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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I can be touched by this topic too. Before I left my former ministry, I had SIX different pastors. They were replaced for some indiscretion or another. It affected me each time, but as I began realizing that I needed to get into the word of God for myself, that's when I put my big girl pants on and grew up. I took my life OUT of their hands and put it in God's...where it should have been in the first place. Love those scriptures Lurdys!!!!
  2. We CANNOT fall into judgment. The only difference with someone being exposed and us ,is that they are exposed. God doesn't expose...the devil does. You play with him long enough, he will drop you. That's why we have to stay in the word of God for ourselves and not take man's word for everything. I love my pastor and I love the church I go to, but I don't take every single word to my heart until I know it's scriptural and based on the finished work of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to try the word with the word. When we do this, then when people fall or take a wrong turn, we will be sound and in place. We are admonished to not lean on the arms of flesh...but we still do. We should only be leaning on the Lord!!!
  3. Don't give up in seeking Him. Many of my dreams are not interpreted...they just happen and then I go "ohhhh, that's what you were showing me". Dont' get me wrong, the Bible clearly states that when you lack wisdom, we can ask Him and he will give it to us liberally...but what i'm also saying is that he won't always give us the interpretation right away. I'm still seeking him on certain dreams and awaiting his reply. He will reveal in due season...just don't faint.
  4. WOW Lurdys...your story brought back memories of something I experienced years ago when my son was young...about 4 years old. I was in my kitchen and I was going to the refrigerator and I saw a black shadow go down the hallway towards my son's room. I just thought I was seeing things. I finished up in the kitchen and my son began to whimper in his sleep and IMMEDIATELY I knew what was going on. I went back there to that room and into EVERY room and went "loco" in the spirit realm. Needless to say, that never happened again. It was my first and last time I've dealt with that in my own house. Other people's homes? Well, that's a different story...
  5. Amen D and Lurdys!! The one thing that we have to do is not become so devil conscious. We have SO MUCH power within us and the only way the enemy convinces us that he is bigger than what he is...is in our minds. He builds this up in us and then we see it and him bigger. The two scriptures that D and Lurdys shared with you are KEY scriptures. The "bigness" of God dwells in you...He is the Lord of all hosts and NOTHING can come near you and harm you. You are shielded and surrounded by the glory of God...that is why NO WEAPON formed against you can prosper. Even when people talk about you, that can't harm you...you will just prove them wrong because of who YOU belong to and because you are the righteousness of God. Believe that JBS...Nothing by any means can harm you. Read Psalm 91.
  6. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! I am so happy for you...God is goooooood!!!!!
  7. You are welcome... One more thing...you can't fail him because He sees you the same as he sees Jesus. Your mistakes, your flaws and sins are no longer seen. That's what makes salvation so incredible. That power that intimidate you is actually inside of you...
  8. Hi LisaWilliams... The scripture that comes to mind is: There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love's complete perfection]. (1 John 4:18 - AMP) The fear you are experiencing is not of God and it's the enemy's way of trying to keep you out of the presence of God. You must really be tapping into something during this time of seeking the Lord's face. The power of God is nothing to fear...in the sense of terror. We should "fear" it in the sense of reverence. His power is FOR US...not against us. I would suggest that you do a study on God's love. You can start in 1 John 4. It gives a great depiction of how much He loves us. I know you said you are not afraid of God himself, but after you spend time you seem to be afraid of his power. Does this mean you are afraid of what he might do to you? Or does his power intimidate you?
  9. Exactly!! That's the point...we don't believe. IT's easier to believe it for someone else, but to believe for ourselves seems to be a different ball game. There is a whole bunch of things that stand in the way of us seeing things manifest immediately. I think the same way about declaring. We are to speak to the mountain and it be moved. There are times when I do that and I see it happen immediately...then there are those times when I'm speaking and speaking and speaking...nothing seems to budge. The first thing I think about is how God created the world...he spoke and it appeared. I want to be like that. The same power that is in him is in us...but the reason why we dont' see is we dont' really believe. It's goes back to being TRANSFORMED by renewing our minds. It's already done...we already have our divine health...it belongs to us, but if we don't believe we already possess it, then we will believe the lie and continue in bad health. It's sooo sad, yet true. This is worth praying about because maybe God is trying to get a new and fresh word into the earth regarding this. It amazes me how many of God's children are sick and who die early, when they really don't have to. Hmmmm!!
  10. I think its because we are in an "instant" society. We want things NOW...we need to see it NOW. If a person gets prayed for and they don't see the immediate manifestation, the enemy comes and says that they aren't healed. It's mainly because of what you said, they don't KNOW what Jesus has done and so because of that, there is no belief. I went to the evening service tonight at church and at the end, the pastor's son did a special prayer for those who were sick. After he prayed for them, he asked for the people who's healing immediately manifested. There were several people, but not as many who stood up to be prayed for. He quickly said that those who don't see results right away ARE STILL HEALED and everyone's healing doesn't come immediately. I'm glad he pointed that out because many people would move on and not expect their healing to come. I wish that wasn't true and that everyone received immediate manifestations. I guess it's like the scripture...Be it, according to our faith.
  11. This part right here is SO ME!! I don't approach people for prayer/prophecy either...I want God to come to me 100%. I think it's because deep down I want to know that he hears me. I mean I know he does, but sometimes the "reassurance" that he's listening to me when things get hard, does me good when it comes without me asking others for it. I SO rejoice with you because those words that were given to you spoke volumes to my heart as well. It seems hard for me right now, but I know that it is coming. God is good Miss Mia!!!!! He really is!!! HOLD ON, YOUR BREAKTHROUGH IS COMING!!!
  12. Family stuff can really be tough. Keep your eyes on the Lord Ditte3...God is faithful!!
  13. Today is THE day!!! Let's Party Happy Birthday Miss Mia!!!
  14. ManofGod17... I've always liked your spirit. Everytime you posted in the past, I would find myself saying "awwww". I think it's commendable that you and the other youth have this vision because it is needed. I probably don't have the time to help, but I can point you in the direction of the site this forum was made out of. I think you can Google "forumotion" and it should take you to the main website where you can build a site just like this. I'm sure there are other sites like Yuku, that may be great places to start. From what I know, it's pretty easy to begin, you just need to learn all of the Administration stuff about the site before setting it up. Hopefully someone else who reads this may be more of a help, but you could start with googling the sites I've listed and then go from there until someone volunteers their help. You may find that you may not need the help at all, especially if you have others who will be going along with you. I'm excited for you...let me know how things turn out and I can spread the word to the youth I know. Blessings...
  15. Do you have a prayer language Angelwings?? I know you said you prayed, but not sure if you prayed in your prayer language. When I am heavy, that's what I do and it's amazing how much better I feel. The Holy Spirit KNOWS how to pray things through us that we don't know anything about. English prayers don't always do it, especially if we don't know what the problem is. If you haven't already, do so... I will be praying for you because I know EXACTLY how you are feeling!!!
  16. He is HEALED, in Jesus Name!!!!
  17. GoldenEagle... If I was in the room with you right now, I would just give you a hug. You are going through a tough time right now and trust me, I know what that feels like. When everything caves in around you PLUS your body is not feeling well, it's normal to lose your hope. When you are going through that type of pressure, there really isn't much anyone can say to you to make you feel better. There are times when I just mope around for a day or so and somehow God comes in and lifts me enough where I crawl into his presence and pour my heart out to him. Believe it or not, you are in the right state for God to step in and do something. IT's during those times that you don't have the answers that He BECOMES your answer. It's in those times that he supernaturally comes in and makes things better, without telling you what He did. Just know that despite your turmoil...despite the pain in your body...despite the people around you who DON'T understand...you were created for a purpose. The enemy is after our hope. If he can get our hope, he can toss us to and fro. He likes to force us to look at what is going on around us so we can't see what God is doing. God is ALWAYS at work, whether we see it or not. God knows we are in this flesh and we get down and not always full of faith, but that doesn't keep him from moving on our behalfs because He's motivated by love...unconditional love...the type of love that doesn't need to be coerced or need us to be or do right in order to act. He knows where you are and he sees your tears. He loves you GoldenEagle...don't let the enemy tell you otherwise. Praying for you...
  18. I think there is a feature on cell phones where you can block numbers. If you decide to talk to her or not, it may be a good thing for you and your sister to check to see if you can do that on your phones. No need for the harrassment.
  19. I agree with GoldenEagle and would like to add...did you just pray her away? Or did you tell her that you were moving on in a different direction? If you haven't told HER, then in my opinion you are going about this the wrong way. Yes, prayer is one thing and it's powerful in itself, but the one thing you do not want to do is inflict pain to a person. It seems to me that if she's needy, there is something deeper going on with her. She probably suffers from rejection/abandonment issues and will see things from that perspective. I would pray and ask God to give you the words to say to her that will minister yet also let her understand that you are moving on. There is a way to do that. You don't have to be afraid of her, as GoldenEagle said...just be honest. Honesty is ALWAYS the best route to take. All of this said in my most humble opinion. Be blessed!
  20. I am happy that God has met your need through the message at church. I do agree with Connie because as I mentioned in another request of yours HF, not everyone has someone to be in agreement with them. God isn't going to make you go without until you find someone to get in agreement with you. Be blessed and I rejoice with you!
  21. You have favor...which means you have God's UNEARNED perefrential treatment. May God open this door for you, in Jesus name!!
  22. I will pray God's perfect will in the situation. Remember something ditte3, God is in control and sometimes there are things we want to do, but God, who sees ALL THINGS will step in and close the door. He's about PURPOSE and will do what it takes to keep us in purpose. I'm not saying this is the case in this situation, but it's something to think about.
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