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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Oh wow...I will be praying that if it's not the way you think it will turn out, that God has done enough in your life that you won't allow this one thing to shake your trust in him. He is GOD and He has ways of linking things together for our good. Praying for you during this crucial time...
  2. Praying for you Lindyloo... The one thing that I would say to your son is to not allow the shrines and artifacts that are in that place to make him uncomfortable. Why? Because the REAL power is inside of him and the only thing those items represent are lies and they are powerless. If he enjoys the job, then I would say to stay and allow his light to shine before men of darkness. As Christians, our surroundings won't always be comfortable, but how else will the world and other religions know truth if we aren't around them and in their midst? If he doesn't enjoy his job, then I would say to stay and actively look for something else and leave once another door opens for him. I've noticed that it's easier to find a job when you have one. I will also pray for you regarding the situation on your job because I know how that feels. Praying for God's wisdom for both of you in this hour! Blessings
  3. Look what I found. I saw this and thought about you Miss Jasmine...
  4. So happy for you!!! May the Lord bless and keep your marriage for the rest of your days!!
  5. Fast and pray Sister!!! I mean shut down all outside noises and humble yourself before the Lord. It's been through times of fasting and praying before God regarding my own life that God revealed who I am...where I'm going...and He took me there Himself. I didn't have much to do with it at all. God is always speaking...we just need to be still and listen. I did a total black out where I had no TV, Phone,Internet and food...for a week. I didn't think I could do it, but after the 1st day I began hearing from God and it kept me going. I'm not saying you have to be that radical with your fast because God will honor whatever sacrifice you offer. He desires to show you...give him the opportunity. Praying for you to get the answers you desire. :)
  6. TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A man should ALWAYS pay his own way...and hold him to it.
  7. I agree with Astra 100%. I would like to add some things to what has been said. Spiritually, you have allowed certain dark spirits into your home. YOU, Owen, are the priest of your home. You protect it and you make sure that no outside forces are able to come in. I know that the natural side to this situation is bothering you, but when you allow the homosexual spirit and all other perverse spirits that come with it into your home, you are asking for trouble. I'm asking you to really put aside your "feelings" in this situation and see this thing spiritually. Your brother-in-law has a squatter's mentality. He EXPECTS to be taken care of and that alone is a spirit. You have a child and one on the way. It's time for you to take back control of your house and protect it. You don't show love by enabling...you show love by doing the best thing possible for the individual. You can't help a person who feels entitled to receive from you. Yes, he will be angry and he probably won't speak to the two of you, but he will thank you later. I had to do the same thing for my son. I had to release him to the Lord when he first left for college. He wanted to run crazy by drinking, smoking weed and doing all other types of stuff. I cut off all financial help to him until he figured out what he wanted to do. Did that hurt me? YES!!! I wanted to go and get my baby and bring him back home into a safe place, but that would only make him worse. I prayed for the Lord to show him "the wall"...which is that thing that everyone has the opportunity to run into in order to wake up. Just like Hannah did to Samuel...I gave him over to the Lord and allowed him to lead and direct him. Three months later, my son had a reality check. Now, he's one year away from graduating with his Nutritional Science degree and moving on to graduate school. He works and goes to school and just finished his business plan to launch his own fittness clothing line. I said all of that to say this...SPIRITUALLY your household is doomed if he stays...just for the simple fact of his lifestyle. SECONDLY...you are not helping him...you are damaging him as a man. In love, let him go and give him over to the Lord. I promise you that God will bring him into purpose. Anything you put into the hands of God, always comes back bigger and better...but you have to do it and trust God through prayer...no matter what the circumstances look like. It's rough, but it works.
  8. By the way...your devotion is to Him. From that, everything else is birthed.
  9. Well it seems as though she's saying a couple of things here. First, we SHOULD take care of ourselves. She just caught me off guard with the word "devotion". The Bible says that you should love your neighbor AS YOURSELF. It's safe to say that if you don't love yourself, it's going to be hard for you to love your neighbor. As far as learning to love God, I think we won't ever truly love God in the way that he deserves because we have human love...which is conditional. There is a scripture that has recently opened my eyes to this topic. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (1 John 4:8-10) The bolded/underlined portion of this verse is saying that God wants us to KNOW HIM. In KNOWING Him, we will know LOVE because HE IS LOVE. He's more interested that we know Him as love than us loving Him. To know Him IS TO Love Him. So what I would say to you is Knowing God is the extreme foundation to loving Him and loving yourself. When you recognize that God makes no mistakes in His creating you and that you are here as an expression of love from Him to this world...it will be hard for you to speak ill of yourself or think badly about yourself. How can you when you KNOW HIM and understand that everything He does is LOVE? Just something to think about.
  10. God is a healer and we will continue to stand for his COMPLETE and TOTAL healing.
  11. I'm not sure what she's saying about "being devoted to self first" The Bible says to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and everything else will be added to you. I think the problem with the world today is that people ARE self seeking and VERY devoted to self. No one cares about anyone else...mostly. So maybe I'm misunderstanding what is being said. Let me know...
  12. Praying for God's PERFECT will to be done in this situation. God is the Judge and Jesus is the Lawyer...the Dynamic Duo!
  13. Yes, but tell her when you are SURE of what you want. If you are sold on what you want then no one will be able to talk you out of it, they disapprove of it. As a parent myself, we are sometimes guilty of wanting what we want for our children and not allow them to walk out their purpose in life. We always want our children to study top fields so they can be somebody...but ministry is being somebody...or whatever you feel your heart is drawing you towards. I will pray in agreement with you that God will make it plain to you to know what you are supposed to do. You are at the age where you should know so you can start heading in that direction. My parents aren't that excited about my ministry quests. I'm walking out what God has called me to do, but they are still trying to get me to finish my degree...but God told me no! Right now they don't acknowledge my journey, but because I locked into it, their disapproval doesn't bother me. When I start impacting nations, they will understand why I went this route. I want you to have the same confidence in whatever God leads you towards. Blessings
  14. By the way...if you stop, think of ALL the people who won't be changed by your scripts. There are people waiting to gain from your writings. Take the focus off of yourself and put it on the millions that one day will be able to engage in your gift.
  15. Ask God to give you hope. He will do it. He will open your eyes to see things that you've never noticed before. You can't be hopeless unless you have already buried your dreams. Hopeless people are dreamless people and that's definately not you. You have a dream to write scripts and that's what you continue dreaming about. If you are finished with this script...write another...then another. Keep going and not let adverse circumstances stop you. If the devil thinks he can stop you at one "no", then he will put people in your way to discourage you. When he finds out that his plan doesn't work anymore...and the only thing it does is keeps you pushing further, he will stop. Courage is just pushing past something that is supposed to stop you. Are you courageous?? YEP! Keep it pushing girly...
  16. Let me say this to you Jasmine. Do some research on some of the top people in the business world. I read where the guy who created Federal Express was turned down 40 times...look where he is now. The cleaning spray "409" isn't called that for no reason...that number represents the amount of times it took for someone to give them a chance. It takes GUTS to keep going not only after 40, but over 400 times. Honestly, I don't know if I have that kind of guts, and I think I have guts galore... During this season, you will have to see every "no" as an opportunity for you to gain courage to keep going. GOd is developing tenacity in you and you won't get it through a "cake walk". It's going to take resistence for you to gain those muscles and get stronger in your stance. You have to believe in what you have and not allow what others say to sway you. If they don't want it, then it's not for them. You keep going until THAT person that God will send to help you further your dream, shows up. Be encouraged... I didn't read what the other comments were prior to mine so if I repeated anything, my apologies...
  17. Ok, thank you! I will speak into her "now" and into her future. God is faithful and a wonderful comforter. Praying or you as well...you are very key in her life right now.
  18. Will definately be praying. Can you share her first name? I like to call people's names out specifically. Only share if you are comfortable.
  19. Still praying...keep us updated please!
  20. It's most likely the spirit of rejection and/or abandonment that causes you to be so sensitive. There is nothing YOU can do but pray in this area(s) and read the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work. Building yourself up in prayer and the Word is a commitment, but it's necessary if you want change. Blessings
  21. Praise the Lord! I thought I responded to this before. Anyway, I did pray...
  22. Oh MJ...definately keeping you and the family in my prayers. That is a rough situation girl! I agree with your Pastor...your family should go back. Not to prove the family wrong, but to go back and receive spirtual food and healing from this horrible situation. Never let people or situations move you out of where you feel God has called you to. I see this as the enemy trying to get you all out of place. Your Pastor should probably sit down with the family...or those who are causing the trouble within the family. If sheep are hurting other sheep, it's up to the Shephered to protect. I believe church is the best place for someone with issues like them, but only if they are repentive (is that a word?) and only if they show signs of changing their ways. My response is really about you and your family. I pray that you would look beyond the works of the enemy (because that's who it really is) and remain in purpose. Blessings
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