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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. God is going to do exceedingly and abundantly above what you can think of or even imagine...that's just how He does things...be it according to you faith...
  2. I'm calling my prayer team NOW! The devil is a LIAR!!
  3. The fact that you "feel bad" lets you know that it's not a godly action. Instead of going to someone and saying what another person has done, why don't you go to God. He tells us to cast all of our cares on HIM because He cares for us. Vent to the Lord...he's the only one who can change it anyway. When you go to others, you risk sowing negative seeds in their hearts about the person you are discussing. No matter how strong you think they may be and how they are able to handle it, you are still changing the person's perspective towards that individual forever. I hope this makes sense.
  4. I agree with Lightbeam...also know that you ALREADY HAVE patience...it's a fruit of the Spirit. It just needs to be developed. Being still and waiting on the Lord is simply faith...trusting that His ways are Higher than your ways and that HE'S awesome enough to bring it to pass in the way HE desires. Don't feel alone on this...we ALL can testify about having to wait on God for something. It's in the "wait' where patience is developed...TRUST ME GIRL!!!!
  5. This is a GREAT question Jodi. I don't think there is a specific way God reveals His calling to an individual. I've heard ALL TYPES of awesome stories. I've heard them from as simple as a prophet speaking into their lives to something similar to what Linda just shared. I think if you or anyone else is in search of the call that God has on their life, the Bible says in James that when you need wisdom, just ask. After that, wait for Him to reveal it in HIS way and in HIS timing. You can trust that He wants you to know more than YOU want to know. He's such a wonderful and awesome God! Blessings and I'm praying for you as well!!!
  6. I think we need to put in another work order for this site. The emoticons and the avatars are not visable. I thought it was my computer, but when I go to other sites I frequent, i can see the emoticons and avatars. It seems like after we had the other issue with not PM's, this situation occured.
  7. Cholette

    Need Prayer

    I'm praying for you MB!! God is faithful...He's done it before for you, He will do it again. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5) And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. (Colossians 3:15 AMP)
  8. I'm finding out that some ideas that He has given me are of Him, but I need to take the time to seek Him for the timing. May God give you the wisdom for HIS timing.
  9. I don't write poems, but I love reading them. You ladies have a definate gift. Praise God! I love to read what's on the heart of others toward their God...the Lover of their souls. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Halllllleeeeeeeeluuuuuujah!!!!!! Now, let me be the FIRST 'bossy sister' to say... I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!
  11. Amen Connie!!!! I'll be praying for Bill and put him on my list for the intercessory team.
  12. I'm there with Lightbeam, Connie and Lurdys. I can hear God speak to me deep inside many times, but there are those special times when I'm in His Word where a scripture will pop off the page and hit me in my head (great feeling, by the way). I also have those intimate moments when I'm waking up in the morning, between sleep and consciousness where I will hear Him whisper...as if it's in my ear. Then there are times where I will wake up with a song playing very loudly inside. When I listen to the lyrics...it's a Word from Him. Dreamy, you are doing very well in this season. You already know we are much harder on ourselves than others see us. This season of your life will soon be over...OVAH!!!!
  13. You got it girl!!!! After you have the baby and after you recover...you need to REALLY think about what you really want. Do you want to live the rest of your life being harassed by someone who is wounded? Do you want your children to be subjected to such abuse? These are some questions you should answer when this season of new mommyhood is over because if not, you will continue to be tormented by his antics. Remember, Jesus came that you may have LIFE and have it more abundantly! Just a little advice to balance everything out!
  14. I totally agree with Connie. If they are going to see her...they need to be supervised vists with YOU.
  15. I'm the wrong person in the world to answer whether he should be in the delivery room or not because I was faced with the same question. I wasn't married to my son's father and he wasn't around my entire pregnancy. The day I go into labor and after I went to the hospital, he calls my parents house and my dad tells him that I'm at the hospital giving birth...OUT OF ALL OF THE DAYS HE COULD HAVE CALLED!!! He went to the hospital and I was still in labor and he was there...I was OUTRAGED!! I had so much animosity in my heart towards him. It was time to deliver and I told the nurse not to let him into the birthing room. I will never forget her words that came out of her mouth, "sweety, he's the father, he needs to be in there"... The pain was too intense for me to argue back...it was probably God's way of saying 'girl, close your mouth and just give birth please'. So there he was, in the delivery room...something I felt in my heart that only those who appreciated what was about to happen, deserved to see (I had my cousin and my best friend in there at the time). Anyway, I was an evil woman in there with all of that pain so in my mind I felt like he had to pay so the nurse told him to hold my hand while I was pushing...THAT'S IT... ...I knew how to make him pay. I began to press my fingernails into his skin to inflict as much pain on him as I could. Afterall, I was in pain...I didn't know what I was doing, right? I put my nails so deep into his skin that it drew blood. He had the scars on his arm until the day he died 15 years ago. This may be a demented story to your question, but it's a true story. I won't answer your question for you, but I will say this...in those moments of delivery, it's all about you and the baby. It's not about anyone else in the room. The two of you are the center of attention. It won't matter if he's in there because, the baby is still going to come regardless. Don't allow your emotions to go where mine did. It was BEFORE CHRIST for me, but now that you are IN CHRIST...raise your level of love above the way your husband is acting just for the few moments (hopefully) of delivery. God may need this opportunity to open his eyes to some things...ya know? I hope in SOME way this helped you. It may not be what you want to hear, but ultimately it will be YOUR decision whether he's in there or not.
  16. Praise God she is in the presence of the Lord. No more suffering.
  17. PRAISE THE LORD!!! Don't feel stupid ManOfGod...that is not of God either. We all have those days where the knowledge that we have just doesn't connect. Strick it up as a lesson learned, dust off and move forward in His Love!!!!
  18. Oh ManofGod17...you have the wrong outlook of God. He would NEVER tell you to depart from Him because He says that He will never leave you nor forsake you. God loves you beyond what you can think of or imagine and he says in Romans 8 that NOTHING can separate you from His love. My prayer is that God would open up your eyes to the immeasurable love that He has for you and that God would reveal His presence to you on a daily basis. Read 1 John 4...it gives you a beautiful picture of what his love means. You are in condemnation and you fear punishment and you don't have to. The things you keep repenting for have already been paid for through the blood of Jesus Christ. Rest my brother in the Lord...rest!!!
  19. OMG!!!! I will take this to my prayer team tomorrow. Thanks for letting us know. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!!!!!
  20. I LOVE THE BABIES!!!!! They are so innocent and just cuuuuuute!!!!! Thanks for sharing this Linda...if you don't mind, I must past this along to a couple of friends...they will get a kick out of it... Thank you Kio for giving me my laugh today...you are so cute!!
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