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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wow.. looks like someone spending lot last this month.. waiting for next month, haha.. btw all nice cars la bro!!
  2. nice!! mr py sure a great person..
  3. jhc7598

    Audi R8 - Gold

    paint only already made this looks awesome!!
  4. a thousand miles journey start with a small single step, keep up the good works bro!!
  5. wow.. nice.. looks like i'm gonna update my Police EvoX garage,
  6. omg, really?? now even the reg th havent got rubber.. if this are true, looks like dream garage become rare la after this, become like TH also laa...
  7. yup.. looks like mr sinclair made a right decision.. huhu thanks!!
  8. oh no.. looks like mr admin not gonna be at jb this week..
  9. y got spaces between those names? there some ppl i rarely seen, huhu..
  10. same with me, huhu~~ @ADVedder : no need to buy extra la, just release them from their cages,
  11. nice.. i'd been there last sunday.. got 2 of that evoX.. new TL GTR black already got there or not??
  12. You already have it? i also want it!!
  13. wow.. nice cars mr netmatrix!!
  14. nice super!! congrats bro..
  15. wow.. this one really really great hauls!! congrats bro..
  16. thanks bro sinclair for getting me some last week.. love it.. and also thanks for the trade..
  17. wow.. cool one.. i wish mattel will produce this in either HW @ MB..
  18. wow.. looks very nice indeed.. great work bro!!
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