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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Yesterday I was driving and I asked God for a supernatural supply of money. I had some things I needed to do and because I budget down to the penny, I didn't want to disrupt anything. I just asked and this morning when I woke up, I had quite a bit of money in my account. When I looked at the deposit details, it said that it was a class action settlement through the bank. I revived something in the mail a few months ago, but I didn't take it seriously, but apparently stuff like this really happens. I can't even tell you what the class action suit was about...I think it was monthly fees, but no matter what, God blessed me right when I needed it.
  2. Wow...that is awesome. To God be the glory. That is one of those moments where God was letting you know that He sees you. One of God's names is El Roi...the God that sees me. It's the name that Hagar called upon when she and little Ishmeal were cast out into the wilderness. God sees you Jasmine and he allowed that lady to engage you to show you that. I wouldn't be surprised if that was an angel in human clothing. It's been happening a lot to me lately... Blessings to you...
  3. I must say, I never had love for any animal like I do until my grand-dog came along. My son has a 6 month old Weirmier and I'm smitten by him...Skeeter. Even at 6 months, he's huge. If anything were to happen to him, I would be devastated. Like TruFlight said, it's good to pray for our animals. This time last year I wouldn't have dreamed about doing that...but now, I intercede like its my son. So I rejoice with you...I really do.
  4. Astra, from my own experience I've not dealt with the spirit outside. I'm not saying that it won't, but from my experience it hasn't.?.only in the home. I wasn't restless at work, just at night...at home. I think that the kingdom of darkness is banking on us to not be aware. That restless spirit snuck in due to me not truly understand the ways a spirit can enter. Once I found out, I've prayed against it ever since. Right now, I live with my mother. I've had dreams recently where she's downstairs and she opens the front door and let's a stampede of weird people in the house. When they come in, guess where the head? Yes, to my room. I had a dream where they came in my room and one touched my arm and I woke up and screamed, "THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST YOU! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" and It left! Now, I say that was a dream, but it must have been real life because it touched my arm and I woke up and then it left. I believe the spirits will attack anyone whose guard is down. Just like Juewls...the spirit had to make it so dark for her where she couldn't fight. The spirit that came into my apartment came in based on my ignorance. The more they mess with me or others, the more I learn their strategies. When we learn, we must stay ahead of their game...that's why daily prayer and the reading of God's Word is so important...it's our armor! If we don't, we coud be slowly perishing for a lack of knowledge.
  5. Oh myyy!! So are you saying that your Uncle may have brought the spirit in? That wouldn't be impossible. It happened to me before, but it was a "restless" spirit. I used to stay in an apartment and they were doing upgrades. During the day, the construction guys were allowed to come in and out of our units while we were gone to work. During this time, I couldn't sleep...I was restless. It's like I couldn't find enough to do. When I laid down to rest, I felt like I needed to be up doing something. It came to me in prayer that I had strangers in my home during the day and they could have left some "stuff" behind in the atmosphere. SO I got up and prayed. I even opened the door and kicked out every contrary spirit that was NOT of God. From that point on, I never had the problem again. I even anointed my threshold so that anything that would try to come in on the backs of anyone, would be stripped before they entered. HA HA...it worked so well that some of my neighbors that used to come and visit me, wouldn't come in...they just stood at the door and talked to me. God is real!!!
  6. Hi Juewls! I think most of us knows what that feeling feels like, but I really feel in my heart that when you are feeling fine THAT'S the time you should be praying and coming against that spirit of despair. While reading your post, I could see a very tall black blob hovering over you...whis is what is causing the dark feelings. I can guarantee that the times it's coming over you, God is moving for you in the spiritual realm. We have to understand that the kingdom of darkness doesn't come in waves like that unless God is moving in waves like that. It comes to disconnect you from the Lord so that you won't be in a place to hear your next set of instructions. This spirit is in violation and does NOT belong in your home so while you have the energy and focus pray against It and kick it out of your house. Turn on praise and worship music in the house and focus on the Lord. There is nothing wrong with you. That which is attacking you is outside of you...trying to smother you and we aren't having it. There is no distance in prayer so my prayer team and I are praying tonight. We will call your name out and come up gainst this foul and smelly demonic force who is intruding. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER and whatever God is doing on your behalf, there WILL be a manifestation of it in your life. SO BE IT!!!!
  7. Now THAT'S the God we serve!!!!!! Cancer is a name that must bow no matter what. I sooooooo rejoice with you!!
  8. Good stuff Astra!!! I love what you said... "learn about God, Ruth! Many people when sick (including myslef till recently) tend to learn about healing. But healing is GOD'S Will for us, so surrender ALL your views to HIS views, ask for enlightment (Ephsians 1:17-23 and Ephesians 3:16-21 are the best prayers ever to get your eyes enlightened and get absolutely awesome revelations and God's truth!!!). It might not happen overnight, but the process is SO enjoyable".
  9. Negative? No, I didn't pick that up. I just felt your frustration and you were venting. It's all good. You are in a good place, regardless of how you feel. I truly know that the sickness that you and your daughter have been experiencing is still a lie. You have the divine healing power of Jesus Christ flowing through your body right now. It was activated when you surrendered your life to Him. I will be praying for the two of you. The power of Jesus' blood is real...you are WORTHY to walk in wholeness in your body because Jesus says so.
  10. Wellll, I will say this...This scripture comes to mind, as I read your post: A faithful man will abound with blessings, But he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished. (Proverbs 28:20) Wisdom will say, you will be throwing away money that you need, that will go towards your move...just to give it to someone else (the winner), who may not need it as badly as you do right now. The first part of that scripture says "a faithful man (or woman)"...I see this as one who is "full of faith". Trust God and maybe fast and pray for a day and seek God for His direction on what to do. He will never fail you...sometimes these things come up just so he can see where our faith is. I will be praying as well. I can be touched by what you are going though.
  11. Ok so I get what you are saying, but I think the confusion is coming in on a technicality (for lack of a better word). When someone says "generational curse", I see it as null and void...it doesn't exist...if it did, then one would NOT be able to pray it away. It's not the "curse" that's the problem, it's a revelation problem. What I mean by that is, until you believe or realize that you are free, then you won't be. It's like what Psalm 23 says...It's "the shadow of death". It appears to be, but it really isn't. Depression and diabetes is huge in my family, from generations back. Every woman in my family has suffered from both, except for me and my nieces. When I read that scripture in Romans for the first time and the Holy Spirit illuminated that to me, I walked in it and covered my nieces and future women who haven't been born into the family yet. People in my family would say to me, since I was younger, "all the women are sick in our family." they still say it, but I always say, " not me, I've been redeemed and it can't come near me." I have relatives right now who don't talk to me because they are jealous that it never affected me. It's crazy, but it's true. The way you explained it, I understand, but I think where we differ is that that in my heart, those curses don't exist to even touch me. They are some where "over there", but not near me because Jesus and His Holy Spirit resides in me. There is no room for darkness. It says in Proverbs that as a man thinks, so is he. I believe opposite of what people in my family are saying, therefore I'm walking in the opposite. I hope I make sense. Thanks for responding, I appreciate it...
  12. Hmmm, so help me understand what you mean by being a child of God through the blood of Christ and having the curse reversed....yet still having to deal with generational curses. That seems to cancel the power in Jesus' blood. (no debate, just would like to understand)
  13. You are so welcome. I didn't see my son for an entire year. He was in a different state and he was "having fun", but during that time, God matured him. He's back now and finishing his degree locally...I can't believe how much he's matured. His decisions and his attitude is amazing. I can actually have great conversations with him, when I couldn't before he left. He struggled a bit while he was in school because I cut off a major part of my support to him until he straightened up. I had to hear God on that part, but in my obedience, I can see a strong young man who is about to impact this world with this entreprenural spirit that has taken over him and great vision. The end will be better than the beginning...trust God!
  14. Amen...I'm in agreement. From one mommy to another, leave her in the hand of the Lord. I had to release my son, when I sent him off to college three years ago and God never failed. He showed me things BEFORE they would happen and in THAT, my son remained safe...you just have to commend her into the hand of the Lord. Praying with you...
  15. Praying... She doesn't have to "beat it" because Jesus already did. Just begin worshipping and praising the Lord for what he sacrificed just for her.
  16. Hallelujah!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU HINDSFEET!!! I was wondering where you were...not I know that you've been celebrating the goodness of God. I rejoice with you!
  17. WOW!! Praying...how sad. As a mother, my heart weeps.
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