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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. ^ hehe.. when someone in bad mood, we just tend to getting scold by him, when we made a bad joke, haha.. btw its nothing actually..
  2. wargghhhhh!!!!! plus $uper summore! oh noo!!
  3. yup, i remember paskal.. he long time not post.. looks like i'm lone ranger here in tganu, hehe..
  4. nice hauls btw bro.. i havent found any DD here in tganu.. today jalan2, go to other 3 7E, 1 have dead case ( similar like what u had encounter) , 1 have reg FE wave, 1 dont have a restock at all this promo.. huhu..
  5. hehe.. pity cham, and me too.. the night cham accident, i also kene marah, hehe~~ btw apart of all the accidents (including mine last time), we should be grateful coz no one injured so bad or lost his life.. lost the money, can find but if lost a leg? ish ish ish..
  6. so sedeh!! hehe.. btw my custom also still not finish.. cant spray paint, coz always raining..
  7. pm had been replied.. thanks for supports..
  8. jhc7598

    7red-Eleven Haul

    eh, barbaric in BS wave right? still looking for BS wave here, btw nice hauls bro..
  9. ^ open ady, just dont wanna show here la, takut u counter with more poisons,
  10. my eyes still cant stop looking at the SEMA.. great!!!
  11. nice one bro..i'm still didnt have BS yet..
  12. ya, thats really lucky me.. maybe becoz i'm the only collector here, but seriously, here got many collectors, but maybe they didnt know about the promo..
  13. from my observation, i encounter that $uper will be inside with reg inside the box twice.. and i never found super alone inside box.. that i assume they come together inside the box.. but is this really true? that super always/must come with reg??
  14. ^ lol really agree with last part.. in my case, GF marah kuat kuat,
  15. erm, eric, just wait, sooner or later, the wave will hit our shores!! seems like no one got the delorean yet, except those who very kamcing with evil-bay, or bought overseas.. but may i know that this delorean comes in what wave?
  16. alamak, f430!! poison detected, poison detected!!
  17. yup, just now. here in k tganu just have about 7-8 7Es, i didnt count.. i go first round earlier morning, n just got regs.. some store refuse to show stock, .. but then at night, i become so bored + poisoned by ur $uper, i decide to go again, same store that didnt show the stock, and then i got my first super this promo!! tmrw had to go 1 more store that i havent go yet today.. not seeing any BS wave here.. so hard la since got only few 7Es.. the next nearest 7E are in dungun, which about 60 -70KM from here,
  18. i dont need anymore.. i need super pengoncang tulang pulak!!
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