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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. This was T-Shirt was featured on the news this morning letting people know that the prayer is not really a prayer, but a curse.
  2. I've seen God move THREE TIMES through prayer for UNBELIEVERS!! One was a diabetic and was told she would NEVER have children. We prayed and God blessed her to conceive a few months later...after she had her son, she immediately became pregnant with her daughter. Another girl had scar tissue in her tubes and God not only blessed her with one, but TWO...yes, she had twins. Another girl just didn't get pregant...no known medical issues and God it for her. All of these girl were unbelievers, but after seeing the Glory of God move in their lives, two out of the three are now believers. I KNOW what God can do and it has nothing to do with age Dani, sperm or "low ovarian reserve". It's a desire that you have and I trust it's from the Lord. Relax and leave it to the Lord. One more testimony (can you tell I'm excited? LOL), there is a pastor I listen to on TV and he had several couples in his church that were having problems conceiving. All of them were under the care of doctors. The Lord laid it on his heart to have a meeting with these couples. Many of them were discouraged because they were doing everything by the book and NOTHING was happening. The Pastor told the people that they just needed to relax and enjoy the "act" and enjoy each other and God would get involved. They obeyed and EVERY LAST ONE OF THE COUPLES conceived! To God be the Glory!!!! GOD CAN DO IT!!!! Praying for you!!! Be encouraged!
  3. Dani, you may not have been saved, but sweety, someone was praying for you. Jesus sits on the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf. God knew you would come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and make Him your Savior...HE was praying for you. I'm glad the enemy's plot and plan did NOT work...HE'S A LIAR!!!!!!
  4. Praise God girl!!! I've seen it happen time and time again...God turning something that "appears" so negative into something that brings glory to his name and provides for his children. I'm rejoicing with you that you were able to get out of the car and that your children weren't in the car with you!!!!!! I had a friend that was behind on her rent and needed money to pay her upcoming rent. We were at Bible Study one night and as we were pulling out of the parking lot and headed to the light on the corner, this truck rear ended her. To make a long story short, the amount of money that the insurance company paid her was enough for BOTH rent months!!! Not to mention that her car wasn't really damaged...hehehe...go figure THAT one out!! Go get your car girl!! The Lord is good! You may be able to pocket that money you were talking about that was going to help you purchase your car in the near future.
  5. Prayed for her with the prayer team tonight!!! The spirit of infirmity has NO POWER!! It was stripped of it when Jesus took back the keys to the kingdom...we stand in the authority that Christ gave to us and not accept any symptom that is on Emily...she is healed from the top of her head to the soles of her feet in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!
  6. You have wisdom Linda...just trust it. The thing that I see is that you have to be a woman of your word. You advertised "Come rain or shine"...you have to hold to that. You said... I do know that God of course can make the rain go away and the sun come out.....but i do not know if that is what God will do or not Um...do you trust Him or not? The awesome thing about the Lord is, He has a knack of making things happen despite the circumstances. God can allow it to rain and the people STILL come out. God can make the weather be really nice and it all work out fine...HE IS GOD!!!! I say...GO FORTH IN FAITH AND LET GOD BE GOD!!!!!
  7. I'm feeling where you are LTWJ! I'm in that same season right now. People I've known for over 20 years have started to turn a little strange on me. Jealousy plays a huge part in it, but sometimes we out grow people. It's now a put down for them, but there are times when we go through a growth spurt and people see it before we see it and we wonder why they are acting strange against us. Someone recently told me that there are seasons where we have to walk alone. There's nothing wrong with that, but these are the seasons where God wants us to only listen to his voice. I think I'm there. I have someone I am very close to now that God sent to help me through this, but as far as the old timer friends, things have changed and my going out and having fun days are coming to an end. Just continue to praise the Lord during this time and when you come out of this, God ALWAYS restores back to us what we had to give up for his sake. He's awesome!!!!!
  8. Hi Ann... I'm not sure I understand what you are saying so if you can elaborate that would be wonderful. You said... Very few can fulfill any sort of calling if they married.., unless they truly have a supportive wife or husband. Not many out there!!! Hmmm...that seems pretty short sighted so I'm thought I would ask to make sure I read the underlined/bold statement in it's proper context. I have a prophetic mantle on my life that is developing and I know FOR SURE I'm getting married. However I do understand where you are coming from when you said that, but as MB stated, I'm not sure if God would put the prophet over the teacher and vice versa. Anyway, I don't want you to feel like we are coming down on you...I just want to know where your thoughts are...
  9. Love you Christa...I understand girl...TRUST ME!!
  10. How fun...I am interested as long as it's at the right time. I'm Pacific Standard Time.
  11. "Botta Botta Bing"...LOL!!! Yes, I was going to tell you to move forward with what you are doing. The enemy LOVES to throw a wrench, Linda, to make it about how WE feel, but the beautiful thing about the Lord is HE SEES OUR HEART AND NOT OUR FLESH!!! He already told us that in our flesh dwells NO GOOD THING. Thank God that He doesn't "treat" us by how we do things in our flesh, but by the motive we had to do it. God sees your MOTIVE...the MOTIVE you had when you accepted the call. It's the devil that tried to pervert this thing to be about you. God sees the your heart girl. Rain or shine, God will be glorified!!!!
  12. MB...MB...MB!!!!!!! You are flowing my friend. I just posted this almost identical lesson on a blog that I created for unmarried women. You even went into part of my next blog. Man...you are ON IT!!!! Thank you for sharing this!!!!
  13. Oh my!!! I will pray!!! Expect God to move because once you pray Diamond, God hears you. We walk by faith and NOT by sight! God WILL restore your marriage in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!
  14. Blossom...the way I understand it is that you pray, curse it from the root and then you stand believing that it is over. God honors our prayers of faith. It's the enemy's job to make you think or question that it isn't done, when it actually is. In God, when you pray, it's done!!! You must walk like it and talk like it and move on with your life. Satan will come to your mind reminding you of some things, but he's a liar and you need to tell him that and move foward!!!! Blessings to you...I have said a prayer over you my friend...GOD LOVES YOU!!!!
  15. Are you serious? WOW!!!! I pray for him, his family, Congress and all the other officials. I will be going into warfare now because there are probably people praying that scripture and not understanding it's context. SWEET JESUS!!!!
  16. Now that's what you call "uncommon favor"...thank you Lord!!!!
  17. V...that's what I'm saying. You didn't feel pressured, but the Holy Spirit had the opportunity to deal with you inwardly and that caused you to do what needed to be done with your life. Money is a HUGE topic in the church...HUGE!!! When the people are told over and over and over again that they won't be blessed if they don't do this and don't do that...it causes condemnation. Condemnation KILLS...it causes people to run away from God instead of running towards Him. They run away because of feeling ashamed. Pastors should just teach what the Bible says and move on. It's the HOLY SPIRIT'S duty to correct and to straighten us out...the same way He did you...he took the desire away. Do you/we feel pressured when asked to do something you/we don't want to do or do something you/we want to do? When a person, including myself, is NOT in a place to understand certain things and have NOT been dealt with by the Holy Spirit to do certain things...it WON'T happen. Each person is in their own place in God. When the Pastor teaches, it's the Holy Spirit's job to take that Word that has been spoken and inspired by HIM and take it to the areas in the individuals and mature them. We can't determine where a person should be or what they SHOULD BE doing...that's God's job. When we start looking at people and saying they should be doing this and doing that or else...then we have puffed ourselves up to be something we were never intended to be. Of course, this is just my opinion. I think each person should be in the Word of God for themselves. There is a way to be humbled and submitted to authority without being controlled are feel drawn to do EVERY single thing the pulpit commands us to do. How else would we be able to follow leadership as they follow Christ if we don't know what Christ has done?
  18. Virtuous, I think it's always a "hair-raiser" because there are so many churches who put SO MUCH emphasis on it to scare people into obedience. I think people would tithe and give when they are not pressured. The moment my pastor stopped pressuring, the tithes and offerings accelerated. When the pulpit takes their focus off of money and TEACH the people, then it gives the Holy Spirit the opporutnity to deal with people accordingly....
  19. Why JBS?????? Why do something and there is no peace? You can't keep peace in the family when they aren't seeking the "Peacemaker". That family is toxic to you and your children...I will just be real with you. God isn't giving you peace because it's the wrong thing for you to do. Oh well...praying for you.
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