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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Thank you everyone!! God is good
  2. This was going to be my response to you...FOLLOW PEACE!! One of the things I've conditioned myself to do now (in most cases) is to sit quietly and find where the peace is. One of my favorite scriptures is found in Colossians 3:15...in the Amplified Version: And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. In this dispensation of Grace, God isn't always leading in a voice, but He's leading us through peace. Once you get still, focus in where the peace is. You will find your answer. Make this a practice in your life...you won't go wrong. Even if you can't figure it out, God is still faithful to confirm. Praying for you!!
  3. Praise the LORD!!!! On November 27, 2011, my Pastor gave me a word that said in 2012, my feet will touch foreign soil and that this would be a year of "Itinerary" for me. He said that people will be inviting me to their country to minister prophetically. He saw me ministering with Prophetic Teams. A couple of weekends ago, I was invited to a prophetic meeting where a Prophet that pulled the prayer ministry out of me (over 15 years ago), was going to be. I just wanted to go and see him and thank him for allowing God to show Him what was inside of me. Well the meeting was good, but what was extra special was that when we went to the suite where one of my former minister friends was staying, the Prophet came down to visit. There were several of us in the room and he was still pouring wisdom into us, as he was doing in the meeting earlier. All of a sudden he began to choose certain one of us and told us to stand in front of him and give him the word of the Lord. We all were caught off guard, but I was secretly ready because I had already seen something in the spirit regarding him earlier that day. When he stood me up in front of him and told him what i saw and then the Words began to flow. He was so taken back and then shared confirmation to the Word I gave. We all began to talk a little bit longer and then he mentioned that we all need to go to Guyana (where he's from). I had NO DESIRE to go to Guyana, so I just wrote it off. All of a sudden, the word my Pastor gave to me came back to my rememberance and I just sat there in shock. Then the Prophet said, "I see all of you as a Prophetic Team". When he said "prophetic team", I knew that I was smack dead in the middle of purpose. He pointed at me and said that I had fire in my belly that needed to be released...YEP, I do! So before I left there, I knew that my first trip out of this country would be in July of this year. God is faithful and he will do things for you effortlessly...even when you're not paying attention. To God be the Glory!!!
  4. You are preaching to the choir girl. My mother isn't the best of mother's either, but I've had to pray for the REAL mother in her to come forth...in many ways, I'm still waiting. I know it's easier said than done, especially since you are in the situation, but God sees you and is in the situation more than it seems. Will continue to pray.
  5. Hey Princess!! Good to see you! The same pain you are experiencing is what your mother is experiencing. The only difference is, she's oozing her pain all of you and your son. The only thing you can do is pray for her and what she's going through. Your dad was your dad, but your dad was her mate...husband...who she was ONE WITH! I once heard someone say that when you have been one with someone (a spouse) and there is a divorce or a death, it's like a limb being torn from your body...which is very painful. I once had a dog (not comparing your mom with a dog at all) and he was the sweetest puppy ever!! He injured his leg and anytime you got near him, he GROWLED and tried to bite your hand off. How he was acting wasn't in his heart, but it was because of him guarding the leg and not wanting anyone to get near his pain. We all do the same thing. When we are heavy ladened and haven't taken our pain to the Lord, we are short with people and have no patience with them. I'm not giving your mother a pass regarding how she's treating you, just wanted to give you another perspective of what she's going through. Just pray behind the scenes for her and ask God for your REAL mother back. He's faithful to do it!!
  6. Well, I honestly believe that she's showing you that she's truly not your friend. Once it moved to the "gossip" level and condemning you for making a just decision to distance yourself, then she did the damage to the friendship...not you. The one thing that I've learned (the hard way) is that most friendships are only for a season. There are those relationships where friends are growing together and things are great for years and years, but then there are those times where one is stagnant and the other is thriving and things just don't mesh. The Bible says "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" (Amos 3:3) When the Holy Spirit starts to do a work in your life, that's when you feel the draw to step away from certain relationships Whether you reach out to her or not is between you and God. I'm not really sure it will matter since she's taken this so seriously to the point of defaming your name. The scripture I hear for you is: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:10-12) Ask God to give you peace regarding this situation. I think you are more hurt by what she has done to you than your decision to walk away from the relationship. I admonish you to forgive her and REJOICE, because your reward is at hand.
  7. I'm praying that you come OFF of the medication and that God completely heals you from whatever it is that you need it for. He purchased your health with his Blood and stripes so therefore YOU ARE HEALED! Praying for you Delightful...glad to see you.
  8. Our pets are like our children. Grief is inevitable in a situation like this. Stand in there girl!!
  9. You handled that Just Fine Daph! She's offended because she's full of pride. You can't help that. Like I stated, stay on the side of TRUTH...which you did...ad it will protect you. She may not like it now, but eventually, she will appreciate you. I go back to the example of our children...we discipline them and they don't like it, but when they mature, somehow they seem to come back and say how much they appreciate us for not letting them go astray. STAND GIRL!! God has your back...and so do I. Still praying for this situation!!
  10. Destine, are you seeking advice or are you seeking an interpretation? If it's an interpretation, this should be posted in the other forum for dreams. Let me know and I will move it. Thanks!
  11. Praying for you. I know this is an "interesting" time for you, but God is faithful. Sometimes when we are in the midst of it, it seems heavy and hard to bear, but He's ALWAYS moving and putting things in place. I'm praying for CLEAR direction for you...
  12. Praying for you!!! Find as many identity scriptures as you can and meditate on them. You will be transformed into who you REALLY are as you renew your mind!! The power of the Holy SPirit will go in and correct those areas that need to be corrected. He will remove the labels that others have placed on you, as well as what you've put on yourself. God loves you and wants you BOLD as a LION for HIS GLORY!! Praying for ya!
  13. Amen Daisy!!!!! I'm so happy for you Lionheart...those pow wow's work everytime. Always remember that God knows EVERYTHING and sometimes he allows us to get to places like we were in to draw us to him so he can take care of it. Where we go wrong is we stay away from him and end up trying to do it on our own and we make things worse and we give more ear to the lies of the enemy. God is sooo good, faithful and loving!!
  14. Thank you EVERYONE!!! The prayers have worked. My BFF has finally seen the light and he told this woman that there is not future with them. He's realized that there is better for him. I can just scream right now... To God be the GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Praying for you...obedience is not always easy, but it's worth it in the long run. I agree with both Connie and Daisy...
  16. Praying for Cloe Connie...God cares for ALL of his creation!!!
  17. I can be touched by what you are going through Daisy. I'm praying for you!!
  18. Praying for you John...right now!!!!
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