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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. for you JBS. I know what that feels like so be encouraged...God is the one who justifies.
  2. Not sure about this one MJ. I'm not saying it's not from God, but it's sort of confusing. The only thing I can say is, maybe God is desiring for you to hear his voice MORE as opposed to relying on dreams and visions. I'm all about balance and though I love to hear from the Lord in my dreams, I'm equally amazed and excited to hear Him speak to me. Sometimes prophetic words are NOT for now, but for the future. There are prophetic words I received where I beat my brain trying to figure out what it meant for me at that time, but now, as I look back, those words were for THIS season of my life. Always remember that in this dispensation of grace that we are in, when God speaks to us through other people, it should bear witness and confirm. Have you been talking to the Lord about hearing his voice clearer? Pray, Pray, Pray...make sure the Lord can show you in His word if this word is from him and/or for now. Blessings my sister!!
  3. WOW Connie!! Praise God for His faithfulness!!
  4. Thank you DS... I'm not sad at all. At first I was upset because of the way she did it. She TOLD me that she would pay for it, she just wanted me to find out how much it was. Remember, she approached me...I never seen her a day in my life until she came to ME and offered. It was God because NO ONE knew I was interested in the Leadership College. When I called her back and told her the cost, I never heard from her. Two days had past and I just figured she was busy. She sends me a TEXT telling me that the Lord told her (while we prayed together that night) to give me $100 towards the tuition only. My thing is this...if God told you that, why did you let me walk away thinking you would pay for it? I had to release her. She wasn't happy when I texted her back. I told her that I appreciated her willingness to help me, but God is leading me in a different direction...which He is. That whole situation is between her and God and I do appreciate her heart, because it was open enough to approach me. She has to be a good person. She just let flesh get in the way...like we all do from time to time. Lurdys...what you said about one door closing and another one opening, is what three people have told me regarding this situation. So...out of the mouth of two or three...let it be established.
  5. By the way...Read the book of Romans VERY slowly and meditate on your rights through Christ. Much of what I've said in my response to you is in the book of Romans.
  6. Hi Pooky!! God is still there...it's just that you need to plug into HIM. Even when you don't recognize His love for you...He's still smitten by you. Did you know that even though you have sinned that God still sees you righteous? Jesus took the penalty of your sins to the cross and now you are seated with HIM in heavenly places. It has NOTHING to do with what you have done. You have been given ACCESS to the throne room of God so go NOW!! God boldly and receive the grace and mercy that you need. All it takes is a decison on YOUR part. Open up your mouth and have a heart to heart with Him...He knows what you are going to say even before you say it, but just saying it and getting things off of your chest will be liberating for you. Intimacy is a two way street. God has been intimate with you all along, but you haven't noticed it. Plug in my friend and feel his love...He's there waiting for YOU...His beloved!!
  7. Thanks Lurdys, but the person who SAID they were going to bless me, backed out... She came up with an excuse that was so religiously spiritual,yet "spiritless", that I told her thank you, but no thank you. It's soooooo important to spend time with the Lord because when you run into people like this, who KNOW God is calling them to do something for you, and then they LIE...it keeps you from putting your foot down their throat...Just sayin... To God be the Glory...I will be still and KNOW God is God!!
  8. Awww Siranta... I think I can speak for all of us...keep you and the children safe...that's how you can thank us!
  9. Let me say this to you Sirianta. God doesn't like divorce, but even MORE than that, He doesn't like abuse. I think the teaching on divorce has been out of context. Do you think the God of ALL LOVE would want you and your children to remain in a situation all because he doesn't want you to "divorce"? We are talking about the AGAPE love of God...which means it's unconditional...which means he will love you no matter what. I have news for you...God is already pleased with you. It's not about what you "DO"...it's about who you "ARE". He designed you for HIS liking and frowns upon those who mis-handle his precious one. You don't have to be in the house with an abusive man for God to hear your prayers. As we all know, there is no distance in prayer. I'm not here to tell you to leave your husband because I can't do that nor do I have that right...but what I can do is tell you who you are and how much God loves you and your little ones. God IS NOT pleased with how you three are being treated. God isn't mad at you because you are still there, just like he won't be mad at you if you leave. His love is UNCONDITIONAL...it can't be earned and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it. My prayers are for you today because this breaks my heart. My prayers are for your children because NO CHILD deserves to be subjected to such violence. This is no longer about you or your husband, it's about the children. Protect their hearts. Do you have a Pastor or minister you can speak to?
  10. I never claim the prophetic "thing"...I just love God and allow Him to keep me connected to Him. I'm so happy you are feeling better. Blessings and peace to you!!
  11. He WILL sustain you. You don't have to ask for that because He is THE Sustainer. I will pray that God will continue to minister to your heart and to lead you in the way that He would have you to go. He's in love with you and is holding on to you during this time...Trust!
  12. So sorry Siranta of what you are going through... Why are you still there?
  13. Ohhhh Connie...that was cute!!! Your husband MUST BE secure because there are a lot of men that have the audacity to be jealous of their wives relationship with God...go figure.
  14. I too, know who my mate is and I know EXACTLY the feelings you are experiencing. Please relax. Don't get overly anxious about this. Just give it to the Lord and leave it there. The more you pine over it...worry over it...or are concerned with it, the more confusing things will become. There is nothing wrong with praying FOR HIM because we should always pray for one another, but I would pray, go to the word and allow the Lord to minister and fix your heart so that it will be more towards HIM and not the man. If the man is who GOD has ordained for you...nothing will stop it! You just need some direction and God gives direction when you ask and wait on Him.
  15. Hi Delightful Soul... Take the pressure off of yourself. God is love and He doesn't sit there with his arms folded, tapping his feet and upset because you haven't spent much time with him. Do you know what He sees? The deepest parts of your heart and the desire that you have to spend time with Him. The fact that you wrote this post, says that you have a heart that is TOWARDS Him...and that counts. I think we have it ALL wrong. We think that we have to spend these massive amounts of time with the Lord to please Him, but He's already pleased. Not because your heart is towards Him, but because His love for you is beyond what you can think of or imagine. Just start small. If you have a devotional book, read it each day and then meditate on the scripture throughout the day as you go and talk with Him. You can eve read a Psalm. There was a time that I felt the way you did and I went to the Lord and cried out to Him and told Him all I wanted to do. My hearts desire was to CRAVE Him above everything else. Then God spoke so gently to my heart and said "you do crave me above everything else"...huh?? I do?? He said, "when you are working, your thoughts go immediately to me and wonder what I thought about this or that". You know, He was exactly right. I've always had that "What Would Jesus Do" type attitude and I've always kept a song humming in my heart...did you know THATS spending time with the Lord as well? It's not the quantity of time, it's the quality. God is not sitting with a stop watch and a meter trying to figure out who's spending the most time with Him...it's a relationship...it's not bondage. Let His love draw you. You will find that when you spend that little time with Him reading the devotional (or whatever you choose), your day will flow better because that's just how He is. The next thing you will notice is that you will have some extra time to spend with Him. It won't be YOUR doing...it will be His. It's not about "works" with Him...rest in His grace and allow Him to "woo" you...that's what a GOOD MAN does.
  16. Alright...Big Baller...High Roller...Shot Caller... God ALWAYS comes through for you D...ALWAYS. I hate to say that I told you so, but I will...I TOLD YOU MAN!!!! God NEVER leaves us NOR forsakes us. Even when things seem dark and bleak, He's right there. Even with $1 per day for food or when the bills are hard to pay...He's right there. I'm so happy you didn't give up, but you couldn't because He's inside of you and GREATER is HE that is in YOU, than he that is the world.
  17. No, you didn't keep that to yourself...the first thing I saw was the "minus" button and THEN the "plus"...hehehehe! That's sad, but I'm being honest.
  18. Hold on Lightbeam. God is doing something girl. The dream man that I've been seeing in my dreams for over 19 years, surfaced yesterday. I was within 5 feet of him and let's just say...something is getting ready to happen and I am in expectation. Continue in your preparation because preparation proceeds manifestation. Whatever you do...DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!
  19. Why do you feel as though you can't feed it TrueTrimphant? God's Word is QUICK and POWERFUL...it is more than enough. Could this be an attack of some sort? Regardless, I am in prayer for you!
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