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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. That is so beautiful Jasmine. This is one of God's names "El Roi", the God that sees me. This is the name that Hagar called God when she and Ishmael were thrown out into the wilderness by Sarah. I pray this name a lot and now you can too. So happy for you...a word in a difficult season is so refreshing.
  2. I will definately pray for his salvation and God's will to be done.
  3. ecei I love this!! Thanks for sharing your experience. The Bible doesn't say a whole lot about fasting, but one of the things I noticed is that each person that fasted, it was right before something HUGE. It was like there was a shift in their walk and in their life afterwards. I even think about Jesus when he fasted 40 days. The devil came to tempt him and once the attack was over, the angels ministered to him. It was after those 40 days that His ministry began. God has really been speaking to me about fasting and I notice that not any Christians fast. Fasting doesn't change God, it changes us and puts us in position to hear from God. It also does some really great supernatural things inside of us and in our lives. I have a friend that fasted for the first time. She went to work and the company found out they had a huge profit. She was one of three people who received a $7000 bonus. She's not even in management like the other two were. She needed it...she was behind on her rent and her car payment...GOD IS GOOD!!!! The one thing I'm learning is that we don't fast to get from God because that would be works...we fast to take away anything that is blocking our ability to hear from God. We seek Him FIRST and He will cause all of the other stuff to be added to us.
  4. Oh wow!! I sure will pray. Her apartment management didn't arrange for them to go somewhere or help in their transition? That should be a part of their insurance policy. Not sure, but that is something I think should be in place...not sure if depends on what state you are in.
  5. Thanks Mark. This is why I started studying about dating because it was on my mind to fast or a long time. I'm one of those people who dislikes doing something unless I understand the purpose of it. What I mean is, I never o something just to do it...or believe traditions jut because everyone else is doing it. So just because my church as fasted in the past and currently,I need to know more about it Biblically...and I do. I'm actually beginning one today for a week. And like you, I've noticed some real growth in my life from oming it before and I can sense a shift is taking place in my life and I'm ready to remove the distractions so I can hear God more clearly. I normally do natural juices and water .
  6. I've been really doing a study on fasting and it is really blowing my mind. I've fasted in the past, but I just did it because it was a corporate thing to do with my church. Then I was "caught up" in the revelation of Grace and I heard different people say that fasting is under law...so in my quest to not be a "Pharisee", I didn't pay any more attention to fasting. Now I see it differently...the law was basically for people to follow in order to please God and fasting isn't about PLEASING God, it's about putting ourselves in position to hear from God and for God to have the room within us to do different things in our lives. I just wanted to get a poll of all of you here on how often you fast and what types of fasts do you do? I also wanted to know, if you fast, how did it change your life? Did you see God move in unusual ways? I'm so interested, so I really hope I get a lot of responses here...
  7. Amen sister! God never fails! It's HIM that will minister THROUGH you so put all of the "pressure" on Him. His yoke is EASY and His burden is LIGHT! Praying
  8. Ok, so I've become this huge dog lover since my grand dog Skeeter has come into my life. He is a Weimaraner and your tribute to Bear made me cry. What an awesome dog and my heart goes out to you and your family. Skeeter and I are praying for you
  9. I am praying... Is there anything the authorities can do? Especially if he's physically abused.
  10. HALLLEEEEELLLLUUUUUUJAHHHHHH!!!! I love it when God shows off. To GOD be the GLORY!!!!!
  11. You have to go to God and talk to him about all that you are feeling. Try not to take the accusation personal because not only are you grieving but so are those who accused you. The same way you feel, they may be feeling even worse. You can't afford to hold on to anything else right now...just go to the Lord sweety...He's waiting to hear from you. Still praying...
  12. I'm so happy! The church family is so important and if it's not quite coming together, it can be quite hurtful. May I share something with you that I heard while reading your response? The gifts and Calling of God is without repentance. God doesn't call you and then change his mind. You and your husband are still ministers and will go back to ministry. I see you in a holding pattern...that thing that the airplanes does when it circles in the sky until the conditions on the runway are good enough for it to land. What's in my heart for you is that God is preparing the right set of circumstances for the two of you to go back. You've poured and poured out to others, but nothing has been poured back in. Take this season to restore yourselves. If you can't get it from your church right now, get into prayer together and cry out to the Lord and ask Him to fill you up again. I really feel like God is going to refresh the two of you and when he does, you will hear him more clearly and you will feel the leading of the Holy Spirit in this season. What God is putting in you is what you will be pouring into the people you are encountering at the church. I even see the two of you sowing prophetic seeds into the hearts of the people there. The scripture I hear is Psalm 107:20 "He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions" I really feel that the word of healing is in the mouths of the two of you for that ministry. God loves them and they are in a bad state. One by one I see the two of you pouring words that heal...including the Pastor. Seek God like never before in this hour...I truly believe that your ministry is getting ready to go to another level. I also see another level coming in your marriage.
  13. It's been almost a month since you've posted this...I will respond later because I have some things to share with you.
  14. I've been waiting to respond to this because I also have some experience in this. I agree with what Daisy is saying and you have to make sure that if you are to stay there to be an example or to help in any capacity, that you get instructions from the Lord on what you are supposed to be doing there. When I was in my turmoil at the church I was apart of for 20 years, the hard times lasted for an entire year, but my circumstance involved verbal abuse. The pastor and his wife were very verbal abusive to me. I was the church administrator and the pastor that hired me was quickly taken out of the church by the "head" pastor, who was over 18 different churches. I was devastated and so was the church, but they brought in this inexperienced pastor and wife to take over and t hey came in with very haughty spirits, yet they were the most insecure. DUring this time, the Lord kept telling me that I needed to be still and know that he was God. I didn't understand because if I'm being told ANYTHING contrary to the Word of God then that should be my sign to leave, but He wouldn't let me go. One night the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night and led me to read the story of Mordecai and Haman. If you know the story, Haman set up this plan to hang Mordecai on a gallow, but in the end, he was the one who hung and died. It wasn't until the next day that I realized why God led me to that story. It was to prepare me for what was to happen next. They said they were going to lay me off and the reasons they were giving me were lies and I knew it. It was to make me look bad in front of everyone else. God told me through a song that was playing on the radio BEFORE I went into the meeting that "It's not over until GOD says it's over". To make a long story short...6 months later, the pastor and his wife were let go for the exact reasons why they wanted people to know why I was being let go. God is faithful because he restored my name and didn't allow the people within the church who were hearing lies about me to believe them. My character had already been established in that church so anything that they were told, God wouldn't let them believe. I finally left the church, but I couldn't leave until my life was vindicated. had I left when I wanted, I believe my character would have been tarnished and the people who asked me how did I last through all of that, were able to see God in a whole new way. God doesn't intend for us to be abused, but He will lead us down paths that are hard to deal with only to bring us out better than before. This is why I say, make sure you are hearing God correctly if He's telling you to stay and make sure you have your instructions on WHY you are supposed to stay. My reason was for a few good people...your's may be too or even for the entire church. I'm a firm believer that if the people are mean and rude, it's rooted in the heart of the Pastor. There is a scripture that says that the oil runs from the head, down to the beard and then down to the hem of the garment. Whatever the head is doing, so does the body. I know it may appear that the Pastor may be humbled, but you would see fruit of that in the people within the church. It's not a judgement, it's the Word. Being in leadership is a whole different ball game because whatever is in your heart, the people will struggle with. I use to have a pastor friend who was an adulterer. I pleaded with him to repent to the Lord, but he didn't. Do you know that the marriages in his church began to break up and it was all due to ADULTRY! He was eventually put out of the church and now that church is thriving. I will pray for you because I feel your pain...believe me, I do. If God tells you to stay then you will have to love the "unloveable". Keep pouring your love to them no matter what their response is. Remember that love NEVER fails and it's not love until you can love those who don't deserve it. Jesus is our best example of that.
  15. I am so sorry about your mother. I don't think anyone can put a time limit on how long someone can grieve, but I do know that if you remain right where you are, as you described, it's not healthy for you. Do you have a Pastor or a minister in your church that you can sit down with? It seems that you need to express our heart and how you are feeling. I'm definitely in prayer for you and will submit this situation to my prayer group. Blessings...
  16. You pray YOUR OWN WAY! I will share something with you. I belong to a PRAYING church...I mean we really go in and war. It's VERY loud in our prayer meetings. A couple of weeks ago, the prayer leader decided to do something different by letting some of the people who were on the team who were fairly new have an opportunity to pray. A lot of the "heavy" prayer warriors were praying, but she passed the microphone to a lady named Cora. She's a brand new Christian...not really learned in the Word yet. She joined the prayer ministry because she just wanted to get active in the ministry. When she opened up her mouth, you could barely hear her. She was fumbling over her words at first, but all of a sudden you could feel a shift in the atmosphere. Another level of the anointing came in there. It wasn't the level of her voice...it wasn't even what she said, it was the position of her heart that caused the shift in the atmosphere. So I say to you...pray from where you are. God knows the position of your heart. Your discomfort with the attack on her body is the move of the Holy Spirit because YOU have been chosen to pray this woman out of captivity. YOU have what God is looking for to change this situation. Just DECLARE the truth of God's word over her. You could go online and google healing scriptures and speak them out of your mouth over her life. Trust me...when you do that...you will begin to understand your authority because that's what the Word will do in you. Yes! You ARE an intercessor, so take this assignment with joy and watch what God does not only in the woman's life, but in your life as well.
  17. Praying for that meeting and I'm glad you prayed that prayer.
  18. I think your prayer is fine, but I would do as much warfare for her body as much as you did while you were seeking the Lord to get out of that job situation. Now she's in a situation where she's locked in a body that she wants to get out of. Have the same passion for her full health and deliverance. I believe she is your assignment...that's the reason why you are feeling the way you do. We are called here to be ministers to set the captives free. Separate her actions from who she really is. She wasn't the one attacking you...the enemy was UPSET that you rededicated your life to the Lord so he used her to get at you since she was the closest. Pray about going and praying for her in person or call and give her some words of comfort during this time. Love isn't love when you love the people who are EASY to love. It's real God kind of love when you can show it to those who are HARD to love. It can be done because I've had to grit my teeth and do it myself. I can tell you that the reward is AMAZING...not just for you, but for her as well. The people who really gain from it, is the one who you are showing mercy to. You have prayed for the Lord to have mercy on her, now it's your turn...have MERCY on this woman who was created by God to do great things on this earth. Pray that the spirit of infirmity will loose her body so she can enjoy a life in Christ. What if that prayer sets her free and she sees God and decides to give her life to Him? This is a GREAT opportunity for you to show the God that you serve through your love and the mercy you show her. Praying for you...Blessings...
  19. I'm speechless that they would even do that to you. Did something happen for them to say that they could not help you? Why would they put you out with no other plan just until something else comes through for you? All I know is that God is the ONLY one who can open and close a door. IF GOD closed this door, then there is another door of education for you. The devil is a liar and I come against the spirit of mental illness in the name of Jesus and I command your mind to be LOOSED and free in the name of Jesus. No longer claim mental illness Jasmine...it's not your portion. Jesus went to the cross for all of that so it doesn't belong to you. I believe that you are healed so walk in your freedom girl...with wisdom.
  20. Whoooooo hoooooooo!! If you can get into college, you can pass the driving test with a peaceful mind. CONGRATS!!!!!!!
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