away from my normal surroundings and seek God (regarding the issue that he seems to NOT be speaking in). i spoke to the Lord about his quietness in this area and once again...NOTHING! I sort of got a little frustrated until I opened up this devotional book I have. It said... If God isn't speaking in an area, the first thing we do is think that he is ignoring us, but could it be that you are right where you need to be and no instructions or directions are needed? A loving God will direct you so you can be in the place he needs you to be in. Let's rejoice in times of quietness because God's silence can mean that I'm in the right place at he right time. When I read this, it was better than God speaking it to my heart. I think he knows that if he would have spoken it to me, I would not have believed He said it. He gave me those words in a devotional on the exact day I was becoming a little frustrated with His silence. GLORY TO GOD!! As far as your job is concerned...if the job is for you, then it's for you. God will hold the door open since he's the only one with the sovereignty to open and shut doors. I would apply for it even though you are not in the physcial condition to interview. The amount of time they have until they no longer accept applications may be a ways off. Just do it...you have NOTHING to lose. Let us know how things turn out and may God give you a FASTER RECOVERY than expected. Blessings!!
  16. That is beautiful princessdelia. You are absolutely right about wanting to fall in love with Christ. I will go a little further and say that I believe it is a PRE-requsite for any person to do BEFORE God will send the spouse He has for them. The Bible says that we love BECAUSE He first loved us (1 John 4). We can't love anyone until we understand HIS love. I see it as a three corner triangle. God/Jesus Christ are at the top and the man has one bottom corner and the woman has the other bottom corner. Both the man and the woman need the direct love contact from God/Jesus Christ in order for them to love each other. Without it, how can they love each other? We can talk about our future spouses all day long however until we learn how to receive God's love and give it...we probably won't see the spouse that God has prepared for us because God will NEVER allow a natural spouse to give more love to you than you are willing to accept from Him...IMPOSSIBLE! We won't know what TRUE LOVE is until we know God's love. Many of us say we know God's love, but we really don't. I'm praying with you Princessdelia, that you will know the love of Christ and that you will be intoxicated with it. Blessings to you!!!
  17. Be encourged and ask God for the lesson in all of this. Even though the way they are treating you is NOT of God...The Lord can still teach you some things because he turns everything for HIS glory.
  18. This is so beautiful Mark...so well written and I can feel your heart in this...I praise God for you and all that he is doing in your life!
  19. THank you Jesus!!! You are an awesome and caring God.
  20. This is of the devil. God doesn't put that type of pressure on you. The Bible says in James 5...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. You have to believe that your prayers are being heard by God regarding your family no matter what. I would say that God is doing more in the hearts of your family members NOW because why else would the evil one bring torment to you? he does nothing in vain. You must begin to believe that God hears your prayers and not doubt and walk in unbelief. You have to know that God has heard your prayers and that He is protecting them from all harm and danger.
  21. I can testify about that on THIS day Miss Desi!! God is so good!!
  22. Well that is wonderful!! You live in Florida so you are CLOSE!!! I had to fly from California to Florida and then take one of those little planes over there...hehehe! Have fun
  23. Since many people have viewed this and not responded yet, let me be the first to say that I agree with what you have said here. I do not want you to leave and I don't believe you will be banned for speaking your heart. DO NOT LEAVE!!!!!!!!!! We need your honest and bold spirit here.
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