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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. thanks bro.. nak letgo? belum masanya lagi.. haha.. btw thanks again bro.. thanks bro.. insyaAllah.. thanks.. ape melecet2 ni, x paham.. thanks boss!!! smoga begitulah sentiasa.. thanks bro.. appreciate it.. thanks bro.. malam2 still boleh keluar maa, lepas bini tido bleh kuar, huhu~
  2. jhc7598

    vw freaks finds

    awesome findings!!! great job and welcome!!
  3. sakit jantung tgk!!! arghh!! great for u bro!!!
  4. wow!! greenies always lovely!!! congrats!
  5. gila weih.. nak super satu!!!
  6. wahh.. gud for u.. i dont have tat 2009 club car, btw tiny but great hauls bro!!!
  7. jhc7598

    14/12/10 haul

    whoa.. great findings!!!
  8. haha.. igt member ajak g gath, rupenye ajk g lokap, haha!!
  9. hek eleh.. i had to pay rm300 also for speeding on 113km/h on highway (speed limit 110kmh) .. but smpai skang aku x bayor lagi.. after discount rm200,
  10. happy birthday bro!!!! hope u got many many nice hauls !!
  11. jhc7598

    GT boring haul

    nice haul dude!! not boring at all!!
  12. jhc7598

    I found it

    nice one bro!! love the gtr, and avatar too..
  13. very creative!!! me like it..
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