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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75

    Account disabled...

    Yeah!!! So glad you got it back hun x
  2. lea75

    Harry Potter!!!

    I'm going to the pictures to see it with my son...cant wait to see it
  3. I've just realised I've forgotten to buy the LE item yesterday (the wind up bird) It was the only item I really wanted this week
  4. you should never water your plants at noon, the sun will burn them
  5. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations hun...I think we all had more confidence in you than you had in yourself though, we never doubted you would pass it lol xxxxxx
  6. you should always water plants in the evening. If you water them in the morning and the plants are still wet when the sun comes out then it can 'burn' the plants. The plants have also been 'resting' all night so not in desperate need of water. It is the evening that they need it most, after a full day of sunlight
  7. lea75

    Account disabled...

    Riuna I've sent you a link to a page I've found. I've seen a few sites say the same as this now, so I would tend to believe it. It seems this is a facebook bug. Facebook has confirmed that a bug found early today in its system is responsible for automatically disabling a number of accounts on the site. According to the company, those accounts - many of which immediately took to Twitter to complain - are in the process of being reactivated right now. A Facebook spokesperson had this to say about the snafu: Earlier today, we discovered a bug in a system designed to detect and disable likely fake accounts. The bug, which was live for a short period of time, caused a very small percentage of Facebook accounts to be mistakenly disabled. Upon discovering the bug, we immediately worked to resolve it. It's now been fixed, and we're in the process of reactivating and notifying the people who were affected.
  8. lea75

    Account disabled...

    I certainly wouldnt be happy about sending a copy of my id to facebook! from reading up on google about this hun it might be another facebook hack as this has happend to a lot of females accounts today and all asking for goverment issued id to restore it. I will keep searching and see if I can find an official facebook comment on this, but please dont send any id yet
  9. I am so sorry for your loss Evi. I wish there were words I could say to ease your pain..but all I can do is offer you my sympathies...and I am here if you ever need to talk. love to you, and extra hugs xx
  10. lea75

    Account disabled...

    hun what personal info are they asking for? Be careful as it might not actually be facebook who have blocked your account. As far as I remember you dont really add any personal details when setting up an account so I'm dubious as to what they need now
  11. I've just spoken to the manager at my local surestart childrens center There is no law stating that a family cannot run a youth club. However there should be a strict complaints procedure in place, which gives you a higher authority to complain to if you are not happy with the way they have dealt with something. Every parent should be given a copy of this procedure. As there are children under the age of 8 then by law they have to be ofsted registered. This also means they have regular checks and evaluations by ofsted. If you have any concerns about this youth club then ofsted are the ones to take you concerns to. You can make a report anonymously, you dont have to make an official complaint, or even give your name, just tell them what you are worried about and they have to look into it At the end of the day, if its something that has worried one parent then it needs sorting...it could happen again Here are the ofsted numbers ( I would ring the general one first just to check they are registered ) General : 0300 123 1231 Complaints: 0300 123 4666 If you dont want to do it yourself, feel free to pm me all the details and I'll help you out, or if you have any more questions the surestart manager said I can go back to her any time x
  12. lea75


    Yvette..what you doing up that time in the morning?? This morning I'm on my course then late this afternoon I have an appointment with my rheumatologist...fingers crossed At least I'm almost finished with the decorating little bit of touching up to do today then its just the floor to lay on Thursday...be so glad when its over
  13. I like this weeks non cash coin LE item..one of the few things I like this week lol What has suprised me is that everything seems slightly cheaper this week...are playfish getting ready to bankrupt us with all the Christmas things? lol
  14. LMAO! you silly billy! Blame it on the pregnancy hormones hun lol x
  15. its not really my cup of tea, but it is really nice to see PS bring in something totally new, rather than just re-doing a theme x
  16. youth clubs are very popular in the UK and very safe. Everyone running them are checked by the police, and they are a faulous way of giving kids something to do, so they are not just walking the street. They are also a great way of building a child confidence. I personally think youth clubs are much safer than your child just being with a group of friends, at least this way you have adults supervising them at all times
  17. lea75


    @Yvette..hope you have a fab time hun xx @Luka...that sounds exactly the sort of thing I would do Hope you are ok xx Well I've almost finsihed painting my room...just the feature colour to add to the chimney breast, then the skirting boards then I can get the laminate floor put down..cant wait until its all finished...I am at the stage where I wish I hadnt started it lmao xx
  18. Poor Rosie is very constipated...she never poos lol My daughers pet has done 2 pink poos today...she loves her Mummy though so sent one to me
  19. lea75

    Happy Sunday!!

    I have a horrible day..decorating I put an undercoat on the walls last night to cover teh terracotta before I put the new cream paint on..and it hasnt covered it properly...so I have to do another coat of unercoat More work I only have today and tomorrow really to get it finished, as I have to get it done quickly because at the moment we are all living upstairs..we cant even get in the front room Oh well, lets go crack on I suppose Have a good day everyone xx
  20. Happy Birthday hun, hope you have a fantastic day xxxx
  21. Thanks very much for the great comp hun and thank you for the prizes xxx
  22. Long time no see hun! How are you? Sorry to be a pain, but please can you re-add your facebook link to your profile...all the facebook links were lost a while ago and had to be re-added
  23. What age group are they? If they are over 8's then all the leaders need are the police check...it doesnt matter if they are releated or not If there are under 8's there then I'm sure there are extra checks that need to be done...Im not sure if OFSTED would have to be involved as well if there are under 8's there I can find out for you hun, but wont be until Tuesday when I do my course x
  24. sorry to hear you didnt get the job hun Best thing to do is just chalk it down to experience, and move forward. The right job is out there for you somewhere xx
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