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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75

    Welcome to C&G

    Hiya to all newbies in here...it is great to have you here! If you have any questions please ask and we will do our best to help and make you feel totally at home
  2. multi-quote is really easy....click on the multi quote button on every post you wish to quote...they dont even have to be on the same page...when you are finished selecting them, click post reply at the bottom of the page
  3. I know the group is not officially open yet but want so say hi to you all before I go away... So HI!! I'm Lisa and my pet is Rosie.. I'm a 34 Mum of 3 devils ooops I mean kids I live in the West Midlands, UK and spend way too much time in PSFC and PS lol I'm off to Florida for 2 weeks on Sunday so will miss the beginnings of the group, so wanted to get my Hi in before I go and wish this group and Zoonie, lots of luck
  4. lea75


    COMPETITIONS AND GIVEAWAYS RULES • You must be an active member of the group to take part in any of the Competitions or giveaways. An active member is classed as a member who has a minimum of 20 posts, not including ‘bumping’, thank you or welcome threads, with no less than average 1 post per day (so if a member has posted 25 post count but an average post count of 0.5 then that member is not classed as active). •Any disputes about any aspect of the competition or giveaway should be made through a site administrators or Forum administrator...their decision is final Competitions will still be moderated as normal by all mods and admins Members are not allowed to run any competitions which require payments...i.e. gmb raffle or ask for donations for your competiton No wish list threads are allowed. If you wish to grant members wishes then please do so through the official wish list threads Administrators reserve the right to add or change rules if needed
  5. Christmas Music Video Of The Day - December 18th Slade - Merry Christmas everyone Each and everyday here at PSFC one of the Mods or Admins will select a music video of the day that will feature on the forums, it could be a new release, a great video, a weird video, something controversal, reunion of a band, or just the long awaited return, whatever it is we aim to bring something new and fresh everyday, so...Take a listen, and vote in the poll above and tell us what you think of the track also!
  6. I dont do any cooking...I keep forgetting about it and it ends up burnt ( a bit like real life lmao!!)
  7. lea75

    Invite box

    oh hun dont quit!!! I agree it is totally annoying but its not worth quitting for
  8. lea75

    Invite box

    It is sooooo annoying!!!! If we wanted to tell our friends about it then we would!!! Wonder how many people click on it by accident?
  9. Sarah....you are a fantastic person..inside and out....you just need time to realise that for yourself. What has happened has not happened because of anything you have done, and you are not being punished or tested in anyway. I'm not going to rabbit on too much here hun....I think I do that enough in pm's lol You have a lot of people who care about you (and you know that includes me) and that is because of the wonderful person you are. Keep talking, keep smiling, and keep taking little steps....you will get to where you want to be...happy again Huge hugs xxx
  10. I'm glad that you are going hun, I know how much this means to you... I wish you and your family love and peace this Christmas, and really do hope your father-in-laws health improves xxxx
  11. most links are hun... Your comp entry is fantastic....good luck xx
  12. its only going to be in the boxes for just over a week so will become quite rare anyway
  13. more people are trading in 999s now, so if playfish get rid of most of them in gmbs people are less likely to want to trade....and we all know playfish dont like trading
  14. hmmmmmm maybe that is why they have done it?? More people are trading in 999;s than 4999's now
  15. I've checked a few other sites and none have the spoilers yet...well apart from our partner site anyway lol They will be posted in here now...and yes we have the exclusive again!
  16. lea75

    Warning ....

    I cant believe they have removed all those items yet have left all the rubbosh in! Guess I will never finish my 999 collections now
  17. Hey Pet Society fans! The holidays just keep getting closer and closer, and Sirius is bouncing with excitement (and to keep warm)! Today, she braved the snow to go fishing, although the bouncing didn’t help and hence she didn’t catch a thing, she spotted some bright new fish jumping out of the water occasionally (she assumes to keep warm as the water must be even colder)! So go fishing yourself and see if you can discover what the festive fish love to eat! Festive Fish Festive Cookiefish After Sirius had spent awhile fishing, she saw “?” hurrying by, back towards his store, so she dropped her rod and bounced over! “?” looked at her strangely, perhaps because of the bouncing or her extremely excited face. As “?” was short on time and had to hurry back to his store to sell mystery boxes to all the pets who would be lining up to try and find the latest mysterious items, he quickly gave her the images, and went on his way! As you can imagine, this made Sirius even more excited and she started bouncing higher and not really looking where she was going, and bounced straight into a snowman. So Sirius and the images got a little snowy, but despite being cold and wet, it didn’t dampen Sirius’ mood, and she bounced home and dried off by the fire. Can you work out what the mysterious items might be? Gingerbread stocking decor - GMB Santa Mayor picture - GMB Red Holly Candle - GMB
  18. lea75

    My wwf entry

    I love the message here hun.....personally I would have the first line of writing a little higher though so there was not so much blank space....only my opinion though You should deffinately enter it though hun xx
  19. mine is plum bread It is a family recipie, which I remember my Mum and my Nan making when I was little and now I make it for my kids. It is a type of fruit cake, very easy to make and totally delicious to eat
  20. lea75

    New Lottery!

    I still think I'm worse off than on the old lottery scheme I cant get the high amounts at all :snowcry:
  21. lea75

    PS hacking

    threre is a difference between a glich and a cheat a glich it a way of working around the programme, where as cheats actually alter the game programming. The normally hack into the games database and either alter or copy the information in there. To do a lot of cheats you need to download a cheat engine onto your pc. Playfish have access to who has this cheat engine on their pc and can and will close down accounts they find to be using one. Plus cheat engines are well known ways of getting viruses and spyware on your pc so it is strongly recommended you stay away from them
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