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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. With the list of things you have HF, be careful you are not trying to do it yourself. YOU can't change yourself...that's the work for the Holy Spirit. Whenever WE try to change ourselves, we will fail and that brings condemnation and before we know it, we are in a cycle going out of control. I think someone already mentioned to put God first. I used to hate it when people told me I HAD TO read in the morning, but I must say, when I begin my day with Him, there was something else that took place inside of me. EIther there was something that caught my attention in the Word and it led me to go back to it during my lunch hour, or I would go over it in my heart and pray about it. Regardless what it was, it was me connecting with God throughout the day and He was able to continue the work in me that I desired for Him to do. It's His Word that is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. It does the work...not us! God sees the things you desire changed, but let Him DRAW YOU! It's difficult to stay when you force yourself in. No one likes someone around them that really doesn't want to be there...if you know what I mean. Don't feel obligated...go because of the relationship you desire to have. I hope that makes sense.
  2. God protects His own. God will change the whole format and blueprint of a company for his children, so watch out girly!!! Praying for you!
  3. Keep moving forward Golden Eagle. I was in the same place you are in. I had to take care of my college son. The door of employment finally opened, at the point of fatigue for me. Someone offered me a position, so please continue. God hears you and has the power to do it.
  4. You are so welcomed...to God be the glory!!!
  5. Well Suzette...first of all WELCOME to the site!!!! Secondly I want to say that there must be something inside of you that believes God exists because you are asking for prayer. I love that and I just wanted you to know that GOD DOES EXIST! He loves you tremendously. God isn't into status, position or popularity...He's looking for people who have a heart towards Him. So to answer your question, no, God isn't looking for a person with special talents...He's look for a heart and a person who is yielded and who will give Him permission to do some magnificent things in their lives for HIS GLORY! Please do not allow peoples actions (Christians) to define who God is to you. Remember, people are people and we all have faults and shortcomings, yet it doesn't separate us for God's Love (Romans 8). Right now, the enemy has you comparing yourselves with others and that's not a good place to be in because he will ALWAYS blow up and distort their situation over yours to make you think that God is doing more for them than for you. I have asked for guidance so many times and you know what? He's never answered me the same way twice. I think our downfall as humans is that we are looking for the answer in a way that we want the answer and God is trying to get us to yield and let him reveal it to us HIS WAY. If we are NOT in His word (The Bible), many times he will put the answer there. The Bible says in Psalm 119 that His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. SOmetimes he will use preachers to say something that will direct us in the way we need to go or other times he will just speak so tenderly to our hearts. There are a plethora of ways that God directs and guides us...sometimes its through our desires. When this happens, it's always good for you to ask God to confirm it before you step out...to make sure that the desire comes from Him. My encouragment to you is this...God loves you and he hasn't forgotten you and his ears are NOT dull to your prayers. God knows what you are going to say before you say it. I would say for you to relax and let God RE-define who He is to you. Ask Him to do it and just wait for Him to do it in HIS way. He will do it in a way that ONLY Suzette can understand because He knows where you are sweetheart...he really does. What He's looking for is RELATIONSHIP...a love affair with YOU and only YOU!!! Your relationship with Him will be designed especially for the two of you so let him reveal that to you. I'm praying with you that...the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power. (Ephesians 1:17-19) Blessings and Peace to you
  6. You know how I roll. I'm all about getting you to see just how blessed you really are DESPITE the way things look around you. Your life now is NOT your reality. It's the unseen that is YOUR reality....the reality for ALL of God's children. I have HARD sayings...hehehe...but it's because I want the best for you and it's time for you to believe and not be in fear. Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.] (John 14:27 - AMP) Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting (2 Corinthians 4:18 - AMP)
  7. Okay...my usual response is an "eye roll" when I see D post things like this. Soooooo....I will continue with tradition because D KNOWS that God allows these seasons because he has a short memory of how good He's been to him the last time He came thru. HELP HIM JESUS!!
  8. I totally agree with Owen. I do know that discouragement can cause you to become disconnected to "LIFE" Himself and it can cause you to feel dead and non responsive to the spiritual things. This is why the enemy LOVES to come and whisper in our ears that nothing good will ever happen and that we will never get what we need. If he can get us to believe that, then he realizes the first thing we will do is become disappointed and dispondent. When you feel that way, pray in the spirit (your prayer language, if you have one) because you will pray things that your natural mind cannot fathom or interpret. I've had to do that a lot lately, but each time, I would bounce right back. Happy you got your release...just don't wait too long...pray in the spirit!
  9. The Lord is sooooooo good! I rejoice with you Desi!!
  10. Without giving it away...The book brought me to this high and then to only let me down with where the story came from. I hope I make sense because I'm trying to be discreet, just in case someone here hasn't read it.
  11. I loved it Nina. Many people (Christians) had negative things to say about it, but I absolutely loved it. It was out-of-the-box and there was a freedom to it...which I loved. Many were caught up with the characters and they way he described them. I helped me and gave me a sense that God is EVERYBODY. He's awesome and omnipotent, yet we are made in His image and He is a part of us. I was disappointed in the ending, but the book as a whole was wonderful, in my opinion.
  12. Hi Dorthy! If we are ALL as honest as you are right now, we would be able to say we've been or ARE where you are right now. I used to get mad at God for things that didn't turn out the way I thought, but as I learn about God in His Word, I found out that God loves us and His thoughts towards us ARE GOOD! I also found out through my own life that there are things that I WANT versus what God wants. There is a proverb that comes to mind (don't know the chapter or verse right now), but it says...many are the plans of the righteous, but it's the Lord who determines his steps. Trust me Dorothy...although it "seems" as if those people got away with something, you have to know that God is in control. Lies never go without being exposed. It may not have happened when you wanted it to happen, but I can guarantee you that this isn't the last you will hear of the situation. As far as the house is concerned...God has something better. I know that may not minister to your heart right now, but if God didn't maintain it for you...He's trying to get it out of your hands so He can place something else in your hands. Please, Please, Please don't blame God for what has happened. This is a dark moment in time for you and as soon as the light of God shines on this situation, you will see why these things were "allowed" in the manner that they were. Years ago, I bought my favorite car. I loved that car and I stood on the Word of God and really thought I heard God tell me to go get it. I went to the car lot and financed the car and drove off in my brand new Nissan Maxima. Ohhhh I was praising the Lord everyday as I drove around in luxury. Then the company I worked for folded. My faith was still strong because I confessed the Word of God and said that God would help me maintain the car payment because afterall, He blessed me with it. A month later, they took my car. I was devastated, and like you, I blamed God for not taking care of me. I had no clue that God was trying to make room, not only for one car, but two cars. Not only are they luxury cars, but they are top of the line cars. Yes, I own two very nice cars...and guess what? They are both paid off and were given to me BRAND NEW! I could have stayed in that frame of mind when I lost that car, but it took me some time to learn the character of God and relax in his love. Once I did, He was able to do what he had intended to do before. He even set up a situation where there was a class action suit for Nissan, around that time, and anyone who had a car repossessed during that time, was forgiven of the amount and had the debt removed from their credit report...that included me Dorothy...don't be mad at God. His ways are HIGHER than our ways. It seems, sometimes, that we are getting the short end of the stick, but trust me, it works together for OUR good. It doesn't happen right away most times, but God is faithful and has His own sovereign ways of doing things. Be blessed and I'm praying for you... CONTINUE IN HIS WORD!!!!!
  13. Do you rent or is this a place you own? If you rent, you shouldn't have to pay...that's a landlord issue, right? Nonetheless, I will pray. God is apparently up to something.
  14. Yes, I just read this on Yahoo. My son lives right around the corner from where it happened and he said its chaos around there today. So much prayer is needed right now.
  15. Lots of LONG Hours Gissy! It's great to be working again. Thank you for asking!!!
  16. Good for you MJ!! You have to try EVERY WORD by the Word of God. We love our Pastors however there are times when they miss it. They aren't doing it deliberately...sometimes it's just that they take things that they have learned over the years and just teach on it. We must pray for our leaders. I'm proud of you for checking this out for yourself. I pray more people would follow your lead.
  17. Oh Myyyyyyy.... Praying for you and all that are involved with this.
  18. So D knows that I don't like a lot of attention drawn to me, so because it's my birthday and I LOVE to get older each year... LETS PARTY!!!!! Thanks D Thank you MJ... I appreciate it.
  19. His attorney may be the town judge, but Your God is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You WILL prevail my friend...YOU WILL PREVAIL! This is a weapon that has been formed against you, but it will not and cannot prosper. His tongue has risen up against you, but because your heritage is in Christ, you will condemn it...prove him to be in the wrong. Praying and praising with you...JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!!
  20. Remain steadfast Deborah. Several months ago, the Lord gave me my purpose...the reason why I am here on this earth. He couldn't have told me any sooner because if he had, I would have walked away...that's how BIG it is. He wants you to know your purpose...sometimes he will show you in pieces and sometimes he will just "whip" it on you. He was showing me in pieces, but i didn't know it. It began with the things that made me angry and that i wanted to change. I thought it was just me being opinionated and having compassion, but it was a part of what He called me to do and change. Be encouraged...you may already have some pieces to the puzzle already...continue to seek Him because He is a rewarder.
  21. I just want you all to know...and I don't think Latoya would mind me saying this...HE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Sooooooooooooooooo happy for you D. You deserve it.
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