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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Repent and move on girly!!!! Repent to the Lord and repent to the person. Now, I'm not trying to give you an out or an excuse to why you responded the way that you did, but I must say this...you just had a baby and your hormones are wacko right now. God will meet you right where you need help. I'm learning to be quiet, even when I want to say something. It's hard, but it is helping me...you may want to work on just NOT saying anything until you can respond better.
  2. Gurllll!!!! You just don't know how much my heart is overjoyed to hear this. You have come a LOOOOONG WAY!!!! God is doing BIG THANGS in your life. You got rid of a HUGE weight (MDX ) and now God can do what He wants to do in your life. Let him do it my sister...Let him do it!!!
  3. Goooooooooooooo Jesus!!!!! Thank you Lord for FAVOR!!!!
  4. By the way V...That is THE SONG girl!!! I love it when she goes to the Bridge and says "Jesus". Oh Lord...let me go get my CD!!!!
  5. Christa said... do the Jesus beat down That is CLASSIC!!!! Go girl!!!! I love a warrior...LOVE IT!
  6. Btw Lurdys, you said... would love it if anyone who has time could search for them as well...PM them to me and I'll upload them... How do we do this? Do we just PM the actual emoticon? Or the site where they are. I have "Smiley Central" loaded on my computer and I use majority of their emoticons in my emails.
  7. Ohhhhh...the dancing banana is my favorite. I used wear that little guy out on another site I belong to a long time ago!!!
  8. This is not the time for you to buckle Princesdelia. You have to hold on to what you know and that is GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! You can't believe the report of man, you have to remain focused on the Lord. I will try to give you a call tomorrow!
  9. Jblueskies, if I were you I wouldn't worry about it...really!! I don't get schools today. You need to ask the teacher how many 3 year olds can stay focused...SHE IS 3 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! They don't sit still for anything. I didn't when I was that age and neither do most three year olds. If you need to change her diet, then do that, but don't let them build up any concern in your heart and think that she has a problem, because I can almost guarantee she doesn't. You just had a baby, there are a lot of things that probably play into her being active and not focused. I will be praying for YOU so YOU can have peace...your daughter is fine!!!
  10. Praise the Lord!!!! My heart leaped too Lurdy's. V...I looked to see if it was mentioned here because I remembere us discussing about us being hidden in God. I must have overlooked it when searching. The Lord is GOOOOOOD!!
  11. LTWJ...this is the scripture that came to mind when I read your post. A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. (Proverbs 18:16) Your time will come...continue to be faithful in what your doing and allow God's timing to take over.
  12. I decided to resurrect this forum because I heard something that is in line with this topic that I think you ladies would appreciate (if you haven't heard it before). "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that the man who is trying to get her heart, has to seek God in order to find it." I just had to lift my hands on this one...God is so good!!!! Here's my heart Lord...TAKE IT!!!!!!
  13. It depends on what you are visualizing? Is it scriptural? Does it line up with Phil 4:8? Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things Anything outside of this, we have been commanded to cast it down. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Cor 10:5) I hope this helps...
  14. I will pray God's will too!!!!
  15. Awesome!! I know exactly how you feel. God is so good!!!!
  17. WOW Christa!! How sad. I must say, this used to be my greatest fear...hitting or running over someone. Whenever I drive, I never drive in the lane closests to the curb because I would be afraid that someone would come out of nowhere and I would hit them. After reading the story of your friend, I realize you can be as careful as you possibly can and still something could happen. My heart and prayers go out to her. I will put her on the prayer list tonight with my prayer team and we will speak forth salvation and peace in this situation. God, sometimes, has a interesting way of turning tragedy into triumph. I wouldn't be surprised if she came to God wholeheartedly during this time. Be on guard and allow the Lord to lead you because you may be the one to lead her to Christ.
  18. You will hear Him there in due season. If you want it, you can believe He wants it even more. Yes, when I hear Him now, I KNOW it's Him. There is not doubt. The only doubt comes when he says things that goes against the grain of my mind. If he tells me to do something that doesn't make "logical" sense I tend to question. The thing about hearing Him, He leaves a beautiful peace behind what He says. That's the difference between hearing his voice and thinking it's your own voice. Relax...enjoy Him speaking to you through the Word of God because that is more precious than you think!!!
  19. WOW...I will speak to the situation right now because we have the authority to speak to a situation and it change because we have LIFE on our tongues!!!!
  20. Oh by the way...you have ALL the Grace that you need for this life. You just need to walk in it...meaning, realize that all that you need to live this life in Christ has been provided. You desire intimacy, but times that by 1000+ and that's how much he desires YOU!!!
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