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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Well there is no distance in prayer so I will continue to war and also declare someone into your life that can give you some hands on help. When was the last time you cut?
  2. Yes they are involved...a lot more than you know. I suggest you go to your pastor or a minister in your church and receive some counseling and deliverance covering. This isn't anything to play around with. I'm proud of you for opening up and being honest about the issue. Please go get some help. We can all pray, but there needs to be the next level do spiritual warfare In this situation. Warring for you....
  3. While you are in there with the Lord, ask him to show you how to communicate your feelings to your husband. Whether you know it or not, your husband already knows something isn't right because the two of you are one flesh. You never want him to think that you don't trust him with your feelings because then he will feel shut out from you...and he may not even say that he is...or may not realize that's how he feels. Trust your hunny enough where he can cry with you and feel your pain. God can use him to say just the right thing to you.
  4. I couldn't have said it any better Diane....BEAUTIFUL! MJ, I often say that if feelings and emotions come from the wellspring of your soul like you are experiencing, God is healing you. Tears are good. It's the negative outbursts and other manifestations of pain that are signs that something is being suppressed. I believe God has already started your healing process so now all you have to do is answer he door when he rings again. Wow, you can see His love for you. He knew why he was ringing your doorbell before you did. God is soooooo good.
  5. First of all, did the scripture minister to you? Or did it leave you more confused?
  6. MJ, I woke up and got in the word and he took me on an awesome journey. Days after he was still speaking. It's not always an instantaneous thing, but believe me, continue to trust him and he will meet you...He's your Father. PS. It's obvious that God has something to say to you...he rung the doorbell twice...sit in his presence girl.
  7. I so agree with Shan. God is looking for us to rise up in our authority and declare what already belongs to us. The Word of God is sharper than any two edge sword and it slices and dices any obstacles that try to come and keep I from coming to pass. Speak it out of your mouth...His Word...because it will not return void. Even when you don see it right away, continue to prophesy to the atmosphere until it comes.
  8. I can post on mine as well however it's limited for me.
  9. Linda...I'm speechless!! God is with you and you are a testament of his goodness...
  10. Praying.... It's not always easy, but what works for me is remembering how God forgives me each day. He still loves and blesses me despite myself. Another thing to remember is that God loves your father despite how he's treated you. Gods love is UNCONDITIONAL. Blessings...you are not alone in needing to forgive.
  11. Why does Jason need to know? How long have you been free from this addiction? Praying...
  12. Soooooo happy for you and your family!!!!!
  13. Well, I'm estatic for you because I know that was a trying time for you transitioning to this place...Praise God! Your husband bringing the kids into the situation is a deal breaker and he needs to know that your ADULT issues stay between ADULTS. That is plain manipulation and we bind that spirit in the name of Jesus!!! Continuing in the prayer for you...
  14. I sense that you will be grateful that this deal fell through...God is up to something...
  15. LOL that happened to me, but it was a knock at the door. I got up and looked through the peep hole in the door and no one was there. I laid back down and heard it again and then I heard God say "behold I stand at the door and knock"... It was actually God's way of getting my attention to pray. I received some awesome stuff from God that night. You are not crazy...by the way it's GREAT to see you online...it's been awhile.
  16. Hello Kevin...I will pray for Gods perfect will to be done in this situation. God is for the family...just trust Him during this time and do all you can to spend time in his presence so he can heal your heart. Praying for peace for you, your daughter and your wife.
  17. I am praying for peace and rest for you as well. The Lord never fails...he is faithful to HIS will and perfects those things that concern you. His ways are good and his thoughts towards you are good...His love NEVER fails. Blessings!!!!
  18. Well the first think I will say to you is to relaaaaaax. The fact that he's going to rehab Is a blessing from the Lord. The Bible says that God's ways are not OUR ways. There is no distance in prayer and this may be your assignment for this time that he's away. A scripture came to mind when I read your post... I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. (1Cor 3:6) What this means is, there will be people that come in your life that you will plant seeds of salvation or encouragement...sometimes you will water the seeds in their heart that others have planted, but ultimately GOD brings the increase of how and when those seeds manifest in their lives. You have to put Jason in God's hand and leave him there for God to do the work in His life. Praying for you and Jason's situation.
  19. Praying....it will all be in the Lord's timing...be at peace.
  20. God hasn't left her or the situation. A miracle is something that can't be explained and it's supernatural. So with that being said, negative things and situations must come in order for God to have the opportunity to do a miracle. This is His opportunity. Stand strong and stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord because THIS Egyptian she will see NO MORE. HALLELUJAH...
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