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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Christa...back in the day (19 and 20 yrs old), I was notorious for not paying my tickets. I had bench warrants all over the place. After I came to the Lord, I knew I couldn't have anything outstanding so walked into the court with "goodness and mercy" on each side of me and went before the judge. Not only did he throw out all of the tickets, I only had to pay a minimal amount to reinstate my drivers license. I haven't had a driving ticket since then.
  2. Unaday...you are right in line with my study for this week. The Lord spoke to me about what we are REALLY saying when we say "in the Name of Jesus" at the end of our prayers. We are not taking those words serious enough! WOW! Thank you for sharing and allowing the Lord to use you to confirm that I'm studying what I'm supposed to be studying.
  3. Cholette

    For a Miracle

    Praying for you MB!!!! Just remember...you are IN CHRIST...an heir...and everything He has, so do you. "...because as He is, so are we in this world". (1 John 4:17) I'm awaiting a post from you in the "testimony" forum...
  4. TF...you remind me of David. After the death of his child that he had with Bathsheba...he went to the temple and worshipped the Lord. God ended up giving him MORE than what He lost. God spoke to me as the new year was coming in and said that he was going to begin restoring things in the lives of His people...He is waiting for us to trust him. When God restores, it comes back over and above what you lost. I'm standing in the gap for you and your wife..."In ALL THINGS give thanks for THIS is the will of God concerning YOU"... Blessings!
  5. Hi Traveller, Your question... I guess i'm more struggling with the fact who causes some of these events in the first place? Meaning:if sickness comes from God, we can't tell it to go in the name of Jesus as it then already comes from Him. But if it comes from the devil, we can tell it to go in the name of Jesus. So where does deliverance ministry come into all this? You are right, sickness does NOT come from God, it comes from the spirit of infirmity (the source is the devil)...however, it also comes from us not doing what we are supposed to do to take care of our bodies...BUT, we have been redeemed/delivered from all of this already. The way of escape that 1 Cor 10:13 talks about is Jesus...HE is our way of escape. We already have been given EVERYTHING to live this life, but it comes through the knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 1:3) It amazes me what is going on in the pulpits these days. I know it's because people just don't truly know Truth, but we have to get it together in the Body of Christ. We have gotten away from JESUS!!! We have forgotten that He sacrificed His life so that we can have the ABUNDANT LIFE!! It's the devil that comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). I do agree that trials and testing are allowed by God because He uses them to strengthen us. He holds the "control" button to how long and how much pressure is applied. God doesn't CAUSE these things because He is HOLY! God doesn't tempt us (James 1:13) I'm happy for you Traveller because you were uncomfortable with what was being taught. This is why the Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved. Everything that we are being taught from the pulpit should be in line with the Word of God. "Remind [the people] of these facts and [solemnly] charge them in the presence of the Lord to avoid petty controversy over words, which does no good but upsets and undermines the faith of the hearers. Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth. (2 Tim 2:14-15 AMP) As far as Deliverance Minstry? I don't know too much about them so I can't speak to where they fit into all of this. What I do know is that we have already been delivered...we just need to know what the Word of God says about who we are through Jesus Christ. We need to know what is in our inheritence and the power that we have because of Jesus Christ. We are HEIRS!!!! If we were natural heirs...meaning if our rich brother left us an inheiritence...we would be studying the will from the beginning to the end so we can make sure we receive ALL that was left to us. This is what we need to be doing with the Word of God. It is the WILL of Jesus Christ. He left us a whole lot of "stuff"...we just need to be aware of what was left behind so we can receive ALL that is ours. No one should be able to come and tell us whats in the will...we have to know for ourselves...and to top it off, He left us a Helper/Teacher...to lead us into the Truth of the Will. Blessings to you
  6. My heart aches over this...TRULY ACHES! To make matters worse (and I'm not going to name drop here), but a well known television "Christian person" said that the reason why Haiti experienced this tragedy is because they made a pact with the devil way back, when they were trying to get the French people off of their land. All I want to say is...LORD, HELP OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN HAITI and for this "Christian person" HAVE MERCY!!
  7. Amen ladies. This should be encouraging because if he cares for something as "small" as a showerhead...how much more for things like finances and employment for those who are believing Him for that?
  8. This may seem insignificant to most, but I decided to share this because I wanted to show that God cares about those little desires we have as well. I love taking showers and baths...that's just my thing! To me, the flow of the water that comes out of the shower head has to be at the right pressure and flow or I'm not happy (I'm serious about this). Well, I moved in with my mother several months ago and her shower heads are a little outdated. The flow of the water doesn't come out at the right pressure and it drove me bananas!!! Over the months I had to get used to it awaiting for her promise to get all of her shower heads replaced. A couple of weekends ago, I was out of town and stayed in a really nice hotel. The shower head was pure heaven to me...the pressure was just right. I remember looking up at the ceiling with crossed eyes and saying to the Lord "now THIS is the perfect shower head Lord". That was all to it. Yesterday, when I came home from school, the guys from The Home Depot were here, changing all of the shower heads. When I got in the shower this morning, guess what? The same exact shower head that was in the hotel room was in my shower! Yep!!!!!! Not just that, but the other three bathrooms didn't get the same showerhead...just mine. Let the Church say...AMEN! See???? He cares about the little things...
  9. I know this idea was a gift from God! He has helped us every step of the way! We need a Miracle now to continue to move forward. I learned this a long time ago...when you are in God's Vision then there is PROVISION. You said it yourself, God has helped you every step of the way...and guess what...He's NOT going to stop now!!!! Praying for you!!! Congratulations!!!
  10. Steady, I want to encourage you with this. All that you are going through has already been placed on the body of Jesus Christ when he went to the cross. This is illness and discomfort that you are experiencing does NOT belong to you anymore. Divine health was given to you the moment Jesus became your Savior...it's time to receive it my sister...IT'S TIME! Look to the Lord and say, "because you bore my sicknesses and diseases, I no longer need to suffer. I receive what you purchased for me and I command my body to line up to the Word of God". SEE YOURSELF WHOLE and walking around with a perfectly healed back. See yourself running on the treadmill and all the things you have not been able to do because of this situation. The devil has trespassed on the temple of the Holy Spirit and YOU must look to Jesus and take back your body and BE HEALED!!!!!! Look to Jesus!!! He is YOUR faith...it's not your faith that will get the job done, it's JESUS!!! Keep your eyes on HIM and all that He's done for you and just as Peter walked on the water while His eyes were on Jesus, so will you. God loves you and it hurts him to see you in such excruciating pain. The same way a parent grieves in their heart when they see their child suffering with an illness, God's grief is much more than that. He's done all that He's going to do...He sent Jesus! Grab ahold to this...It's a FINISHED WORK!!!!! Praying for you!!!! The devil is a liar!!!!!! No weapon that is forged against you will prosper!!
  11. Thank you girl! It's not belated...I'm still partying!!! You are right on time!!!
  12. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy and proud of you! You can through a ROUGH season and God is proving himself to be faithful to you. Bless the Lord!!!!
  13. God KNOWS how to encourage us, doesn't He? He's a faithful God!
  14. I did too. Why did you title your post "this is my life"?
  15. Praise the Lord Kim!!! That is so awesome. It's a beautiful thing to see our children walk in their purpose. May the name of the Lord continue to be glorified in his life!
  16. Yikes!!!! I will lift this up in prayer tonight!
  17. The scriptures I heard while reading this are "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27) AND “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? " (Jeremiah 32:27) Be of good cheer Hindsfeet...the Lord is with you and my prayer is for HIS DIVINE FAVOR in your lives.
  18. WOW...we praise God for his eyes being opened. I believe that the same way his natural eyes opened, his spiritual eyes will do the same. Father God, we thank you and praise you for Larry's progress...we count it ALL joy!!!!
  19. Oh my!!! We sing that song too, but we sing it with the correct words. You NEVER want God to arise FROM His rest...Stay in Your rest Lord...PLEASE!!!! It pays to listen to the actual song, but I know with Praise and Worship songs, it's easy to do because you normally don't listen to the actual artist!!! Aren't you happy God loves us anyway? LOL!
  20. I agree with Rnestseekr said about surrendering daily!!!! How I do it and did it in the areas I struggle(ed) with, whenever I gave it to the Lord and I found myself thinking and worrying about it again, I just gave it to Him again. We are not going to be perfect...and God doesn't expect us to be. All of these things we struggle with is of the flesh and we have to understand that our old man was nailed to the cross. For me, I realized after searching and searching about why I kept giving into the flesh was that I felt like my flesh was strong. When I studied Romans 6,7 and 8 over and over again, the lightbulb came on and I understood that the power that is in me to deny my flesh was actually stronger than my flesh. I gave life to my flesh by the way I thought...thinking that it was stronger and bigger than the Power that was given to me. When I changed the way I thought, I was able to stand up against the cravings of my flesh and by golly it obeyed. The Bible says "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7) My flesh was stronger because that's what I thought in my heart, but the moment I changed the way I saw my flesh and realized the power inside of me was stronger, everything changed for me. I have used this illumination in so many areas in my life and have seen the victory. Like Rnestseekr said, we don't know why God delivers people from certain things right away and others have to walk through a "process". I'm not sure it has anything to do with faith because I've seen new Christians give their life to the Lord and immediately be delivered. I sometimes think that it may have to do with ministry in an area. I would seek the Lord in these areas...maybe you have a call to minister out of your affliction(s). I hope I was clear and didn't confuse you more...
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