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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. SO it's like the "like" button on Facebook, eh? I wish FB would have a "unlike" button...hehehehe!
  2. Praise the Lord LightBeam...it's so good to see you again and that you are doing well. May God continue to manifest your dreams.
  3. I will say this to you LovelyWoman... Check the season as well. I can tell you a story about what happened to me. My church has a Leadership College. I KNEW the Lord told me to go. I signed up and trusted him for the money to register. I was talking BIG FAITH because I'm unemployed right now and no income anywhere. I was encouraging a lady that I know at church to go and trust God. Well she did...God met her need...but my need wasn't met. She was able to start, but i didn't. I was like "Hey God, I thought you said you wanted me to sign up?" No answer. I was devastated because I also wanted to finish my degree at the local university and I missed getting in by .2 GPA...due to the high volume of applications. Well, I moved on with my life and really didn't think anything else about the Leadership College and then last night I was at Bible Study and this lady sat next to me. We both noticed that the usher has been sitting her next to me for the past three weeks. We laughed and then she said "the Lord has laid you on my heart and I wanted to know if you are interested in attending the Leadership College?" Could this be? Did God just give me MORE than what I could ask for? Yes He did. This lady is paying for me to go...the only thing I need to do is get the information to her today. I said all of that to say this...check the season. It wasn't that God didn't want me to go when the money wasn't put in my hand...it was that he had the perfect timing for me to attend. The same may be for you. Could there be something else God wants you to do right now? You were just ordained...could it be that he wants to use you more in the area of ministry right now? Ask Him...He will tell you and give you peace about it.
  4. Even though you are actually a day ahead of us American's...it's technically NOT your birthday here... BUT...since you are the birthday boy...we can spring forward into the future ONE DAY and wish you a fantastic day.
  5. Congrats Lindlyloo and Glory to God for Justin Chase!!! I will pray for your situation. Just know that God is faithful and he takes care of his children...all we need to do is TRUST!!!!
  6. I think the moral to this post is to use discernment. It doesn't matter what religion they are...the thing that we MUST remember is in the last days many will try to come in the name of Jesus and will pose as angel of light. The supernatural is an area where MUCH discernment is needed because you can get wrapped up in it and it can become a "god" or something you seek after instead of Jesus. I don't watch much stuff on TV...I just read for myself and God is doing BIG THINGS in my life...which are supernatural. I stay in the Word and let the Holy Spirit lead me into ALL truth. I'm not saying that we shouldnt watch certain people on TV, but what i'm saying is it shouldn't be the main place where you are getting your information...that's dangerous. Many come in the name of Jesus, but don't come in the truth. The Lord is good!!!
  7. I concur, True Flight...and...it's good to see you around again!!
  8. Ohhhhh sweet Jesus!!! You are so good Lord...I just worship you for your healing power and your tender mercy and love. To YOU be all the glory and honor!!!!
  9. This is what I would say to you Little One. The fact that you are not sure what to do leads me to believe you know what to do. This is how I know to leave something alone...when I don't have peace about it. The Bible says in Colossians 3:15 (AMP)...And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. When something is of God, the peace that the Holy Spirit leaves in our hearts is undeniable. If you are in question all of the time, then that is a red flag. If I were you, I would go before the Lord and leave this at the altar. We all can advise you to do all types of things, but in the end, you have to be the one that has the peace in your heart. I personally don't see anything wrong with dating anyone online, HOWEVER, it has to be God directed and LOTS of discernment is needed. I read your other post that is similar to this and the questions you had concern me. God has your answer my sister...go to Him and let him lead you because his love for you is immeasurable. Once you tap into HIS LOVE for you, it will be hard for you to accept just any love...it will help direct you to the person who is open to allow God's love to flow through them to you. Be blessed and I've prayed for you...expect God to speak.
  10. I agree...just pray. We don't ALWAYS have to respond, especially when we know what's behind it. God brought Joseph Prince in my life 3-4 years ago. God has changed my life through his teachings. I agree with what he said...we need to see them the way Jesus sees them. I always say this, to myself..."if they knew better, they would do better". We can say that about ourselves. There were times when we didn't do what we should have, but when we learned and matured, we don't travel down that road anymore.
  11. Ummmm...I want to know why you are reminding US that it is YOUR birthday. That's mighty High Maintenance of you... I'm jus sayin. Anyway.... ?????????????????????
  12. AMEN CONNIE!! I am finding out these days that when we OFFER Jesus to people...they normally don't receive him that way. They need to see Him in us FIRST! So far, every non believer I have ministered to has accepted Christ, not because I told them about Jesus...they saw Him in me FIRST! The Bible says we are WRITTEN EPISTLES, learned AND read by ALL MEN! They will know we are CHRIST-ians by our love!
  13. Little One...let the Lord draw you. What I mean by that is...many times we force ourselves to read and pray. When we do that, it becomes drudgery. Keep your heart open throughout the day and listen out for those "little tugs" that the Holy Spirit gives when it's time to pray or read the Word. I've found that when I do it that way, I learn so much and my heart is open to hear what the Lord is desiring to share with me. God never forces us...He draws us. You will find that it will be EASY to make him priority in your life when you do it this way. It's like "training wheels"...then before you know it, you are riding on your own and you enjoy it! I hope that helps!
  14. It's your Birthday Girl!!!!! PARTAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Have a fantastic day Lurdys!!!!!!
  15. Amen Daph!! Now THATS what I'm talking about. God is real and when He says it, we just have to let him do it and stop trying to figure things out. I still pray for your son...he's on our weekly prayer list. There is something about the babies that tugs at my heart. I still see him running around and playing with the other children...I really do!!!
  16. Who, in their right mind, is interested in the dead? I just don't get it. When you are filled with life, you don't want to be around death. I've heard of some Christians who study this type of stuff and it baffles me. There is enough to learn in the light...why go to the dark???
  17. Watching things on TV is DEFIANTELY an open door. I was watching a comedy movie on Showtime one night. I fell asleep while watching it and I remember feeling something crawling on me and I felt this "yucky" feeling in my spirit man. When I woke up, some scarey movie was on and I jumped up in my bed and grabbed the remote and turned it off. It is real people!! The TV is a door for the enemy.
  18. I know you know this already Lurdys, but we did sort of say the same thing...LOL!
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