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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Well to God be the Glory anyway!!! He knew it was going to happen...nothing takes Him by surprise. I am praying for YOU, that God will give you the peace that you need...
  2. Yes, she hasn't come to see me yet...I do the deliverance at my church too...hehehehehe!
  3. Dee...yes, my pastor is full aware, but just like the rest of us who have issues, he's extending the same grace to her as we get when we aren't behaving in the way we should. Of course he will not ordain her in the state that she's in, but he's patient. He's all about people's true purpose and seeing them walk in their callings. I look at my life and wonder why God would call me because I know I'm processing through some things, but God is still working through me. Jazzy, yes, I would denounce that and kindly let them know not to call you that name. Names are literally labels and the definition of names is a serious matter. You can inform them if they are open to receive it, but if not...pray for them on your own and send them forward in God's love. I have NEVER in my life known anyone who would desire to name their daughter "Jezebel". Even the world recognizes it as a derogatory name.
  4. WOW...I forgot all about this post! A lot has taken place since I first started this post. I mentioned the story about the young lady in my church who was always in my face and giving me prophetic words, well my Pastor formed a prophetic team at our church. He hand picked certain people to be on this team and put me in charge of training and getting everyone ready to minister as a team whenever we were called upon. Well, this person is on the team. I was okay with her being on the team, but for some reason I felt helpless in training her because she is so BIG with everything that she does. She likes to be seen. I love her dearly and is very sweet and has a heart for people, but in my heart I wanted to know how to work with her without being harsh. Well, recently she was going around and telling people that I wasn't training her properly. She said she was void of understanding how to operate in the prophetic. That baffled me because she went through prophetic training through the school of ministry just like I did and everyone else that is on the team. Our Pastor taught us everything that we know. For some reason she told key people in my life that I wasn't training her properly. After three people came to me to tell me what she was saying, I went to my pastor to let him know what was going on and I he told me that he already had a meeting planned with her that week and that he wanted me to come in so I could ask her about what was said. Well that meeting never happened. I waited for the meeting to be rescheduled, but nothing so I went to her after church soon after and asked her about it. She lied in my face and had this look and tone that was patronizing. She was calling me "sweetie" and telling me that she never would say anything like that about me. I knew she was lying, but what could I do. If I would have called her on it, it would have caused a scene after church so I dropped it. One of the things a manipulative spirit will do is to tear you down behind your back and pretend that it's not happening. She knows that I know what the truth is. I've had to walk this situation out in my heart and not allow it to disrupt my relationship with her. I've learned (and still learning) to seperate the spirit from the person and that was the hardest thing ever. She's been to my house and everything, but I know that my continuing intercession and love for her will get her to the place where she can truly operate in the pureness of the prophetic gift that God put inside of her. She is one of the next prophets that will eventually be ordained in our church. I just need to wait on God's strategy so he can help me to help her.
  5. Ooops, sorry it's taken me long to respond...the holidays have been crazy! If the person who is the "victim" is knowingly in the situation and isn't stepping up to do anything about it, then there isn't anything that you can do. I believe God has made you aware and allowed you to see these things so you can pray. Prayer is powerful. We say it, but when we pray, things shift. We may not see it right away, but the moment you open your mouth and speak God's will over the situation, things are immediately set in motion. I would say to first pray for the person who is suffering because of the individual. They need boldness and confidence to rise up and say "STOP!". No one can do anything to you unless you allow them to. It's the devil that comes to steal, kill and destroy. This person is being used of the enemy and everyone involved must fight this thing in the spiritual realm so it can stop in the natural. I will pray God's perfect will into this situation and also pray for boldness over each person involved. The person who is doing the damage is the one showing the most boldness and they are definitely the one in the wrong. It may come to a point where you will have to get bold with the person who is coming to you for support. You may have to give them some hard truth and help them get strong enough to stand their ground. This situation sounds horrible, but nothing is too hard for the Lord...absolutely NOTHING! Be encouraged...God sees it all! Praying...
  6. Praying for your husband as well as YOU! I'm praying for your heart and the pain that you have which is attached to this situation. God sees you and He's perfecting everything that concerns you. Blessings!!
  7. I am in agreement with you. In this instant, I would believe the best of your son and just take it as if he really doesn't know the guys. If he isn't telling the truth, God will allow something to come about that will give you insight into the situation. I'm also going to pray for peace. Being a mother myself, I understand what happens when we get a sensing about our children. It rocks us internally and it's hard to focus. I have a 23 year old son and I ALWAYS have to go through these moments where I remind myself that he belongs to God FIRST and then me. Give your son over and leave him there. If you find youself taking him back, give him over to God again...again...and again! God is there and taking him each and every time. He understands...
  8. I can give you my story in hopes that you will be encouraged. My parents introduced me to piano at the age of 6. I caught on very well because as my father put it...I could hear music well for a young child. He said that I would harmonize with the songs on the radio while riding in the car. He decided to put me into piano to develop my ear for music. I would excel at my music recitals and my piano teacher, Mr. Butler (yes, I still remember him) would teach me music by ear instead of from the sheet music because even he was amazed at how quickly I could play music without being taught. I was into piano until I was 15 years old and then it wasn't cool anymore. I started liking into boys instead. Anyway, I knew my first love was piano, but I wanted to have boyfriends like my friends did (without my parents knowledge of course). Even with those feelings...deeeeeep down I wanted to still play piano because it was a part of me. My mother didn't discern where I was, she went by how my attitude was externally and gave me a choice to whether I wanted to continue or not. Of course I told her I didn't want to play anymore and made up an excuse as to why. In my head I wanted to be cool with my friends, but in my heart I wanted piano, but my head won the battle. I'm 46 years old now and WISHED my mother would have listened to her heart more so than my attitude. As parents we have a responsibility from God to guide our children, not be led by them. When God opens up our eyes and allows us to see HIS GIFT inside of our children, we are to lead them in the way they need to go. Your daughter may not want her friends to see her sing, but deep down I know she wants to because you can't have a voice like hers and not be wired to use it. Right now she cares more about what her friends think than her desire, but as a parent I would admonish you to keep her on the road to singing. Her voice will heal many, but during these formative years, you must keep her on track because you don't want the people who God has called her to, to miss out all because you don't want her to feel out of sort in front of her friends. That phase will pass...like mine did...and now I look back and regret it. She's not old enough to make her decisions...she's still your responsibility. It's not about forcing her. When you use that word, it gives off that you are controlling he, but you are the parent and you have the ability to see the bigger picture so point her in the right direction. I still hear and sing music well, but I know in my heart of hearts it is not God's best for me. I'm taking some lessons right now, but I can't help to think where I would be now if I had been LED in the right direction instead of led to compromise. Help her get to where she needs to be. There is a generation waiting for her and those same friends that she is trying to impress will be the ones that will need the deliverance and healing that is in her voice. She may not get that now, but you embrace it for her so it can help you lead her in those tough moments.
  9. What's the update Destine? How did the meetings go? Whenever I had problems with professors while in school, I always went to the Deans Office. I didn't have too many problems while in school, but sometimes things cannot be handled with the person so going over them is the only measure. I hope things turned out okay...
  10. What is it that you are asking for Juewls? Prayer? Counsel? My question: Are you the only person who sees what's going on and that is feeling trapped in the cycle?
  11. WOW...praying for you. I am excited to see what God will make of all of this. He's faithful and no matter what, it will end in joy as long as you stay connected to him.
  12. I drink occasionally, but it's only wine with dinner. I don't have alcohol in my home, nor is it the first thing I think about when I'm going to have dinner. I don't agree with drinking in front of people who have a problem with me drinking because it can be a stumbling block for them and the relationship. I also don't believe in drinking in front of people who knowingly had or have a problem with alcohol. I do believe in what Paul says..."All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. 1 Cor 10:23 Just because we can, doesn't mean that we should. The Bible is unclear on a lot of specific things that people have questions about, but this scripture pretty much covers everything. As I said, I do drink an occasional glass of wine...but it's for myself and not to get a buzz...it's not in front of those who have an issue. The Bible says when you do that, you are not operating in love.
  13. Thank you Mark and Diane! It went GREAT! We didn't reach our goal, but people's lives were impacted and God spoke to the ones he wanted to and their lives will NEVER be the same. Some came drunk and high on drugs, but when the word came forth, it breaks down all of that. God is real and I thank you again for your prayers.
  14. Please pray for our team tonight. Our church has a prophetic team that goes out and sets up tables on a corner in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in San Bernardino, CA on Halloween night. What we do is have signs that say, "Spiritual Readings". When the people pull over, they sit down at the tables and our prophetic team begins to give them a prophetic word from the Lord. After God speaks, we offer them Jesus! Every year we have such success with this and hundreds come into the kingdom of God. Tonight I am spearheading this outreach. Most of the leadership team (Pastors/Elders) have gone to Chicago to a conference with our Lead Pastors so I am left behind to make sure all of this runs smoothly. I spearheaded the one last year and it went really well, but I had my peer leaders there to help. I set a goal to reach 200 people, which is way over what we have done in the past, but for some reason I believe God will do it. I would like a lot of prayer power behind tonight because the people in this community NEED to hear a word from the Lord! Thank you!
  15. Just repent...you don't have to do ANYTHING! Just read the word of God because the Bible says: "...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;" (Phil 1:6) It's the Word that goes in and cuts away and puts back together. We you understand and get the revelation that you are in a position of righteousness, your behaviors will become righteous. Most times we are trying to get righteous behaviors BEFORE we get the understanding that we are in a position and place of righteousness. When you do it in THAT order you are bound to fail. The only thing you have to do is READ THE WORD OF GOD and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. You may not have a desire to read the word because you are still attached to your sin, but when you FORCE yourself to read and keep reading no matter what you flesh says, you will develop an appetite for His word and eventually crave it. Start with reading the scriptures on Being Righteous...and ask God for understanding in THAT area first...and the rest will follow. Hope this helps
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