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Everything posted by Daisy

  1. Hi Dreams3~sorry for the late reply. I did start praying, when you first posted your update. I will be continuing to pray for you, and thank you for letting us know the details so that we can pray specifically for you. I know this is such a hard time, but I also just know that God is going to be so faithful to you and your children! I believe He will be the HUSBAND you have always longed for. He loves you so much, and will meet all your needs in this time!!!
  2. Amen!! Thanks so much you guys!!!!
  3. We have decided to put our house on the market. Please agree in prayer for a miracle of blessing IF THIS is God's will for us to move. Please also pray for me in the meantime while we spruce up and de-clutter our home...that I will have a grace to get everything done that needs to be done quickly. Thank you faithful ones!!!!
  4. Please be careful doing this. I know the bible says to fast and pray, but I want to remind you that there are many different kinds of fasts. There are meatless fasts, and no sweets fasts. You can also fast from fast food, or even just one of your meals for the day, however God leads you. I have even fasted from coffee in the past (my most desired drink)! Most of the time in my experience with fasting, if it is God lead...the headaches and dizzy spells are not present...like its ordained for prayer. Thats not to say that the temptation to break the fast isn't there, but there is a strength that comes from God when it was led by him in my experience. Sorry, I know your a big girl that can make your own decisions...I just couldn't stop the mama in me from coming out! These are just my thoughts...
  5. Im glad your home healthy and safe. Sorry for the late prayer response...I will continue to pray for your health Jasmine.
  6. Hi Ruth. I will def be praying for your sweet daughter!! May God's health always be upon her!!!! Please keep us updated.
  7. I am praying for you!!! Im so sorry you are going through this!!!
  8. Hi Butterfly~ While certainly you are entitled to your opinion, there is a way in which to go about saying this things in a respectful tone, which glorifies the Lord. I understand that you are passionate about this subject, but on this posting your tone comes across sort of rude, sharp, in an aggressive sort of way.. I believe the point in which Mark was trying to make was that these passionate topics and opinions can be communicated in a sensitive and respectful way. A way which is uplifting, positive and loving.
  9. Praying 4 God's vindication, and that you continue to keep offenses out.
  10. Praying as well! Please keep us posted as God meets these needs....He is faithful!!
  11. Agreeing with you all for a good report!!!!
  12. I could be wrong freeprincess, but I feel that the issue here with your husband could be his fears of either rejection or not pleasing the others around him. Its easy to be comfortable in our intimate homes, finding security that our spouse will always love us...but its a little harder to stand up to others if there is a root of rejection/fear in our lives. This doesn't by any means excuse his behavior, and it doesn't make your feelings at all invalid. I am a people pleaser by nature, and have struggled with the root of rejection in my own life. Since I am secure in my relationship with my husband, I dont have a hard time standing up to or confronting him. Its a totally different story though when it comes to me confronting others in my life. God is def working on me. I could be totally off or wrong in my perception here, and my personal experience could taint my vision here. If I am perceiving things right though, then this is what my prayer to the father will be for your husband...that God would help and deliver him from the root of the fear of rejection (not pleasing people), and would be strengthened by the Lord to do the right thing in this situation. I am also praying no matter what for the Lords provision for you!!! Please keep me updated on how things turn out. Please know these are just my thoughts....
  13. Wow!!! What a trial to endure!! You are one strong woman! I am so happy things are progressing and getting better! Will continue to pray in agreement with you until the full healing manifests. I will also be praying for provision and favor to get a whole new clean and healthy water source. Its really a shame that other christians have been this way with you. I have had similar experiences as well, with judgemental christians. Its very hard, when brothers and sisters who are suppose to love, support, and lift us up end up judging and criticizing instead. I just know God will be so faithful in the end to vindicate you. He will bless you in the presence of your enemies. Looking forward to a full healing, and Gods awesome provision for you guys. Thanks for updating us, and look forward to hearing more praise reports of Gods faithfulness.
  14. Amen~I am in agreement hoping you find this hat!! Mark Have you looked on amazon.com or ebay?? I find often times items that have been clearanced out are sold on these sites. I cant speak for everyone, but so far I have had great experiences with both...especially with discontinued items. Amazon has 1 and 2 day shipping as well (with an extra fee~but who knows, it may be worth it saving on gas $)...ebay in my experiences have taken a little longer to deliver.
  15. Im so sorry Connie! Words cant say how sad I am for your loss. I pray that God would comfort you in this time.
  16. I will be continuing to believe with you. Im so sorry Connie, and am hoping for a praise report soon.
  17. What an awesome testimony Mark! Very cool!
  18. Amen Cholette! I love this about letting peace guide us in our decisions. I will be praying for you Mark, but in the meantime let me share part of my husbands testimony with you. Hopefully something will speak to you about this. He worked a pretty awful schedule (what at the time I considered awful). He was making GREAT pay, with wonderful benefits. He left this job to find a 9-5 job with the sky being the limit on his pay (sales/commission), with a decent base pay, and only ok benefits. We were hopeful, and committed to making this 'normal' houred job work. This never really panned out for us, and his road was long with MANY job changes along the way (with similar 'normal' hours, ok befefits, some without benefits), along with so much instability in our finances. Through this process the Lord was teaching my husband about his identity in Him. Even though he worked his tail off, he just couldn't make a square peg fit into a round hole. His last job before returning to his ORIGINAL workplace, he ended up pretty much getting fired! This has never happened in his whole life! This last blow pretty much stripped all self worth from him, b/c his old boss had fun tearing him down on a daily basis (sick I know, its even sicker if you knew what a nice guy my husband is). Then my hubby literally worked around the clock to make ends meet doing whatever he could to make ends meet...but you know what...the Lord was doing something in him. Through this process he tried to get back into his ORIGINAL old job, where he used to be in upper level management. We realized these hours weren't that bad compared to sun up to sundown 6/7 days a week, plus really good benefits. He ended up having to come in at GROUND level and worse yet part time, to get back in the door at his old company. His heart was so humble at this point. We realized along the way how good we had it before. His basic struggle was accepting his gifting of a manager. He didn't want to 'just' be a manager the rest of his life. He wanted to be a high roller in sales, someone important (striking it rich). He was struggling to become something he wasn't, and it was SO frustrating and exhausting to watch. Once he embraced who God made him to be, and realized its ok to just be himself, that's when God really lifted him up. This acceptance of his God given talents, brings the flow of the anointing, making his position now seem so effortless. God has since promoted him to a higher level than he was before he left the company, in I think less than 13 months starting from the ground! This is basically a 5 or 6 tier promotion, he is two levels from having his own store!! Some people have struggled for years and years to make it to his current level. This is unheard of in his company to climb so quickly, and is only by the favor of the Lord. The hours will fluctuate, and will never be perfect in retail. But the stability that comes from this job compared to the others is well worth the trade off. What used to feel like an unchallenging/easy job to him, after wrestling with the Lord for 5 years, he now realizes was actually him flowing in the effortless anointing of walking in his God given giftings. I hope something from this can speak to you. I pray God will continue to lead you in His peace that surpasses all understanding!!
  19. I am praying and believing for Gods protection, favor, and provision to be continually upon you dreams3! I also pray that He will be so faithful to you, putting the right people in place at the right time, to be a blessing to you and your children's needs right now. I feel strongly to encourage you NOT TO feel guilty receiving help from those God puts into your path in this time. Sometimes its hard to be in a position of a receiver, but it is Gods desire to bless and give to you! There will come a time where you will be able to pour back into someone's life in this same situation. I believe God is going to show you His faithfulness, and will bless you with good people to come into your life during this tough time. I believe the right doors of opportunities are going to open up for you with work too!! I pray for this transition to go as smoothly and peaceable as possible!! Please keep us updated with how you are doing continually, so that we can continue to pray for you sweetheart!! I am so proud of you, and your brave decision to step out in faith and trust God!! I just know He will not let you down in the end!
  20. I love your post Cholette!!! God has given you a gift to see so clearly!
  21. So glad to hear improvements are coming. I think of that scripture, first the stalk comes, then the corn, then the harvest! Sometimes God works in a progressive healing...but sometimes it happens suddenly. Continuing to believe for complete 100% manifested healing to come very soon. Whatever way it comes Lord we receive it now in Jesus name.
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