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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Well, the beauty in this all is I read your testimony on what God has done for you and your husband...a new credit card...some money and a great tax return! You don't need what they were offering anyway. God is so good!!
  2. Cholette

    God is Good!

    HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo happy for you Blueskies...God is faithful!!!!
  3. God is about to show me off in his timing not man Correction...God NEVER shows US off...He does it for HIS glory...not our own. Our gift is for HIM and it is to show HIM off to those who need to be ministered to. God loves you girl...relax and make room for HIM to be glorified! This is a scripture that I pray before I minister..."He must increase, but I must decrease. He who comes from above is above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all." (John 3:30-31) LOVE YA!
  4. As I have stated on this site before, I've been without a job since September 25th. One of the things that the Lord shared with me is that a job is only a means for him to bless us BUT He is the SOURCE! Sometimes we lose focus of him when we have constant money coming in on a regular basis. I know for a fact that God is calling His people to trust Him like never before. During this season of your life, this is the time for you to REALLY dig in and make a decision to believe God NO MATTER WHAT. Recognize His love for you and know that His ways are NOT your ways. When I buckled down and began to tap into the love that the Lord has for me, I started to change the way I saw my situation. I began seeing Him come through for me supernaturally. I'm literally doing the same things I was when I had a job...traveling and doing the fun things. It's hard for people know that I'm without a job because God has not allowed me to miss a beat. What Connie said is correct. It's a test and it's an opportunity for God to teach you to TRUST him. You are going to be out there ministering in song. You are going to have to KNOW and UNDERSTAND who God is when you are ministering to people. When you sing about trusting God, you must know and have testimonies of who He is to you in that area. You are asking for something HUGE (a music ministry) so you are going to have to allow God to do what He needs to do in you so HE can be glorified. Be blessed...I love Hebrews 10:36!!! That is a good scripture Traveller...GOOD SCRIPTURE!!!!
  5. Well...Part of flowing in our gifts is to do it in it's proper season. One who flows in their gift is one who is patient and understands that their gift will make room for them. If I were you (and I was in your situation not too long ago), I would go to God ONLY! Man doesn't have your answer since it's a gift that GOD has given to you. You would be surprised at how much competition is in the house of God. When you go to God, He will set up the right set of circumstances for you to lead. You can't have the attitude that you have songs that YOU want to sing. You have to be able to adapt and submit to leadership despite how you feel or what you feel...that's the training part of becoming a real leader in the house of God. Go to God and seek Him and find out if there is anything in you that needs to come out. I can almost guarantee that this is a pruning season for you. We praise leaders have a tendency of being very prideful when it comes to our gifts. We know we can sing and lead and we feel that because of that, it's time to be put to the front. I'm here to tell you that it's the humbled ones that God calls to the front. I had to learn that the hard way. I can hear music VERY WELL. The music director CANNOT (long story, but true). I was told by her that my help was not needed. The problem we were having was that she felt like I was taking over her position. I knew I wasn't, but the way it came across, it seemed that way. I went to God and He showed me myself and it wasn't pretty. I went to practice each week and kept my mouth CLOSED!! No matter how off the notes were, I had to keep my mouth closed. After three months of doing this, the music director's shady character began to expose itself and she was replaced by another music director. After a month of him being in position HE CAME TO ME and asked me to assist him with the notes for each section and put me over each section leader and over the praise leaders. I now teach the dynamics in the songs and parts as well as lead Praise and Worship and choral selections. God always goes over and above when: 1) we go to him, 2) get things right and 3) leave everything in His hands. If God has to remove someone to promote you, He will. NO MAN stands in the way of His purpose for your life...NO MAN!!!
  6. I agree with Connie and the prayer she prayed. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you ManofGod! I'm proud of you...really I am.
  7. Happy New Year to you Linda! I was wondering where you have been. Welcome back and I will be praying!
  8. Praise the Lord...thanks Desi for sharing this. There is so much on the horizon in the coming year. You are right, the Lord must be our priority because He is waiting for us so we can give Him the Glory!!! I'm so ready!!!!!! I love this song...her voice is beautiful and deeeeep!!! She has a nice range. Thanks for sharing!!! HOLY, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!
  9. You must read the Word of God so fear won't lie to you. Find all the scriptures you can on fear and mediate on them. It's the Word of God that is your sword to fight the attacks. Praying for you!
  10. Going into prayer in awhile with the prayer group so I will lift this up before the Lord. Look away from the pile of bills and all that is coming against you Justblueskies and look to Jesus...the AUTHOR and FINISHER of your faith!!!!! It's not YOUR faith that is needed to receive from the Lord...it's Jesus' faith. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 KJV) This verse freed me. I read this same exact verse in other translations and it says I live by faith in the Son of God. The original text says THE FAITH OF THE SON OF GOD!!! God is good... Blessings to you and be in expectation for God to move MIGHTILY in your lives!!!!
  11. Praise God!!! V, the church has put people in bondage to the word. It's like they make you feel that if you don't do it this way or that way then you are not spiritual...WRONG!!! God deals with us each differently. I can't just sit and read and get an immediate illumination like some people claim they can. It takes me to study and study and study before I get it. The Lord spoke to me one day and said "quality MORE THAN quanitity". I KNEW what he was saying immediately. It's not a contest to who knows the most scriptures...it's a way of life because they word can't be stuck in our heads, it needs to be in our hearts to create a change in our lives. The Bible says we will be transformed when our minds are renewed. It's not our HEAD that needs to be renewed, it's the mind...which is the heart. Whatever we think about ourselves..that place deep within us, that is who will be. If we think struggle, then struggle will be. When we think rich through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, then rich we will be. It's simple, but we have to BELIEVE it, not in word, but in our HEARTS!!! Gotta love it! AliveforJesus, I look forward to your email!
  12. Reading out loud is VERY good, especially when your mind is boggled down with the cares of the world. Like V said, it causes you to HEAR what you are reading and understanding seems to come faster because you can hear words that you may have missed, reading it silently. When I read the Word of God, I don't set out to read a certain amount of chapters or an amount of time. I read until something strikes me. When it hits me, I keep it in my heart and think about it through out the day. The Holy Spirit seems to squeeze whatever nutrients I need out of it for my life at that time. I don't let it go until I have a desire to go back for more. I found that after awhile, I find myself on a search in the Bible for whatever He has revealed to me and I'm learning as I go. It's not easy in the beginning, but things turn around as ministry begins to come through the Holy Spirit. I PM'd you my email address. I'm here for you girly!!!!! Love ya!!!
  13. I will be praying for you throughout the day today my friend because I know where you are. Let me say this to you. Not hearing God's voice during certain seasons is not foreign to most people. We all have those moments. I will say this...you have to get into the Word of God because reading it IS HEARING His voice. He will cause scriptures to pop off the page to you and they will minister to your heart. The Word of God is amazing because it does things inside of you without you knowing it. There have been times when I loathed opening up the Bible because it seemd like just words and nothing was happening, but as I continued, despite how I felt, I developed a LOVE for it. Now I can't put it down. The lonliness you are experiencing will disappear without you even realizing it. You will find a connection with God that will only make sense to you. I will say this as well, because it's happening to me right now. With this connection, your needs will be taken care of out of the blue. I'm not saying that you HAVE TO read the Word in order to receive from God because that is called "trying to earn" from Him and we don't have to do that. Things just manifest because you are seeking the Source and he just does things like that. I haven't worked in over three months and the way my bills are being paid and money is being placed in my hands you would think I had a job...NO LIE!!! I'm all for books...I really am, but I don't think they should EVER take the place of God's word. There are so many people who write things based on their interpretation and it's not necessarily scriptural. You won't know that unless you are in the Word yourself. I love to read books and I read EVERYDAY, but I always balance it with God's Word because it is my priority. Relationship begins when you connect with God through his word...that's my prayer for you. It will be okay, I promise you. Just open up the Bible and begin in Psalms or Proverbs and make your way to the Gospels and the Epistles and learn about your inheritence in the Lord. It will make you happy to know that you are RICH through Christ and your struggles have been nailed to the cross...it's just a matter of you changing your perspective and see yourself and situation the way GOD sees it. Let me know if I can be of more help to you. I am available and will walk this journey with you, if you like!
  14. I agree with Connie. I pray your strength in the Lord so you can continue to stand your ground. Think of it this way...you CANNOT give up because the enemy NEVER gives up. Fight this thing in GOD'S strength...not your own. When you feel the most drained, crawl into the lap of the Lord and allow Him to love on you. He's an awesome God! Still praying for you!
  15. "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." (2 Corinthians 8:9) When you read this scripture we realize that poverty doesn't have to exist in our lives...it does because we think it does. The Bible says..."For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7) If you have a poverty or lack mentality, then that's what you will see in your life. The way you get rid of it is to see it as dead and see yourself as rich through Christ. He became poor so YOU can be rich. It's the same thing with the flesh...we give into it because we see it bigger and stronger than ourselves. The Bible clearly says that our old man was crucified, but the reason why it's hard to control the flesh is because we don't see it crucified. See poverty crucified and see it having NO AFFECT in your life and you will experience the fruit of it. Read scriptures on your righteousness through Christ. We have been given the gift of righteousness which causes us to be heirs to the kingdom of God...thanks to Jesus!!! When you understand this, the blessings are limitless!!!! I can testify to this very thing! I also LOVE to read Luke 12:22-34. It shows me the love and the longing that God has for us to be blessed. It talks about a "raven" being fed. Do you realize that a raven is the lowest of the lowest of birds? If God cares for the lowest bird, how much more does he care and provide for us? The Bible also says that He gives us ALL THINGS richly to enjoy (1Timothy 6:17) Girl, there are countless scriptures to encourage you to believe that poverty is far from you and that God desires to give us his best. Believe His Word and watch it manifest in your life!! It doesn't matter if you have an income or not, God is the source and when you go to HIM, He will cause men to give to your bosom. Peace and blessings to you!
  16. This reminds me of one of the chapters in the book "The Shack". I don't remember it verbatum, but it described colors like this when the main character was talking to God. This book is a fiction novel so it doesn't give any explaination to why he saw the colors. I do agree with kimdelacreme that the midst/smoke may represent the presence of God.
  17. Hi Juan! This sounds awesome! No, I haven't seen anything like this before, but that doesn't man anything. You should pray and ask the Lord to give you more insight into what you are seeing. It sounds like you have a wonderful "seeing" gift. Merry Christmas to you too!!!
  18. God has it already! We will PRAISE Him from here on out!!!!!
  19. Remember this LTWJ...your source is GOD!!! Focus on him and not the Pastor because it's God who causes men (people) to give to our bosom!!!!! He will do it. It doesn't always come the way we think. REST MY FRIEND!!! He has you. Your situation hasn't caught Him off guard because you are an heir to the King of kings! Praying for you!
  21. God simply amazes me...AMAZES ME!!!! He is worthy to be praised V...REALLY!!!! Yes, I remember that PM and God has really shown up as He promised. There is more to come!!!!! Lord we magnify and lift up YOUR Holy name. Your Faithfulness is Truly Amazing!!!!!!!
  22. It's amazing that our news didn't give all of those details here. They showed the picture of the airplaine and said that it was inches away from the water and they said that no one was hurt...THAT'S IT!!! I guess someone famous needed to be on the plane for us to get all of the details. The situation wasn't "Hollywood" enough for them. This is the type of stuff I deal with here in this portion of California that I live in...it's strictly Tabloid stuff that gets all of the airtime. Regardless, I'm praising God for what He has done...what an aweseome miracle!!!
  23. Yes, I briefly heard about that on the news this morning. Praise God for HIS protection!!
  24. I agree with Butterfly. My favorite scripture in this season of my life is Colossians 3:15 in the Amplified Version. And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].
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