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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. You are SO RIGHT Butterfly! I've seen it all around me and it is so sad. Even my own parents who taught me the Word of God from a VERY young age, but my father used to beat my mother and then get in the pulpit on church days and minister the word of God. Hmmm, maybe that's why I'm not married at the tender age of 42....something may be buried in me regarding marriage...or maybe not... Anyway, you touched on some really good points...one being Christians marrying the first person they date just because they are Christians. I think what has happened is we are doing what the world is doing...marrying each other before understanding that we are WHOLE BEINGS THROUGH CHRIST. When we know and understand that, we don't have to be "domineering" over others. Dominance is a form of insecurity...having to flex one's muscles on the outside to compensate the fact that they feel unworthy inwardly. Also, no one wants to go through anything to gain the reward that God promised us that we will receive AFTER we have done His will. The moment there is a trial in the marriage, then everyone is ready to jump ship. What happened to drawing closer in to God TOGETHER and hearing God about the situation so that He can grow us up in the process?? It is so sad!!! There will ALWAYS be times of testing...if a marriage falls apart during the time of testing then something was wrong from the gate - no foundation (sort of like the foolish man building his house on the sand in Matthew). I'm not talking about abuse (physical, mental or emotional), because that should NEVER be tolerated. I'm talking about the day to day challenges that every individual and couples go through. Help us Lord!!! We gotta do betta!!!
  2. Hi Jodi! I have prayed for your husband and IT IS God's will for HIM to be healed. Despite the fact that he may not be serving God right now, you must rest and be at peace and KNOW that God has heard your prayers for your husband's salvation. God sometimes has a way of doing things that we don't know anything about. I'm not counting your husband out...I believe that God may be allowing his health to fail so that when He heals him, he will KNOW that God did it. Hang in there and keep us posted on this miracle!!!
  3. I'm praising God with you girl!!!!!!!
  4. So whats the news? I think you said Monday was decision day, right? Or is it this coming Monday???? Inquiring minds want to know...
  5. Oh I can tell you some testimonies of women that I used to work with who were NOT Christians who wanted to have babies and God led me to pray with them and they BOTH had children...one had twins and the other one had a child and right after giving birth got pregnant with her second. Children are a blessing from the Lord and He desires for us to have them. One of the girls had a "busted" fallopian tube...a bunch of scar tissue and she still was able to have twins...HALLELUJAH!! If God can do that for a person who does NOT serve Him (even to this day and even after He worked a miracle in her life), then how much more will He do that for one of His special children. My advice to you (if you do this) is to take communion and put yourself in rememberance of all that Jesus' body represents for YOU. There is HEALING in taking communion. We sometimes take it lightly, but I've seen some things happen when people "remember" all that was done for them on Calvary. Blessings to you and I want an invite to the baby shower...
  6. I've noticed this as well. I was looking up some information on an individual I was doing a report on and I already had majority of the stuff I needed, but I needed that ONE thing that was different. When I looked it up on Wikipedia, they had dates and information that were ALL WRONG! I later found out that people post things on there based on their own knowledge and based on facts. We ALL need to be VERY careful!! Thanks for reminding and informing us.
  7. There is an OLD song that says "If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles, victory, victory shall be mine"... Desi...I'm so happy for you...the Lord is DEFINATELY worthy of ALL THE PRAISE!!!!
  8. Prayin for you Mia. It's not "Hopefully" that you return with a praise report...YOU WILL return with a praise report because with God before, WHO can be against you??!!!! Good to see you!
  9. WHOA my friend!! You obviously have a ministry that is undeniable. What a beautful message for women across this world. I too would like to print this and give you the well deserved acknowledgements. You may want to get your writings copyrighted...it is God's truth written in poetic form... Glory to God!!!
  10. AMAZING!!! I love hearing testimonies...God is faithful and he cares for EVERYTHING we care about...HALLELUJAH!!!!!
  11. The gospel IS Jesus and Jesus/God IS Love...Like Butterfly said, it's all in the same...the fact that we reach out and share the gospel IS LOVE!!
  12. I like what you said Rnestseekr...it makes a lot of sense. I see it as this...it's up to the individual and where they are to whether they are comfortable with others attempting to interpret their dreams. Originally, when I signed up for this site, I thought that the only people that were "allowed" to interpret dreams were the modererators and maybe that was my wrong assumption. There are many people here who are not moderators who I would trust with my dreams, but there are equally as many and more who I don't trust to interpret my dreams. There is nothing against them as people and I'm not saying that they won't give me an accurate interpretation or that they are not called, but I take what God is saying to me very serious (not saying that whoever does accept others interpretations don't take God seriously). I like what Mia said a while ago...which has changed my mind about sharing my dreams. She said that if God gave us the dream, then He wants us to seek Him for the interpretation. That blessed my heart in a HUGE way...to the point of me not posting my dreams anymore. I've been telling the Lord that I would like to grow more closer to him in my relationship with Him and maybe, just maybe (for me) he is using dreams in my life so I will seek Him and in return, grow in Him as I desire...and honestly, I have... I have always been careful of who speaks into my life...I don't take that lightly because of past experiences and being led down the wrong path. Mainly it was because I took their word as "Bible" instead of seeking God for myself, but now I know better, but still I choose to keep those things that God shows me in visions or dreams to myself unless he leads me to share. Nothing against the site because I like coming here from time to time, however for ME, I'm not comfortable outside of asking a question here or there. I'm all for people practicing their gift because I can name some people who I've seen grow and that's wonderful. :cute: Just for the record...I don't interpret dreams either for the same reasons I've explained. I hope I'm not exiled from the site because of my views, but anyone that knows me knows that I speak what's in my heart.
  13. Happy New year to all my fellow dreamers!!!
  14. Very interesting Connie...thanks for sharing...
  15. Bobbie, cling to the Lord like never before. He's got you in His victorious righteous right hand and will NOT let you fall. On the days where you need encouragement, just let him know and He will sovereignly send it your way...quickly. He loves you and know that His thoughts toward you are GOOD and not of EVIL...You are on your way out of the desert and into the promised land!!!
  16. This was encouraging...thanks for sharing!!
  17. Praise the Lord!!! That is awesome!!!!!!!!
  18. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!! I like what you said "When God steps on a scene there will be a change like no other"...SO TRUE!!!! I rejoice and I'm so grateful to the Lord for giving her the experience that she needed. My prayer is that she walks in the FULLNESS of the Lord. :PTL:
  19. DaughterofGod...I will be praying for your community. We have to trust God with everything in us in this season. We are in this world, but not of this world. As people of God, we have to allow our light to shine more now than ever because outside of God, nothing can be done. I truly believe God is going to use this famine that is in our land for His Glory, but He needs us to be vessels. When people need prayer, we should be praying. When people need help, we should help them. God will move by His Spirit in due season...I know He will
  20. Blessed is the memory of the righteous and may the Holy Spirit bring ALL THINGS back to Joshua's rememberance because HE has the mind of Christ. Don't forget to let us know how well he did...
  21. Enjoy your time alone with God...may you come back refreshed and enlightened...
  22. I was wondering where you were Miss Daph!!!!! As you already know, God is in control and that He supplies your need according to HIS RICHES in Glory by Christ Jesus!!!!! Jesus already took poverty and lack to the cross so just stand and believe and it is already yours...beyond what you can think of or even imagine!!!!!! Your cousin is already healed in the NAME OF JESUS!!!!!!!!! Lymphoma is just a symptom in God and it cannot stay!!!!!! As far as the baby?????? There isn't an emoticon that can express the dance I want to do for you. I am EXTREMELY excited about your new addition...the gifted one!!!! We should have a Cyber-Baby shower...hehehehe!! Don't ask me what that is, but it sounds good, eh?
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